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Posts posted by Kinolay


    I'm out in the San Francisco area for the weekend, and I'm getting 1 meg down and 2 megs up on LTE. Are those the kinds of speeds we're expecting after NV is complete? I used to get equivalent speeds on 3G IN some areas before they started tearing up the network.


    If they completed the tower and antennas with no back haul that's exactly what you would experience. Not the norm though. Speeds should be in the five to ten meg range. What's your ping time of you don't mind me asking...?

    Ping was around 60 ms. It was really disheartening to see such slow speeds. On the plus side, before I left, the speeds in Grove City were back to near normal. I had commented in this thread a couple of weeks ago that Grove City speeds were practically nil, but before I left for San Francisco, they were up around 0.5 - 1 Mbps up and down.


    Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk HD

  2. I'm out in the San Francisco area for the weekend, and I'm getting 1 meg down and 2 megs up on LTE. Are those the kinds of speeds we're expecting after NV is complete? I used to get equivalent speeds on 3G IN some areas before they started tearing up the network.


    I'm not surprised... I always have had issues in that area.


    That's weird. Until about three months ago, I was always impressed with the speeds I'd get, especially just south of 270 on Broadway.


    In any case, I hope it's a sign of upgrades happening.




    I was sitting at the Horseshoe parking lot on the NW side and was pulling over 1.5 Mbit down at 3 pm on a Tuesday just last week. I think it really depends on where you are for campus. Especially with it being so large.


    Yeah, I never really leave Bio Sci. I'm really interested to see how things are once we start to see the benefits of Network Vision.


    I drive down to Grove city every weekend to work at Sprint, and it's safe to say that the service is absolute crap. It gets better once you get to georgesville and stringtown, but the area is quite horrible at times. I can't stream anything while in the car...pretty unbearable.


    I've lived in Grove City for about four years, and I was always amazed at the great speeds down here. . . Until Sprint announced Network Vision. Now, the speeds are abysmal, and I lose any call about 90% of the time while traveling on 70 near Frank Rd. It's all really strange timing. I expected things to get better, not worse. It's good to hear some of you saying that you're seeing improvements! Maybe these are just growing pains down here.


    Sent from my GT-P5110 using Tapatalk HD

  6. I think the GS3 and the EVO LTE are remarkable pieces of hardware, but the GS3 seems to have fewer hardware issues and received the JB update first. Everything's all topsy turvy. I got the EVO because my OG EVO was always at the forefront and was essentially impeccable hardware, and the Samsung phones were rife with GPS and other problems that come with cheap plasticy phones.

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