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Posts posted by WiWavelength

  1. Any word on if HD voice will ever work for devices that use Google Voice?


    I believe that Google Voice integrated accounts get rerouted through a special MSC.  The switch may even belong to Google.  If so, it will have to be upgraded to support HD voice, though that may not be possible or worthwhile.



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  2. Cricket seems to be doing well with what they are offering, and they're doing it on an overall excellent network, especially given the price. Of course, they are basing it off of one singular speed cap of 8mbps LTE/4mbps HSPA, and while that is the more simple way of doing things (I agree with dnicekid that the multiple options make things more confusing to customers), I'm basing this off the notion of Sprint often wanting to give multiple choices to customers. It isn't my personal ideal way of doing it, which would be to offer one speed capped plan at 9mbps and the other a sliding scale speed unlimited plan.


    Cricket does not serve your point because, as you note, Cricket offers only one speed tier, capped at 8 Mbps, meaning 0-8 Mbps.  There is no hypothetical Cricket Plus, capped at 20 Mbps for $15 extra.  And that is smart thinking from AT&T.  Here is why.


    AT&T cannot deliver 8-20 Mbps that reliably.  Higher tier speeds still would fall below the 8 Mbps threshold many times in many places.  People would figure that out.  Some would come to the realization that they actually never need 8-20 Mbps, that 0-8 Mbps is perfectly adequate for their usage.  Others still would want the higher tier 8-20 Mbps speeds, but if AT&T frequently could not provide those speeds, why should they pay extra for Cricket Plus?


    So, among both groups, many would opt to cut the $15 extra and drop back to the lower speed tier.  Revenue would suffer.  Yet, part of revenue generation in wireless service is selling people things that they think they need but do not really need or do not really use.



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  3. Offer four speed tiers (Dump the non-HD 1.5mbps 480p speed and offer something that at least gives 720p!) :


    3.0mbps everything for $45 monthly (1st line) $15 monthly (every other line)

    6.0mbps everything for $60 monthly (1st line) $30 monthly (every other line)

    9.0mbps everything for $75 monthly (1st line) $45 monthly (every other line)

    and a scaling speed tier that gives unlimited speed except for during congestion, but still gives top priority,

    at $90 monthly (1st line) $60 monthly (every other line), good for competing with AT&T's Unlimited Data plan, without the television service requirements, and keeps Sprint from looking as though they are completely limiting themselves to competing with a pre-paid carrier by offering this "unlimited speed" plan.


    Sheesh, not this again.  We have been saying for years now that dividing a single wireless service into multiple speed tiers will not fly.  Many an average user on a middle or high speed tier will start complaining that they are getting cheated if they run even two or three speed tests, respectively, that fall below the threshold of a lower speed tier.  Due to poor signal or network congestion, wireless networks cannot guarantee coverage, let alone speeds.  Bar none.


    That is why a wireless service may impose a universal speed cap -- see Cricket.  Speeds are understood to range from zero up to the cap.  But a wireless service rarely, if ever will sell multiple speed levels that it will not be able to deliver at all times in all coverage locations.



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  4. Wooooooow. They managed to scratch my screen too. Stay classy, LG.


    There's a little s-shaped scrape about an inch down from the top speaker grille.

    That seriously grinds my gears. But at this point there's essentially nothing I can do about it. I didn't take pictures of it before I sent it in.


    Don't think I'll ever buy anything LG again.


    I do not repair my handsets nor sell them.  I just keep them in near mint condition through careful, moderate use.  So, this does not affect me.  But most modern handsets are constructed in a way such that almost any repair is destructive.  See iFixit teardowns. That is why competent refurbishment or repair should entail screen and external body replacement in most instances.



  5. FYI, staff will be relocating the last month of posts to the Google Pixel and Pixel XL users thread.


    In the meantime, a month in to the life of the Pixel XL, a few thoughts...

    • An apt high concept description of the Pixel XL is the build of the HTC One M7 meets the screen of the 2015 Moto X Pure Edition meets the OS of the Nexus 5X.
    • Online activation of IMEI/MEID with reuse of my existing 3-in-1 UICC/CSIM went through without a hitch.  No customer service intervention necessary.  The online activation tool and account manager both immediately recognized the Pixel XL, correct color and and storage option.
    • The screen glass is 2.5D -- as all mid range and above screen glass should be -- and feels great to the touch.  The PenTile AMOLED screen has a green cast off angle.
    • The fingerprint reader can be finicky, especially regarding moisture, and its haptic feedback can be almost imperceptible at times.  The Nexus 5X fingerprint functionality feels more robust by comparison.
    • The Snapdragon 821 and 4 GB RAM combination is exceedingly snappy, handling day to day tasks with default encryption transparently, much more smoothly than does the Nexus 5X.  Along similar lines, the camera takes photos with almost zero shutter lag.
    • RF performance is typical for HTC -- quirky, at least, quirky on Sprint.  Some of the engineering screens are non functional; others, including the LTE engineering screen, periodically get stuck with stale or erroneous readouts.  Band 41 acquisition and retention are not up there with the best, such as the 2014 Moto X.  Overall LTE retention, though, is quite good, thanks to SRLTE performance, which is better than that of the Nexus 5X.  The Pixel XL regularly will engage SRLTE to bring in CDMA1X 800 to help retain LTE as well in low signal strength locations.
    • Battery power management is very good in frequent, everyday usage, holding up to web browsing and fantasy football updates every few minutes with a surprising amount of battery life still left at the end of the day.


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  6. No you're missing my point. That statement of yours just belies an ignorance about the true depth of this Mobilitie story. Arrogance on display. And your response proves this twice over. The joke is on you dummy.


    You act as if Mobilitie is on the level of a Russian infiltration or advanced technology developed by aliens.  Now, that would be fascinating.  If it really is that fascinating, enlighten us mere mortals with what you know.


    However, you seemingly have a motive here regarding Mobilitie.  S4GRU frowns upon anonymous posters with hidden agendas.  That borders on trolling.


    So, put it all out on the table.  Disclose your interests.  Share your information.  And watch your behavior.  Or take it elsewhere.



  7. The shady Mobilitie guy cited Pokemon Go and 911 calls as the reason for these 120 ft poles that they want to build. Why is he shady and inept? Just look at Mobilitie's track record (



    . It's a real scandal that has to be uncovered by journalism.


    Why is nearly every one of your posts about Mobilitie?  That does not seem like the action of a neutral third party.



  8. Wait, I thought band 41 was all 4x2?

    It's supposed to be. I asked about that recently too, because when the third B41 carrier came online in NOLA, all three carriers changed to 2x2.


    That depends upon how much bandwidth/power each antenna chain can handle.  But if each antenna chain is limited to a single 20 MHz FDD carrier, then 8T8R = 4x 2T2R.



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