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Posts posted by arunningpir8

  1. A large portion of southern Indiana seems to be covered by 800mhz now. I have been to Greenwood and east of Columbus and all around those areas, and of course including Columbus I have had 800mhz. They have really been adjusting the panels a lot lately though because when I first got 800mhz the signal was only slightly better but now where I had no service I am getting a solid 3-4 bars whereas in the very beginning I got maybe 1-2. So they are definitely tweaking it a lot still.


    The 22412 SID covers Indianapolis, Bloomington and one other area I cant think of off the top of my head and so far all around those areas I seem to be getting it. It seems very widespread for me now and I have been able to experience the full benefit that is Sprints new network :)

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  2. Yea, I may have jumped the gun a little. Sprint took away my 800mhz goodness this weekend and I'm back on 1900. I am assuming they were just testing it last week and getting downtilt measurements etc. However, the testing I did get to do, there were absolutely ZERO dropout zones that I could find in Columbus, IN. The 3 major dropouts I had at work were all filled with a completely usable signal, at worst dropping to around 98dBm in a stairwell. I even made calls upstairs and continued all the way into the basement without a single hiccup or breakup. It was a crystal clear call.


    Here's hoping they turn it back on again soon...I miss it.

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  3. So, Sprint 800Mhz just lit up in Columbus, IN.


    SID is 22412, just like the Nextel assignment created forever ago.


    Signal strength is almost EXACTLY like my Verizon phone when I carry them around now. The numbers literally almost mimic each other. I have yet to see it go over -80db, although I have always had good coverage here at home. The real test will come at work tomorrow in the staircases and basements.


    I cannot believe we got 800Mhz THIS early! It is phenomenal!

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