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Posts posted by 1hotned

  1. I'm not sure if it was Wimax or LTE .... but it was 4G .... the phone was going in and out .. from 3g to 4g ... but this was only resently that I was getting 4g .... I can't believe I was working off an old system . I had been in that area many times ... and only had 3g ... then one day ... someone flipped a switch ... and I had 4g ...... Are you saying this is an old system that Sprint turned on .... then turned it back off ?

    I bought the phone from Radio Shack ...a year ago .... no one in the store told me ... Sprint didn't have 4g ... And I thought I was upgrading myself !!! now I get a taste of 4g .... and they take it away ...

  2. I have a HTC EVO 4G ... for several months I have had 4G in Norfolk ... Ghent area .... and Newport News.. Jefferson to Aberdeen..

    NOW NOTHING .... the phone will scan ... say its scanning .... connect .... check IP Address .... then says ... turning OFF ...

    the PRI is 1.56-144 .... the PRL is 61009

    How do you check the CDMA switch on this phone ?? Where is it located at in the set-up ?? I did a phone update awhile back .. but 4G was still working after update ... I do real estate ... and take alot of pictures with phone ... and email them back to the office .... sometimes 30 to 50 pictures at a time .... 3G takes 5 to 10 minutes to go though .... I have really gotton use to the 4G ..... 50 pictures in less than 20 seconds !!!!


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