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Blog Comments posted by schmidtj

    [PSA] Sprint Soft Launches VoLTE


    Is Sprint limiting which iPhone models can use VoLTE?
    The reason I ask is my wife's iPhone 6s at iOS 12.1.1 does not support VoLTE
    but my iPhone XS-Max does.
    The only option for her in Settings->Cellular->LTE is On/Off.
    Is this intentional on the part of Sprint at this time?
    I'm in the Chicago Market.
    Everything on the Apple support site says iPhone 6s does have the capability
    of doing VoLTE.
    For testing here phone I turned off WiFi on her device and the Magic Box is also Off.
    As soon as I initiate a call from her Phone the LTE indicator in the Status Bar goes off
    on my phone it stays on.
    In Settings->General>About->Network hers shows Sprint 35.0
    Any insight appreciated.


  1. On 9/13/2018 at 2:10 AM, imex99 said:

    I’m more than happy to send you a new model once they are available. We are expecting a late November launch for the Gen 3 device!






    My current MB performance is very poor. Will the new one improve this? If yes I would like to swap it out if possible.

    It's currently on Band 25 but occasionally I'll see it on Band 41 with an RSRP of -119 and CINR or 3.0 or less.
    The Download/Upload speeds are about the same on 41 as on 25 fwiw.

    See Attached.



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