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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. I have never been able to activate my N5 using the automated system on Sprint's website, but I can swap other phones just fine. Opening a chat usually takes care of it very quickly. -Mike
  2. I thought I read a similar article a few months ago, but maybe not. In any case, it's good news. Verizon already seems to have solid 3G just about everywhere I have been on the Red and Green lines, as that's who I usually get bumped to once I go underground. I think the author lumped Sprint and Tmo together in that list simply because the details were same for both providers. I don't think it was meant to infer anything else. -Mike
  3. Pretty much.. but it's not a limitation of any one site or wireless provider; it's the actual LTE protocol itself. 1X is the only protocol that I am aware of that carries any site location data. Nothing similar is included in any other protocols (EV-DO/eHRPD, LTE, UMTS, HSPA+, HSDPA, etc). That is why 1X is the only connection that shows location information within SignalCheck. -Mike
  4. Ha! Walked right into that one.. but diet, yuck! I don't drink a lot of soda, but when I do, I want my high fructose corn syrup. I don't care what the nutrition facts say, I'm not drinking it for its health benefits. Besides, it's probably better than whatever sugar-tasting chemical they add to diet soda to try (and fail) to make it taste similar. That is odd -- I'll add that to the ever-growing list of things to check on. The B26 indicator has proven to be very reliable but obviously I haven't perfected it quite yet. Hmm well "Limited" in some contexts means it's better.. my Jeep is a "Limited", which means it has all sorts of fancy upgrades the standard version doesn't have. Besides, I think there's enough annoying reminders in Lite that makes it impossible for anyone to miss that there is another version with more bells and whistles.. Thanks for the motivational poke veiled as a compliment, well done! Haha.. just still in a crazy-busy stretch with a lot of other stuff cutting into my computer-nerding time. I'm still here though, and (slowly) working on some new goodies for everyone to enjoy. Troubleshooting existing stuff would get a bit easier if Sprint and Google could just get the N5 Spark update pushed out for me... -Mike
  5. Haha no, it was more like a tsunami that flowed directly across the keyboard, no explosion.. thankfully I somehow had the instinct to jump up immediately and rip the battery and plug out, I think that's what saved me. And being from Boston, I was hoping to see Francesa make a bigger mess of himself than that -Mike
  6. It took a lot longer than I planned thanks to an unfortunate accident with a can of Sprite (the keys on my keyboard are sticking to the board and very difficult to type on, but at least it works again!), but I have finally finished getting SignalCheck Lite up to speed! It should be available on Google Play within the hour. It includes all of the pertinent updates that Pro users received between January and April, including bugfixes, Sprint B26/B41 identification, and enhanced WiFi information. The full changelog is online here: http://www.bluelinepc.com/signalcheck/change-log/ -Mike
  7. Aha.. well I'm guessing that SignalCheck is catching at least a glimpse of 311490 at some point; there is nothing in the code that would arbitrarily choose that PLMN. Hopefully the reports will show something, but like I said, the G2 does have some issues reporting PLMNs consistently. Signal Detector probably uses a different command to pull the PLMN (there are several) that the G2 always reports 310120 on. -Mike
  8. Thanks for your reports! I think I found the bug; the routine to check the provider is still seeing the last GCI you connected to and using that to identify it as B26. The next update will be mostly B41/B26 bugfixes, I should be able to get this included. -Mike
  9. I rely on reports from users for most of the info on that chart; I was led to believe that the S5 was showing PCI, but that could be wrong. Samsung devices did not report any LTE cell identity information until these KitKat updates, so this is their first attempt at it. It's more likely to be a radio firmware issue than a SignalCheck issue; the app shows everything it can see. No PCI means it's not being given a valid one to display. EDIT: I just looked at your diagnostic report; your S5's radio is not reporting a PCI, which is why SignalCheck has nothing to show you. Hopefully Samsung keeps moving in the right direction and gets this fixed; I will update the chart. -Mike
  10. I popped in here to report some recent crazy battery usage myself. Normally if I don't put my N5 on the charger when I go to bed, it doesn't affect the battery too much.. lately it's using 50% or more. Charging is taking quite awhile, and if I run any app that keeps the screen on while driving (SignalCheck, Waze, Google Maps, etc), it drains staggeringly quickly. This morning I used Tapatalk for 10 minutes and lost 15% battery. All of these examples were in strong signal areas, with WiFi off. After that latest issue this morning, I plugged it in, restarted it, and let it charge up to 100%. It's been off charger for an hour and has lost 7% without any usage or screen on time. That's a lot. I use GSam Battery Monitor, and "Kernel (Android OS)", "Android System", and "Google Services" have typically been the top 3; I'm wondering if there was a recent Google Services update (I know Google Play Services was recently updated on the developer end) that has a glitch. That would make the most sense, since those are pushed out silently and I know I haven't changed anything else. -Mike
  11. The G2 does have issues; it seems to pick and choose when it wants to refresh the PLMN (MCC+MNC). I'm not entirely clear on what you're trying to say above; I think perhaps you wrote Signal Detector somewhere you meant to put SignalCheck. I think you are saying that the engineering screens, Signal Detector, and SignalCheck do not show the same information? I am aware of some issues, but thought they were due to problems with the phone's radio software, not SignalCheck.. if you are seeing more accurate results with other apps, that would mean it's me, not the OEM's. Let me know! -Mike
  12. Good to hear. I've recently noticed that clearing the app cache (from Settings > Apps, not the BSL cache within the app) resolves force closes and frozen screens. I'm looking into it. -Mike
  13. Hah that is interesting! Certainly an issue with the app getting stuck, not a problem with your phone. Shoot me a diagnostic report next time you see that if you can. There are still a few specific situations where B26/B41 still needs some polishing. Unfortunately a can of Sprite decided to kamikaze my laptop keyboard earlier this week (I swear my hand never touched it) so I haven't had a chance to finish up the Lite update or do any more work on the app. Hopefully I will be up and running in the next couple of days.. -Mike
  14. Wow I didn't expect so many responses, thanks guys! It looks like Telcel is the way to go, or throw on the Int'l Data Pack add-on from Sprint for the week for a simpler option. It's more of a convenience thing than a necessity, so I might take Vince's suggestion and just bring the N5 and see what's available when we get down there. -Mike
  15. I will be traveling to San Miguel de Allende Mexico for a wedding at the end of the month, and don't want to be completely off the grid. It would be handy to be able to look up touristy things and stay in touch with other guests. A few voice minutes and some light data/SMS will be all I'm using. I have a Nexus 5, so I do have options. Should I grab a prepaid SIM of some sort to use while I'm down there, or just go with one of Sprint's offerings? Just didn't want to miss an obvious solution that might be out there, I've always shut my phone off outside the US. Thanks, -Mike
  16. Whoa.. are you leaving the Site Logger and/or Location Service within the app on? Other than that, you should see hardly any battery usage; it is a very passive program. Nobody else has reported similar issues. Which device is that? -Mike
  17. I have found LTE signal availability within SignalCheck on unregistered devices to vary by device.. YMMV. My unregistered EVO LTE (previously active on Sprint) will not connect to LTE or show any LTE information. My unregistered Galaxy Victory always shows all LTE information. When inserting an unregistered T-Mobile SIM in my N5, it connects to LTE and shows all LTE data for about 10 seconds before dropping down to HSPA+, then will not connect to LTE again without a full reboot. When inserting an unregistered AT&T SIM in my N5, it never connects to LTE or shows any LTE data. In fact, I don't think it shows any connections at all. -Mike
  18. I use GV for voicemail only; I initially tried the full integration and immediately began missing a ridiculous amount of calls. It also added a long delay before my phone would start ringing. I know GV has enjoyed some improvements lately so if I continue to have trouble, maybe I will try it again, but I still think it might be part of the problem anyway. I only use it because I like visual voicemail. We don't use our home phone.. it's only here because our FiOS bill is cheaper with phone service! -Mike
  19. I have typically seen similar results to yours, but lately I've been experiencing more completely missed calls--caller hears a few rings and gets my voicemail; I have full service in an area with no known CSFB issues, but it never rings on my end. It only happens when my N5 is connected to LTE (99.9% of the time it is band 25). My wife has claimed several times that she calls me 2-3 times in a row before I answer.. and my phone will be sitting silently on my desk during this time, untouched. It's getting annoying (especially because now if I don't answer, she assumes the call didn't go through so she keeps trying until I pick up), but I am on the .15 radio so I chalk it up to that... for now. -Mike
  20. Thanks for the heads up! You nailed the problem, but the real issue is I forgot to update SignalCheck Lite -- it's still a few versions behind. The bug that popped up in the Chicago thread has been fixed in the latest version. Sorry folks! I will have Lite brought up to speed and released by the middle of the week. -Mike
  21. AJ and the others are right, that is SignalCheck behaving badly.. you were most likely on B26 but the app identified it as B25, hence the invalid frequencies. Annnnd I just realized what the problem is.. I haven't pushed out the update for SignalCheck Lite yet! The latest available version still has some significant B26/B41 flaws. I will get that taken care of within the next couple of days. -Mike
  22. It's been said elsewhere, but is certainly relevant to mention here.. B26 optimizations aren't typically happening immediately, so coverage will improve over time as more sites come online and the optimization crews start catching up. So whatever B26 we're seeing now will eventually get even better! -Mike
  23. That's a good sign! I have yet to see any B41 with my N5, but I have connected to 9 different B26 sites while on 93 (Medford-Boston) and 495 (Westford-Andover), mostly this week. -Mike
  24. This has been stated to you numerous times.. the Atlanta market should not have any eCSFB issues at this point. It is one of the most complete NV 1.0 markets in the country. Have you followed any of the advice others have offered you in other threads? I do not think the network in your area is the source of your problem. -Mike
  25. Ditto. Same for the Sprint update page. There must be something like small sitewide CSS-ish edits on each that is triggering it. I suppose I'll catch wind of it on a forum or Twitter before I'll be at me desk anyway.. just really would like to see the Spark update soon! Been on .15 for a couple of weeks and haven't seen any B41 yet. I'm thinking positive and assuming its my phone, not a lack of upgrades around here.. -Mike
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