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Posts posted by kckid

  1. Google Voice has changed and uses your cell phone minutes and not VOIP. The call is initially setup by dialing a google number, but it doesn't always work.



    They did this to make the call connect faster. So it will always use your cell phone minutes and charge you for the international call.

    I don't understand why they made the change from using your data usage. Google seems to think that making the connection faster is what people want, when I believe most people want to use their data plan instead of phone minutes.

  2. http://bgr.com/2013/04/18/google-ceo-unbreakable-motorola-phones-448763/




    When asked about hints on upcoming products during an earnings call with investors on Thursday, Page said that “when you drop your phone, it shouldn’t shatter.” Page went on to say that he had “just seen Motorola’s upcoming products” and was “pretty enthusiastic” about their “real potential to invent new and better experiences.”

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  3. That is outstanding!!


    Last week, I actually gave BB a shot first to pre-order the One. After waiting 10 minutes to speak to someone and then getting very little real help, I concluded these are not the guys I want handling my upgrade. I drover around the corner to the Sprint corporate store nearby and got it all done there. I know every store is different, but these are folks I've worked with before and they handled me competently.


    The only decision I have left is whether to insure this phone or not. Never have before and this will be my fourth HTC phone through Sprint.







    I'm hoping the insurance I purchased for the EVO LTE will transfer to the One. I need to ask that question.

    btw: glad I purchased the insurance, I replaced the EVO 2x. 1st time it was bent from being in my pocket. :)

    2nd time it had a problem with the touch screen. There was no fee for each of the issues.

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  4. Good News, I'm going to get a One after all. I took my EVO LTE into best buy to get it fixed. They shipped a refurb to replace it that would not connect on 4G. The replacement they sent for that phone was DOA. They pre-ordered me a One yesterday to replace the DOA phone. :tu:


    Gotta Love Best Buy!!!!!

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