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Posts posted by aerxx

  1. Nope' date=' nothing changed from yesterday to today! It really is strange! :confused:[/quote']


    Were you in different locations? A different building..? Battery is drained quicker the weaker your signal if your phone is struggling to maintain a connection.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1

  2. I couldn't even make a voice call at Schmale and Geneva in Wheaton today. 3G speeds were about 60kbits. I hope they're still going to be filling in towers because my coverage in the west burbs isn't great. Anyone else in this area with problems? I had to put my phone in "roam only" mode just to make a call and use some data.


    Thats where I work. Its been bad since last week Monday.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1

  3. Probably not. Trying going into CDMA only mode for grins and see what happens.




    none better, still -98dBm 1asu, seems my phone is fighting over three seperate towers, and they are probably still working on the tower closest to me. I will just be patient. Thanks Robert.

    • Like 1

    Maybe your device is clinging to a distant 1900 site? Did you try cycling airplane mode? The first time I connected to CDMA 800 in Waco' date=' it was after I cycled airplane mode. Are you running a custom PRL? How are you measuring your signal?


    Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner[/quote']


    No custom PRL. Cycling airplane mode did nothing. But I am in EVDO network mode instead of eHRPD...that might have something to do with it...?


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1

  5. Are you a google+ user? Do you have instant upload on? If so is it set to run all the time instead of JUST on wifi...? This would drain your battery very quickly.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1

    • Like 1
  6. I was at my local Sprint store today upgrading a family members phone, the rep and I got to jawing about LTE in Chicago. He proceeded to tell me that just this week they installed what he called an LTE box in the back office of their store. He didnt know what it was for, does anyone have any ideas?


    This was on the roof.


    Are the stores getting an LTE microcell to help them sell phones and show off their new network?

  7. +1

    This pairing has worked well for me.



    I tried that combination for a day, really didn't like it but I suppose I could go back and give it another shot.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1

  8. Leaked LIH build of JB with LIH modem has a very hard time of going between 3G -> 4G. Doesnt like to connect initially when 4G is available....and when I go between towers....it loses 4G but then after driving into another area with 4G, it wont reconnect. Super frustrating. I know its a leaked build....but I would expect improvements from LI3....


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1

  9. I would donate trust me. But between my phone bill an car insurance an my hours got cut at work im on a tight budget lol. My phone billis almost 200 a month an im tryen to catch up lol. But that tower u speak of i think its the one on 441an glades zip code 33434 ? Right? Cause i posted two topics on that tower. I think 4g lte pannels just got put on there recently when i drove by i noticed somthin different


    Can't give the information out, its only available to sponsors, but its close. I bet you'll start seeing more movement in the coming months. ;):tu:

  10. I live in boca raton an tonight im waiting for the presidential debate so i decided to do some speeds test an cam across very slow speeds. This has been going on for a while but its getting worse. Is it because lte is being installed? Even though i have not seen evidence of it. What could be the reason. At the end of september i was getting 1 to 2.6 mbps now i get 0.14mbps-0.28mbps. I cant down load a movie with out wifi


    ooooo, this could be a good thing. :tu:

  11. A few months ago, I posed a theory why Sprint has not utilized removable SIMs in its early LTE devices but plans to do so in the future. Sprint is waiting for the iDEN sunset. iDEN handsets contain removable SIMs. Sprint does not want iDEN users hot swapping their SIMs into LTE devices.




    I did not even think about that, Its been so long since I've had a NEXTEL device that I forgot completely about SIM cards.....


    • Like 2
  12. Well. it's a done deal. Now comes Miller time. I want to see what they are going to do with the 8B dollars that will go directly into Sprint's coffers. In orde3r of importance' date=' I hope they use it for:


    1. Speeding up NV (if it is a matter of money)

    2. Strengthening their spectrum position (either through acquisitions, PC-H band, sub 700MHz spectrum, etc.)

    3. Customer acquisitions (mergers)[/quote']


    I think the NV speed up has already started. Robert had heard a rumor about 3rd and 4th markets starting early (which looks like is true)....and with this past weeks NV update being the the largest ever....it all kinda makes sense after this deal.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using JB 4.1.1

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