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Posts posted by joshnys8913

  1. My best friend doesn't even get over 24.06Mbps on his iPhone 5C on T-Mobile LTE.



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

    This is slightly off topic, and I dont know if this has been answered on here or not (redirect me if it has been answered) Sprint has 39,590 locations with antennas.  I have always wondered how many the other 3 carriers have with locations.  Big red (Vzw) would probably never release any information like that to anyone, AT&T is hit and miss (some people say they have more then Vzw (just not the LTE coverage).  T-mobile I have no idea. In fact the sites I know where T-mobile has equipment, they do not put anything on outside of there equipment except for the (I think mandated) 1-800 or 1-888 emergency contact number. 


  2. Remember, his bark is worse than his bite. My best friend complains of constant echo's in his voice calls, on both his and his wife's phones. And there is no possible way that 2 iPhone 5C's are defective at the same exact time. And then he finally tells me that friends of his are complaining too for the same issue. So T-Mobile is already having issues. And this is in Vegas, a small city compared to New York City and Los Angeles!



    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5S using Tapatalk 2

    I agree with you, I know of loyal T-mobile friends of mine who switched because there service has gotten worse and they are in one of the LTE cities.  


    Plus didn't T-mobile want out of the U.S. Market really really really bad just a year or two ago? (correct me if I am wrong)

  3. Ledgehair is petitioning for carriers to follow suit and do away with overages. Doesn't mean free data/texts/etc though, details below:



    You know this whole UnCarrier movement they have going on it quite hilarious to me. Since they're the smallest of the four, they attempt to yell the loudest. Even when it doesn't make sense.


    I'm just waiting for the moment when they've invited too many to the party and all the food and liquor are gone. That's when they'll go from a Carrier to a UnCarrier.

    John is just trying to get attention.  He took over T-mobile just for attention (I think personally).  There network is crap I mean for an example they hzve TWO towers they broadcast off here in my city. One is 3G, the other 2G (EDGE) and get this the 2G EDGE is the tower DOWNTOWN!!!!!   :roflmao: I am dead serious!  John and his team said they are going to convert ALL of there 2G EDGE to LTE by the late half of this year into 2015, ya right!  


    Sprint may not have 4G LTE everywhere but they sure have 3G, NOT 2G now.  (Just saying!)

  4. Sprint's map shows a pocket of off-network roaming around my mom & dad's house 2 hours south of here, and yet 'fair' 4G LTE coverage most of the way around that pocket.


    The biggest problem with this is the fact that the closest Sprint tower at all is a good 5-6 miles away in north Alabama as the crow flies, and even if the tower has very recently been LTE updated and the acceptance just hasn't made it to Robert yet, I can guarantee you there's no way LTE signal would make it up there much less even further north of it, because I constantly am flipping between the faintest of Sprint 3G data signals (even after being NV 3G complete) and roaming on Verizon at mom & dad's, and even a little over a mile back on the main highway (mom & dad's place is a little over a mile down a state road east of the main 4-lane), I can barely hold onto a Sprint 3G data connection there either.


    Honestly, I don't know why anyone would bother wasting time with the Sprint map assuming they have any knowledge of Sensorly.com to begin with.

    I agree 

  5. Sprint's voice map is pretty close for my area. Now if only they can get that guy to do the LTE layer for the map.

    I agree!  Thats why I rated them how I did S,A,T&V. I would of put them S,T,A &V (best to worst maps) but T-mobiles new "pink" awful map is HORRIBLE! There old maps were so much better. 

  6. I long for the Sprint coverage map to resemble a cross between the C-Spire map (and some of its cool features) and the old Clear map.

    I liked the old Clear maps too BUT they ONLY wanted you to see the "market launched" tower locations only which until I came onto here it frankly sucked (just being honest).  There were times I went into a Clear 4G area but it was an area that was not an offical launch, so I had no idea where the tower/antennas were. 

  7. All the carriers maps are horrible, Sprint is a little more accurate then At&t, and T is 2nd to last, Big V is the absolute worse in my opinion at least with A,S, & T you CAN zoom into neighborhood level to at LEAST get a GENERAL idea of coverage. Big V alls they care to show you is yup your covered, just like those stupid "reality check" INACCURATE maps they pull all the time.  Again this is just MY OPINION. :)  

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  8. Very interesting I saw a tarp wrapped around the Clearwire equipment today at one of the tower sites that is near me.  I am unfortunately stuck using my old Evo 3D (my 4G LTE phone stopped working correctly) So I had a chance to see if it was shut down or not, and it was still working..... Again VERY interesting!!!! (I was unable to take a good enough picture, no one is allowed to go up that driveway anymore its chained off and you cant get close enough to walk any further up to it).  

  9. Why you wouldn't want to port the number you want in the first place is beyond me, ya its not a hassle but just kinda doesn't make sense to do that.... But hey everyone has there own ways of doing things. 

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