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Everything posted by JimPivonka

  1. Lessons learned from my parents and grandparents. Still being taught, still in danger of being neglected. "Rejectin… https://t.co/0KgvkjFq60

  2. Strike! "If you haven't ever been on strike, it's hard to capture or understand just how radical a rupture it is wi… https://t.co/JLFsEnYbJh

  3. https://t.co/cSkdEr6oqL

  4. This sex worker-run site is fighting back against SESTA-FOSTA https://t.co/8TH8FQaUiq

  5. It's Time to End the Long History of Feminism Failing Transgender Women https://t.co/cUKGcrHuDT

  6. https://t.co/F0CW9c4hs9

  7. https://t.co/LnqnccCcIO

  8. Opinion | Fifteen Years Ago, America Destroyed My Country https://t.co/HV0t2P2Rsa

  9. Volcanoes on the High Plains of New Mexico

  10. RT @StormyDaniels: I actually took a screenshot of my favorite troll a couple days ago. I laughed so hard I couldn't even respond. When som…

  11. Library of Congress Reveals Previously Unknown Portrait of Harriet Tubman in New, Digitized Album https://t.co/XwUY0wyal8

  12. "A Kansas prosecutor has asked for help in investigating a retired white police detective accused of preying on... https://t.co/EB8R7M9GCX

  13. The spread of hardened fascism in the US is being ensured by its immigration policy and enforcement. https://t.co/mJ0WZjad3S

  14. The hell that US neoliberalism has made of other countries is reproduced in the hell that Hillary Clinton,... https://t.co/1gTS9ofSI8

  15. This is a purposeful attempt to increase the level of paranoia and violence in American society and to drive... https://t.co/NP9RzQQpvR

  16. They can't stop lying. The American people did not elect this pos. https://t.co/CtVs77B6xY

  17. "Dominionism is the theocratic idea that regardless of theological camp, means, or timetable, God has called... https://t.co/6vwdxNlnZe

  18. Better news from the NYPD than usual. https://t.co/4hRK07vUVI

  19. I slept and dreamt that life was beauty, I woke and found that life was duty.

  20. The US is all but exporting fascism. The Russians are exporting fascism. https://t.co/v2XgqSeBW0

  21. https://t.co/i1UWTruSgd

  22. Holy moley! This is so gorgeous. Watch it, several times. There is stuff here that we've not been able to see... https://t.co/t9MuUzaH2F

  23. https://t.co/ROnYVHc2Gz

  24. https://t.co/NilfYqqmIh

  25. The forgotten conversation. Baldwin & Achebe https://t.co/Vftf06Hm2N

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