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Posts posted by aerxx

  1. Wow, I wonder if he is on HTC payroll or Apple's? Talk about down playing the strengths and accentuating the weaknesses. I will say that many times software in the OEM bloatware seems like it was 75% complete and just slapped on the phone without much testing and working out the bugs. They say they will fix it, but they lose interest.


    Sent from my CM9 Toro using Forum Runner


    I was thinking the same damn thing, I actually LOVE Samsung's GUI. I actually think HTC's is too busy....

    • Like 2
  2. No. It's possible to create a 3G only device that could run on eHRPD. However, eHRPD was created to allow LTE devices to seamlessly transfer back and forth to EVDO. So, only a LTE device needs eHRPD.


    eHRPD is EVDO-A, and doesn't have better speeds (all things being equal). In a completed NV site, eHRPD and EVDO-A share the same backhaul. However, EVDO data goes to the Sprint MSC Switch and eHRPD goes to the 4G DDC (Core). So on a complete NV site, EVDO and eHRPD should have nearly identical speeds. However, if there is a bottleneck at the Switch, it is possible that EVDO could be slower than eHRPD. Also, the reverse is true, but less likely.




    :o you're so smart........ lol ;)

    • Like 2
  3. I have a non functional tracking number now' date=' changed from backorder over night. 16Gb white[/quote']


    They have printed the label. UPS will pick it up today. It usually ships overnight.


    Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner

  4. Mine still showing backordered' date=' White 16GB[/quote']


    I ordered my White 16GB on 6/6. Theyre probably fulfilling them based on when they received the orders. Also, according to the Sprint blog post.....all 32GB versions wont ship til next week.....


    Sent from my Epic 4G (WiSuck) using Forum Runner

  5. I really hope Sprint is going be working overnight to get all these phones staged for tomorrow shipments..................................................................................

  6. Just talked to a sprint rep about doing a buyout for my fiancé for s3( since she has a month). So while I was on the subject I asked about my ordered and I was told I wouldn't recieve the tracking number until the 21st and the phn would be shipped after the 21:{


    I'm sure they are told to say that at the store.....don't want to over promise.

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  7. My wife is holding on to her BB Bold for dear life. I can't imagine it lasting that much longer, at which point I'll have to convince/argue with her to go Android instead of iPhone. I am NOT looking forward to that! It'd be easier if there were some good sliders coming out as she's gotten used to having a physical keyboard.


    Sent from my Touchpad



    Don't show her this then......



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