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Posts posted by aerxx

  1. Oh and I am getting eHRPD now from Wheaton all the way into and in the West loop. Except Lombard. fter LTEwas no longer available, now I only get EVDO revA. Getting better little by little!!


    Been getting eHRPD in Wheaton/Carol Stream/Glendale Heights/Glen Ellyn area for over a month now.

  2. Oh eHrpd is different from EVDO? In which ways


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


    To piggyback on this question....in the Chicago market, I have had an instance where I was able to get a 4G LTE connection, but when I am connected 3G on the same tower, it shows EVDO not eHRPD. What does this mean from a NV installation stand point....?


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner

  3. Connected to 4G in St. Charles corner of Randall and RT. 38. I about shit my pants!!! Screenshots to come.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner


    Connection was live this morning when I drove through. Wouldnt switch in its own. Only connected when I cycled to and from airplane mode. Was able to keep signal from Randall, driving east on 38 until I got to the River.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner

  4. I am having this issue as well. The wifi is on but will not reconnect to the remembered network. I have had to reboot after trying to reconnect' date=' disabling wifi, deselecting the optimizer, and it still wouldn't reconnect. I was 10 feet from the router so it was a strong signal. I was not having any issue prior to the last software update OTA.[/quote']


    You probably just didnt notice it until now. This was happening out of the box for me.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Forum Runner


    Anecdotally, it seems fairly common in launched areas that some users lose their LTE connection, then don't reacquire it. I wonder if the phone would get the LTE back if it was reset by toggling the LTE in the Settings menu, or maybe a reboot.


    (Of course, LTE on the tower may have been turned off, since the Chicago market isn't launched yet. It may even have been turned off coincidentally as you entered the building. That could explain this whole scenario, but we can't know for sure.)


    Once the signal went away, I tried restarting and cycling as you described above and as everyone tries to do when in an LTE covered area, nothing came back on after 5:10ish pm. (quitting time?)


    When I initially showed 4G connection, I did a speed test right away, nothing fantastic and the test actually timed out. (4.00down and the upload timed out)


    after restarting the phone, I was able to get a solid connection and the screenshot above showing the 4G speeds.


    I tried to capture a screenshot with Open Signal Maps, but for some reason my phone doesn't like that program and wouldn't let me. On the map screen it showed connected to LTE service.

  6. Don't get me wrong, the headphones will work out of the jack...you just won't have any functions of the in-line buttons....


    I have to ask though...whats wrong with the buds that come with the phone. I still use the ones from my OG EPIC 4G, they're not bad quality at all....

  7. I've had problems with non-Samsung parts. I even had to replace my universal car charger that wasn't Samsung.


    I have also noticed that after I unplug headphones, I have to pull down the top menu, and cycle through the sound settings to get all my ambient sounds to come back and work. Lock and unlock sounds, and selection sounds....etc.

  8. Its not the 'waste of time' problem, its the fact that many of the fiber backhaul is actually contracted or rented from the local communications companies. If those companies do not already have service extending toward that area, the COSTS are very large, and therefore not cost effective especially when you consider that those areas are less populated and not going to generate as much money. Therefore where microwave can be more cost effective, they will use it instead of fiber. Other than slightly higher pings, speeds will be comparable and it will still be a much better experience than the current.


    Ok, then it would be a waste of time AND money.....

  9. Happen to have a list of those towns or can tell me if Rensselaer, IN is one of them?


    Looks like most of the microwave backhaul documents I have are for Lake County IN, furthest southern location is Lowell, IN. Most of what I have is for 60+ miles outside of Chicago proper in all directions. Far North, West, and South suburbs. Its good, they're doing this to make sure backhaul is ready in rural areas ahead of setting all of Chicago market live. This way they don't have to waste time running fiber.

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