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Posts posted by WiWavelength

  1. - why had Sprint refarmed the PCS spectrum to LTE the way it had? In all of the 24 "original" markets, they own contiguous 30MHz of A block or B block, plus the 10MHz G block. Their most natural LTE architectural should have been deploy 10x10 channel (and then perhaps 15x15 if circcumstances permit) on those contiguous blocks and then leave the G block for three 1x channels.


    This is the quickest question to answer.


    Band class 1 in 3GPP2 standards is limited to the traditional PCS A-F blocks.  CDMA2000 operations in the PCS G block require band class 14.  Sprint dabbled with the idea of band class 14, but it could have necessitated replacing all CDMA2000 devices on the network, not to mention, being the only major operator using band class 14.



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  2. It might be, except it's the same Ad Google used before the announcement with the only difference being that the rectangle becomes an image of the phone at the end. And all the banner ads, even on google's own sites say "only on Verizon."


    This does not strike me as unusual.  I have seen many a bog standard iPhone TV commercial that brandishes a specific operator logo right at the end, as if the iPhone or a certain iPhone feature is available only on that operator.



  3. Is it then fair to say in most markets, Sprint has deployed B25 on pretty much all PCS spectrum save for the 10MHz minimum to support 3 CDMA ccarriers?




    As others have posted, band 25 deployment outside of the PCS G block is highly market or even site dependent.


    We have individual market deployment and additional carrier/EARFCN threads to discuss these vagaries.  So, we probably will not continue this discussion as an omnibus.  Please direct research and questions to those resources.








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  4. Especially for a new unknown device (in most customers minds). Why would someone want to pay $649/$769 for a device that's a brand new brand. When you have devices from Apple, Samsung, and LG that's around the same price point that has proven themselves as great device makers.


    Google's end game is not necessarily to sell high volumes.  With recent Nexus handsets, that has not been the case.  Google and its OEM partners seem content with niche market share.



  5. I just think that folks here don't see this device selling well only being sold for Verizon. Yes I know you can buy it from the play store. The device needs more retail presence at carrier stores, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc. Seems like this device is another Nexus launch. Only its not a Nexus and is actually being advertised.


    VZW likely paid for the exclusive.  And Google did advertise the Nexus 5X.  So, this does not seem like much of a change in strategy, just a change in name.



    • Like 1
  6. You will never win with this guy! He is what I call a selective reader/listener. He only reads/listen to what he wants... he always has an answer for everything you throw at him!


    No, I am not a "selective reader/listener."  You have presented no evidence of that.  Instead, I am just the opposite -- a voracious consumer of information.


    And perhaps I have "an answer for everything you throw at [me]" because I possess a high intelligence, vast body of knowledge, keen grasp of reason and argument, and strong set of writing skills.  I have the intellectual upper hand.  That is why I win.



    • Like 1
  7. Well, okay.  Let's go over this.  1 million customers free users with 3GB data each is not an issue, but grandfathered customers that have been with Sprint for 5+ years paying for it is an issue?

    What the hell are you talking about?  What relevance do "grandfathered customers that have been with Sprint for 5+ years" have to this issue?


    As far as Capex goes, Sprint has the lowest out of the big 4 and is now giving away devices/service for what?  Tax breaks? Goodwill?  I'd rather them increase ARPU, focus on network upgrades and improve what customers are paying for.  Sprint's not a Charity, is it?

    This clearly is an effort close to Marcelo's heart.  He was going to do it whether Sprint's CAPEX was highest or lowest.  And this philanthropy is not imposing any opportunity cost on CAPEX.  So, drop that argument.  Sheesh, you act as if Sprint is diverting serious attention away from day to day business in order to support this charity.  Not necessary.


    I might just want to add a quote as well.

    You do realize that quote is sarcastic.  It does not suit your point/agenda.



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  8. I figured I'd chime in here. Sprint does not have enough B41 live nationwide and they also have the least amount of cell towers/coverage. I feel like in their financial predicament, they should really focus on the upgrades instead of giving away service to users that aren't going to pay for it. I'm surprised AJ hasn't chimed in on this yet, considering his stance on people that have device subsidies.


    This philanthropic effort has no effect on Sprint's network CAPEX and upgrade progress.  Apples and oranges.  Nachos and karate.


    Additionally, the giveaway is not a Mobile Beacon type situation -- "unlimited" data under outdated contract terms.  No, it is limited data of 3 GB per month.  That restricts users from putting much of a dent in the Sprint network.  And any goodwill gained can be counted as an asset.


    By the way, I saw that someone called you out in the Sprint subreddit.  You were so unhappy with your service that you ported out from Sprint.  Yet, for whatever reason, you cannot look away.  Maybe I just should make this my signature file quote...


    ...[a] character flaw chronic among former Sprint users who feel the need to stick around Sprint discussion and repeatedly tell how Sprint has disappointed them.  Other people move on with their lives and interests.


    • Like 2
  9. Yeah but it's not a Note lol, which from having owned both the S7 and my current Note 5, the Note 5 is superior. S7 is a laggy mess unlike the Note 5 aside from benchmarks you would think the Note 5 is the newer device.


    Placebo effect.  Or some other variables.


    The Galaxy S7 edge and Galaxy Note 7 have the same processor, same RAM, etc.  The Galaxy S7 edge even has a larger capacity battery -- and one that does not explode so often.



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