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Posts posted by WiWavelength


    Do you not understand data compression and average bit rate?  FLAC is a compressed lossless format.  Its maximum bit rate for 16 bit 44.1 kHz audio is meaningless to the average bit rate.



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  2. So when these new handsets come out, we don't need to worry about a device emitting at 400mW hugging our body (and brain) all day right? I'm a paranoid and I've always worried about my 200mW device attached to my body and I'm not sure how I would feel about these 400mW ones.


    Ah, then a VZW variant Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is just the handset for you.  Very little RF radiation directed at your body or your serving cell site.



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  3. I am dropped on Tmo VoLTE all the time. We have a lot of B12 LTE/EDGE sites in my area with no WCDMA. Even with B12, there are tons of places where we get EDGE but no LTE. My area on Tmo is very similar to what VoLTE would be like on Sprint (in a good market). Because B12 VoLTE does not successfully hand off to EDGE here. Painful.

    Pretty sure T-Mobiles VoLTE falls back on to HSPA+ and/ or wifi calling.


    Er, people reference EDGE and HSPA+ inappropriately way too often.  GSM and W-CDMA, those are the voice carriers.  EDGE and HSPA+ are just packet data enhancements, not meant for voice.  e/SRVCC does not hand down from VoLTE to EDGE or HSPA+.  No, it hands down to GSM or W-CDMA.



  4. Sprint may have been right on something. If this is anything to go by it'll be hell getting chip makers to include the 600 mhz in upcoming phones if the interest so far has been meh.


    As long as VZW and AT&T do not sit on their hands entirely, then the future 600 MHz ecosystem will be okay.  But if T-Mobile is the only major operator to come away with anything, then all bets are off, and 600 MHz could be a niche band.



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