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Posts posted by Txmtx

  1. See it is possible, I see it everyday what leaving the facebook app open can do to your battery life. I can be home on WiFi with 5 signal bars and with the facebook app open and within an hour starting from 100% I will be down to the low 90's-high 80's, if it is closed however I can sit on 100% for several hours and even with slight use after an hour or two I will be in the mid-90's.

    Thank god Xanadu finally listened to someone. I'm sure he's a fine developer but he seems to think the CPU being unscheduled = no battery drain... Radio and GPS is the biggest offenders so if it is doing anything with those for any length of time you may notice it, especially on 3G. FB in particular, I wear tinfoil time to time, and I don't think anything good is being done while my phone heats up and it tracks my location.


    Even worse, Facebook, FB messenger, and The Chive app (yeah, idk) I have personally witnessed behave like Skype and not only persist after closing (except Skype doesn't drain my battery) from the app tray -- as in, it comes back, they all do -- they also start themselves on reboot or respring. Of course, I'd assume a dev could see these activities but idk. I'm just a prolific jailbreaker and watch my running tasklist at a much deeper level than just the tray.


    However if you have Background Manager installed on a JB phone you can force it to de-persist after being killed, and disable the autostart and auto-restart. I also killed their access to GPS (the normal way, in Privacy). Since FB is such a piggy app, I usually disable backgrounding unless I manually toggle it on for that session.




    F-- Facebook. And apple not booting them out if the App Store ought to tell you something. (Something that leads straight to Room 641A and the like.)

  2. ATT doesn't want to kill ATT just to push it to expand farther, faster, and offer service cheaper. If Google simply wanted to provide cheap Internet for everyone, it would start places where there's only DSL.
    Yes. Google is toppling the monopolies and restoring the beauty of competition in a free(ish) market.



    640k ram should be enough for anyone.These are not the droids you are looking for. Move along.For what its worth my buddy son in law in KC just got Google Fiber and only got 980M/sec on a download.
  3. 5 times to send one text.

    Ouch. Yeah, take that as a good sign. That's what it looked like last year when they were beginning deployment of some NV gear and LTE in Houston. That subsided in a few weeks for me... but i was on an LTE device, an iPhone 5, so idk if it was resolved at the same time for 3G-bound users -- probably not; I still experienced call issues for a while, whereas iMessage and most contacts having iPhones may have masked SMS issues for me, plus my JB message app auto-retries. Either way with their newfound funding they don't have to go slow so, tl;dr you're almost out of the woods.

  4. Uverse isn't adequate for web browsing in my area because its always going in and out and I have gotten a new modem, it's the same thing and the sad part is I have a 6 Mbps down plan and my 3G is faster and more reliable then my uverse. But I do offload to wifi when it's working.


    Anyways does anyone know when 800 SMR will be deployed in Houston?

    Try connecting to it via ethernet cable for a few days. We are seeing more and more that the 2.4GHz spectrum is so noisy that a lot of equipment is experiencing poor performance, which is typically just described as "spotty Internet" and blamed on AT&T or Comcast or whoever (though they do suck in their own right).


    I'd say 95% of cases of intermittent intolerable slowdowns on home internet I see are due to something related to the 2.4GHz link. 99% in the case of a unshared link like UVerse or DSL. Often proper configuration can fix it. Even more often, 5.8GHz wifi. Almost always, Ethernet.


    I use low power routers with custom firmware and tuned to the spectral landscape of my area so I don't add to the problem, and a high-gain directional antenna. But I'm an RF supergeek.


    Seriously. 2.4GHz is really fubar in most places now.

  5. Is there a way to map using an iPhone 5? I cant seem to find an app to do the same as you Android guys.



    Only way is with Android right now as Apple decided for you that you would have a better experience by not being able to map.

    Is that true? I haven't looked at the Sensorly site beyond noting that there is no iOS version to perform mapping. I had assumed it just hadn't been developed for iOS yet, either for time reasons or because there is not access to all the necessary APIs and whatnot to to perform equivalent mapping. Was it submitted to the App Store and rejected?




    Maybe the tower included the local Sprint DNS server... Idk. If the proxy still tried to... gibberish, something



    No, just people at a store making stuff up.

    No! "Journalists" reporting without verifying something for plausibility? Can they do that?! They have to fact- and sanity-check, right??






    Yeah. It'd take more than one thing to kill both Sprint and roaming on VZW. Unless they meant sprint was down and everyone with a sprint handset was roaming or nothing.



    I googled the story and found KATC had it. They said the store told them a tower was down in Baton Rouge causing the outage. Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up.

    Maybe the tower included the local Sprint DNS server... Idk. If the proxy still tried to... gibberish, something
  8. Chrome opens a process for every tab and plugin. You'll see a trillion chrome.exe's in taskman. The one is frozen but that's it. It's loading. Ffox just has poor handle management for this sort of thing. It's one aspect where Chrome really excels. Others are following suit with multiprocess but Chrome is the extreme case. Downside is, it does populate your taskman with dozens instances.


    Try opening the map in a separate window of Firefox. Idk if this works on your rev but it should invoke an additional process.

    • Like 1
  9. My main issue with the app drawer in iOS (and Android I suppose) is if it is indeed a list of recently used apps, why is it 10 pages long? In my opinion, it should be changed to only list apps that are currently in memory (or were launched in the past 24 hours or something).


    If I launched the CNN app a week ago and then launched another 25-50 apps over the course of a week without launching CNN again, the CNN app is not in memory and it is not a recently launched app. Why then is it clogging up the "recently used apps" drawer?


    Because... It is a historical drawer? It only doubles as a way to kill actual in-memory apps. It's main function was and is a history. Before multitask and on devices that don't do it it works the same way.


    This is why on my jailbroken phone I use a tweak called SwitcherMod that makes the kill-app X always visible, and dims the icon of apps that are historical but not actually in-memory.




    See? Much more useful. Oh, the double rows is a different tweak, not from SwitcherMod.



    Not sure why you quoted MY post, lol. Not my petition. I think (1) yes it makes sense to wait for 7, and that (2) change.org is only a silly thing to make people feel connected to the White House, which cannot ever get anything done even within governmental purview, let alone something like this which is completely outside their abilities. Though, during WWII, I guess they did technically "compel" a few scientists to make the bomb, so it is not entirely without precedent.



    I quoted your post because my first part was meant for you, I forgot to quote the OP in the second part.




    Ah, that makes much more sense! :)



    No shit. Thank you for proving my point. The "why" was in reference to you posting a one-sentence summary of the answer I gave earlier, for no reason, as if you hadn't read the thread. You took the bait and have now proven you indeed had not bothered to read any of the thread.



    I hate people like you in forums.



    I don't really know anything about iOS or how to jailbreak, but it makes sense to just wait for the next release, especially when it's so close.


    As far as the petition I'm still not quite understanding why you would go through Change.org, as far as I'm concerned it has a bigger impact on political or community events. But I wish you luck and hopefully you get what you want.




    Not sure why you quoted MY post, lol. Not my petition. I think (1) yes it makes sense to wait for 7, and that (2) change.org is only a silly thing to make people feel connected to the White House, which cannot ever get anything done even within governmental purview, let alone something like this which is completely outside their abilities. Though, during WWII, I guess they did technically "compel" a few scientists to make the bomb, so it is not entirely without precedent.






    Saving their efforts for iOS 7.

    No shit. Thank you for proving my point. The "why" was in reference to you posting a one-sentence summary of the answer I gave earlier, for no reason, as if you hadn't read the thread. You took the bait and have now proven you indeed had not bothered to read any of the thread.


    I hate people like you in forums.

  13. The victim here in Austin is probably Grande Communications which has built out it's own DOCSIS 3.0 network and competed against TWC and AT&T for over a decade. I have great internet speed (30/3 for around $35/mo) and all cable packages come with a full TIVO box and not some shitcan TWC DVR. They offer speeds up to 110 down to residential customers and have pretty great customer service.


    I hear TWC's response is that they plan to blanket public areas with superfast WIFI for TWC subscribers only.


    That would be interesting. Japan telcos gone mobile carriers have been doing this forever, like SoftBank.


    Pretty sure this is Google's planned response to that: http://xkcd.com/1226/





    Isn't that far away?


    Gigabit is 10 years away from being available in all the metropolitan areas.


    Only a small portion of internet users have any NEED for internet speeds greater than 50mbps.


    Of course in the future this will change.

    The future is now, good sir. :) Do you suppose things like Project Loon, Fiber, Chromebook, etc aren't coordinating at Mountain View HQ? Big things are happening and the incumbent telcos and cable cos are no longer able to slow it.


    Man will set foot on Mars inside 15 years; it's high time we stepped up our terrestrial game.

    • Like 1
  15. most households will have no use for gigabit fiber.


    BS. As everything moves to the cloud, everything you do that normally comes off your HDD will come over fiber. On the extreme end, to match my laptop's performance, I would need a 14Gb down/8Gb up connection, neglecting protocol overhead. Of course this will never be quite the necessary case because there will be judicious use of intelligent tiered local caching, predictive loading, and such. This isn't that far away.

  16. I do wonder, in the data used, especially when roaming, which image size goes towards the count, the pre or the post compressed image? That would be interesting if it was the pre but gave you the post. I really don't like this altering the data downloaded, what if I was wanting the real image, how can they choose it for me? So wrong.


    I have heard of the mifi devices having tethered devices having their images altered before.


    If it happened while you were roaming it will be post. Except this happens on the Sprint end of the network path to you, so unless you were roaming on a network that did similarly, it won't happen roaming.


    My opinion on it is, while it is a little sketchy to my geek tendencies, I also noticed it and knew how to prevent it when required (secure VPN). My work has one, but you can get one for super cheap too. And anything encrypted obviously can't be touched. It's a little like Pandora -- and even Pandora One, the paid version -- defaulting to lower-bitrate audio, unless you go and specifically change it. Most folks may never notice or know they should care.

  17. Well I've never noticed it. My eyes must be bad. Lol

    Then it is working the way they want in your area. You can verify it happens to almost images, or you used to be able to unless they've fixed it, by looking at the alt-text. Also the metadata if you examine the object.


    The amount of compression is variable based on network loading.

  18. Yeah I mean I understand that they do put in a lot of work to do what they do and they do it for free.. Which is surprising so maybe I exaggerated a bit. It's just I've had a jail broken device since 3.x too and to have a iPhone 5 for about 3 months with no jailbreak :( but believe me I do appreciate their work and everything they provide. Im sorry about what I said. I didn't mean to come out as ungrateful or anything, I just miss my jailbreak :/

    If my buddy gives me info on 7 I'll drop a line, but, maybe consider seeking out pawnshops, eBay, etc. Finding one with 6.1.2 isn't that tough... It's just not as easy as grabbing a new one. Then sell yours ;)

  19. Just use the full version of the page. That should make the images full quality.

    No. Sprint dynamically recompresses content ("transparently to the user" to hear them tell it lol) based on loading and other variables. A VPN *can* prevent it but it depends on the configuration. Basically, if Sprint can detect that it is video or image content, it will usually recompress it. AFAIK, this does not happen with audio, and obviously it cannot happen to PNGs and such. There are threads on bypassing the proxy but I never saw anything conclusive across devices, and I don't know where to tweak it on my handset. It is generally not noticeable with images, but if I tether to my retina iPad, it really looks like hell. Streaming video looks like crap pretty often. Sprint doesn't touch actual downloads, so if you have a site which lets you DL the vid or watch it, sometimes the difference is pretty dramatic.


    Other guys do it to some extents, and it is part of the unspoken tradeoff Sprint does to offer unlimited data. Actually, on Verizon or AT&T you'd think, if they had consumers' interests at heart, they would at least have this as an optional network tech for users who select it... Guess they don't care how quickly you pay them for 10GB -- in fact they are financially motivated to want you to use as much as possible! Maybe we'll one day see a scandal where Verizon inflates streaming video with padding to up consumption of users in wealthy areas. ;)

  20. Keep your self calm. We don't need that here.

    Maybe. I definitely felt a bit heated when I wrote that. I mean, you are asking for some pretty crazy stuff, and showing a very dramatic lack of understanding, let alone respect, for the enormous amount of work that *voluntarily* goes into the process. Apple makes a very secure OS. It... just... doesn't *work* the way you think it does, man. It just doesn't.


    So, sorry for getting visibly ticked off. I am extremely reliant on JB tweaks myself, since back in iOS 3.x days, and I go to great lengths to make sure I can do so. But, even before I met musclenerd last fall, I knew that it wasn't "lazy" hackers not putting forth effort. C'mon, man.


    Anyway, to your point, I'll reiterate: iOS 7 will probably be jailbroken, nothing is guaranteed; most of the new features are polished versions of current JB tweaks anyway (Auxo, Zephyr, numerous notification center tweaks like NCSettings), which many themselves are based off the best elements of Android and other OSes. If the theming of iOS 7 doesn't suit you and many others, it is a guarantee you will be able to theme it away shortly after it is jailbroken. And if you want to stay with 6.x, go the extra step to make sure you get a device with 6.1.2 or less on it. Plenty of un-updated devices in the wild.

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