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  • Phones/Devices
    iPhone 5
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    Mars, Pa
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    4G Information

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Member Level: iDEN *chirp*

Member Level: iDEN *chirp* (5/12)



  1. I now get normal LTE coverage, I think it was just simple tower matinence.
  2. I have lost 4g service in my area, I am not picking up a 4g signal where I would usually get 4-5 bars. However, I am picking up 3G in my house and it seems to be working flawlessly. Any reason for why this may be? I think it may be just matinence, but there might be some problems with the towers as well. Feedback would be appreciated.
  3. Just wanted to ask anyone if they have noticed a drop in their 4G speeds, because as of the last week or so I have been sitting at an average of 5 Mbps compared to 11-13 before, sometimes dipping below 2 Mbps. At times 3G will be faster than 4g... Also, my upload speed consistently doubles my download speed, which makes absolutely no sense to me. Any reason for why this is happening?
  4. Speeds at my house are extremely variable.. One minute speeds will be at only 5mbps. The next minute they'll be at 18mbps or even higher. Very inconsistent
  5. Tower at my house has been fixed. I am now getting 4 bars once again, but speeds are not quite as fast as they were before. (Only around 11-13mbps compared to 20+)
  6. The app and website show identical maps. It might just be a mapping bug it something
  7. its not an app, it's on sprint's website, it tells you what towers are getting upgrades or have been upgraded within the last 6 months.. Pretty useful
  8. the tower with the 2 on it.. It's about 1/2 mile from my house
  9. wifi at my house is slower than 3G, so I kinda rely on fast data connection for internet on my phone.
  10. When I drove into my neighborhood (Adams ridge), I realized that there was no 4g once you passed up the Walgreens. I asked sprint why this was and they said that one of the towers was having issues. Wouldn't you know it, the faulty tower was the one that gave me 4g coverage from my house. So with that said, I no longer have a 4g connection from my house, which is a shame, especially because literally 1/4 mile from my house there is 3 bars of solid LTE. Sprint said it could even be a couple months before it is fixed. If I want even 1 puny bar of 4g from my house, I have to sit in my driveway with my phone over my head, and I will hold that connection for a mere 5 seconds before I switch back to 3G; and that's if I'm lucky. Even though I'm psyched that cranberry/ mars finally got 4g, it really sucks that I have to wait even longer for something that most people in my area already have. But, what can I do but be patient and wait.. Just wanted to check in and see if anyone else had this problem as well or if it was just me.
  11. Mars also released LTE today. Speeds there are excellent! I had the signal almost all the way to route 8! Someone should map all this new 4g..
  12. 4-5 bars of LTE at my house with speeds peaking over 25 Mbps! I've been waiting for this day for too long and it's finally here. Way to prove me wrong sprint mad props!
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