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Posts posted by halcyoncmdr

  1. Sprint probably was "planning" ahead when they quoted those speeds. As they usually do. 70-80 is above peak speeds, but consider the amount of people that do not have Triband devices. That number should go down, even with b41 being all glorious and a beast. Regardless, any one of those speeds is impressive. I am only getting 20 ish at home with my not so reliable or impressive ISP. They're currently "working on it," but that's another topic.





    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk


    Sprint may have been planning ahead, and likely were. The thing is I still don't think we know exactly how the 20MHz of spectrum being used for Spark is deployed. Unlike FDD which is paired spectrum and thus identical sizes for up/downstream, TDD allows it to be just about any setup desired. I haven't seen any concrete info about how it is setup, just semi-educated guesses.

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  2. Connected to 800 here in maine and figured I would check and see if i had HD Voice on my Nexus 5.  Called the sprint voice mail system and it showed EVRC-NW.  Cool.


    I then tried a call between the house phone which is a VOIP line and the Nexus 5 and it still shows EVRC-NW.


    Then tried a call with the credit unions automated system and it showed the same thing.


    I am not sure what to think now.


    I dont know anyone else with Sprint service up here so i cant test that way. :P


    My theory is that the phone will utilize EVRC-NW if it can on that tower to ensure the highest quality connection on your side, and any codec changes that need to occur are taken care of on the network side somewhere for transcoding to another system. I have no basis for this idea other than anecdotal evidence from users here that are getting higher-quality calls, even without a full HD Voice connection end-to-end Sprint-Sprint.


    It seems the most logical to have the network do some transcoding and ensure the highest quality codecs along the connection route that Sprint can control so even if it isn't HD Voice, it is a higher quality connection than whatever compromise would happen with determining an identical codec between the two ends. That compromise could end up with a low quality or old codec pretty easily versus a transcoding system that doesn't rely on what either end has in common, but rather whatever either end is capable of on the high end.

  3. I don't quite understand why everyone from Sprint keeps quoting the 60 Mbps Peak speed number when, even currently, folks are getting peak speeds in the 70-80 Mbps range. Heck, just two posts above mine is a screenshot of 72 Mbps DL in DC.

    It's one thing to under-promise Average speeds based on a loaded network scenario, but why not quote higher Peak speeds based on what is technologically possible with the current network configuration? If all that there is is a shouting match, every single speed increment helps.


    I pretty distinctly remember Sprint's official stance saying that 60Mbps would be the peak people could expect on Spark... Yeah. 



    Sprint Spark is a powerful network capability that delivers enhanced wireless peak data speeds of up to 50 – 60 Mbps and supports a new generation of online gaming, virtual reality, advanced cloud services and other applications requiring high bandwidth.



  4. Don't those apply if you are using your Sprint phone with Sprint Intl service? I think he is saying he'd be using a SIM from a provider over there and was just asking if he'd have LTE.  


    Not directly, but they let you know roughly what services are available in the area at least. It obviously only shows Sprint's roaming partner network capabilities... but you at least have that to give you a general idea of what's in the area.

    • Like 1
  5. Yeah I don't really want to reset it, I had to do that on my GS3 and just wanted a new phone. I Have decided to sell the darned monstrosity for something nicer. Now I am debating: Nexus 5 or Nokia Lumia 1020. I had problem after problem with my GS3 and now it is the same with my Galaxy Mega. Time I stopped my Samsung loyalty and moved on to better brands. Thanks guys, I really appreciate the suggestions. I will keep this post bookmarked for future reference as this will almost definitely happen to me again.


    That was exactly why I stopped using Samsung devices after I had a GS1, GS2, and GS3. I got tired of all the weird issues that always seemed to stem from Samsung's f&%king around with Android so much.


    While LG does some modifications as well, they are much less intrusive than Samsung's and seem to be much more stable in my experience so far with my G2.

    • Like 2
  6. I have a question for everyone. I have an unlocked Sprint G2, and as you know that means it can be used internationally but not domestically on other networks with foreign Sim cards. I am going to China for the summer, and I'm wondering if I get a China Mobile SIM card, will my G2 connect to their band 41 LTE? What do you all think?


    The Sprint.com international page has a link that can show you what services are available in each city... depending on where you might go it will be different...



  7. This is an actual, Verizon wireline analog POTS line, served over 20,610 feet of toll-grade copper, with the last few feet of the connection being over the US flavor of DECT. No EVRC-NW on that side of the conneciton :)


    Well, that was a much better explanation than I thought I would get.


    I wonder if perhaps the new technology required on the network for the HD Voice functionality is better at determining the best quality connection and codec mixing even if it isn't "HD Voice" the entire way end to end.

  8. Just completed an EVRC-NW call in PCS on my Nexus 5 here in Austin. The other end of the connection was a landline, and I could definitely tell the quality difference from the get-go, mainly from the background noise while the call was ringing. Of course, the actual voice part of the call was nice and clear too, through my headset.


    Not completely sure when this enhancement happened, partially because I don't call non-cell phones much and as such the receiving end of the call is generally the limiting factor, but I like the quality increase. Need to find someone with an HD voice enabled Sprint phone to test that part of the conversation against.


    Do you happen to know what kind of landline was on the other end?


    I only ask since now with the prevalence of the Phone Connect devices, calling a "landline" doesn't necessarily mean it's not another wireless customer. That "landline" could easily be a Sprint Phone Connect (which may support EVRC-NW).

  9. Not sure why it won't take if it's no longer rooted and flashed back to OG setup. Doing a systems clean and perhaps running all the systems updates starting with prl, profile, firmware then lg software.


    The last resort is to return reset to manufacture settings and began fresh start.


    There's going to be an update.zip file on XDA somewhere that removes the security check. Should be able to be flashed from recovery without issue. I'm not rooted on my G2 (have been on all my previous devices) so I haven't been keeping up this time around. I can't imagine it's much different than HTC and Samsung updates though from my experience in the past.

  10. The device won't take OTA updates rooted.


    I'm pretty sure just about every Sprint device (maybe others too) won't accept an OTA update if it is rooted. The phone fails the OTA update security check as it starts updating.

  11. FINALLY!!!!! 4G at Wilmot/Nicaragua, Tucson (DMAFB Wilmot gate).


    That site has been giving horrible service for weeks now. We knew it was being upgraded despite no official ticket in the system. Must have gotten at least 5 people a day into our store for just that tower.

  12. What if I am not using 4g at all and it happens on 3g ehrpd? I should have been more clear about that. Sprint reps say I'm in a strong 4g area but I've yet to get a usable signal.


    Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network


    eHRPD is the software layer that routes all 3G traffic through the 4G Core. If you turn off LTE you'll see it says EVDO Rev. A instead when on 3G, that then sends traffic through the MSC like before.

  13. Seems like switching to cdma evdo gives me faster speeds than being on lte/cdma with ehrpd. Maybe a tower issue? Idk but either one will drop data every so often.


    Sent from my LG G2 on the Now Network


    That wouldn't be a tower issue. It would be a 4G Core issue. All of the tower stuff is identical, it's just a software overlay that sends all your traffic to the 4G Core instead of the 3G switch, even when on 3G. It's likely just a small traffic routing issue.


    Unlike the MSCs the 4G Cores are all interconnected and can dynamically route traffic from one to another. So if your "assigned" 4G Core for your area is getting overloaded but another one is underutilized, your data can instead be routed through there to help balance the network load. This system is entirely automated, but is obviously new, and thus still having the quirks worked out of it.

    • Like 1
  14. Best of luck to you. We have lost a lot of good people in the layoffs and as a fellow technician, I understand what you mean about the easily skewed metrics. It's a shame it had to come to this, but I am grateful that Sprint is at least taking care of those it could no longer employ


    Yeah, I'm lucky in the sense that I've worked for the company for 6 1/2 years and my severance package is very good, definitely because of my tenure. Sprint was the first job I got out of High School, so I'm taking this as a push to work towards something much better for myself.


    The package I was given gives me plenty of time to find another opportunity (while still getting biweekly checks and benefits throughout). I'm going to use the time to find something else and probably go get some technical certifications I've been putting off due to lack of time outside work. In addition, Sprint is providing outplacement services for the laid off employees, to assist with career transition.


    Who knows, maybe eventually I'll find my way back to the company in another position as I believe they are headed in the right direction.

    • Like 6
  15. That makes me kind of wonder, I looked and actually three out of the six Sprint stores closest to me are hiring sales reps? Yet so many are getting cut, these stores must be doing well I guess.


    As for the ones who are getting laid off, I hope everything goes well for you and that new opportunities arise!


    Remember, when one door closes, another one opens.


    Sales reps aren't being laid off from my understanding, the technicians are. Call center reps are being let go as call centers are closed since they no longer need that many people on the phones.


    Sales reps are still around, and those stores hiring for sales are likely below their previous headcount due to quitting or firing for failure to meet metrics most likely.

    • Like 1
  16. That's what I'm starting to believe as well but in some of the posts it references issues after updates and such so that's why I was really feeling bad for them.


    One thing that has to be considered is that the prl updates recently pushed out were designed to be money savers meaning that the radio will connect to the Sprint tower/antenna vs the best signal which may or may not be Sprint's tower.


    Just a thought....


    PRLs always prioritize Sprint native signals over roaming, they always have. The order of specific roaming partners may change as the roaming agreements do, and roaming partners may be added or removed as well. All phones will always prioritize native signals though and won't go down the list until that native signal is lost completely.

  17. Oh I definitely am going to stick around here. I still fully believe in the direction Sprint is headed and believe the company has what it needs to take on Verizon and AT&T on a nationwide scale. They will just have to do it without me.  :P

    • Like 11
  18. Not sure if anyone is interested in this information, but I thought it would be good to share with everyone here as it is directly related to the direction Sprint is going right now.


    A bunch of low volume stores have been closed around the country (~100 I think). Most employees in those stores were relocated to other ones however.


    A ton of technicians were laid off nationwide as well, including myself. It seems like they are closing tech at low volume S&R stores, making them sales-only. They also seem to have limited stores to 3 technicians now (our store had 5 as of yesterday, we needed 9 just two years ago).


    A reddit post also shows also that at least one call center was closed that handles Account Services calls.



    Editorial portion from me:

    It's obvious from my experience with my coworkers that were laid off that they wren't looking at keeping experience, they likely were entirely deciding based on the cost and at a level completely removed from any retail employee (thus extremely uninformed on who actually helps the company compared to their pay). Newly hired technicians are still around in our district, while experienced techs were let go.


    That being said, I'm not bitter or angry at Sprint for being laid off. I entirely understand the need from the business perspective. I am a little bitter at the management that made the decision on who went, as I am 100% certain it wasn't made at a level where the ability of each tech is known, they likely just looked at metrics data that was skewed already and easily manipulated at will, and chopped off the bottom performers and the highest paid.


    The separation/severance package is very nice and obviously is costing the company a ton of money up front. They are providing outplacement support for those that were laid off (including assistance to work in similar fields for other companies currently hiring) and conference call seminars to assist employees finding new jobs and with job searching. Sprint definitely isn't just firing the employees and saying "good luck", which I find highly commendable and worthy of recognition.

    • Like 31
  19. You mean we won't be having "Spark" (or what ever it will be) anytime soon? :-P




    Spark is the 2.5GHz spectrum from Clearwire.


    800MHz SMR spectrum taken from Nextel is the issue in IBEZ areas like ours. The internationa boundary with Canada and Mexico means that there are numerous other regulatory difficulties that need to be overcome before the spectrum can be used for CDMA/LTE. Stray signals travelling over the border can wreak havok so it must be planned out exactly for guard bands, etc. to mitigate issues. Anyplace within approximately 100 miles of the Canadian and Mexican borders aren't going to see 800MHz for a while, thus we will have worse indoor coverage and some gaps between towers still that anywhere else would be covered.


    I'm hoping we get to see Spark coverage faster due to this however. Part of the other reason for 800MHz is to offload some customers from the 1900MHz LTE if possible to ballance the load, without the ability to do that in IBEZ areas, the LTE carriers here will get overloaded faster, which Spark could help take care of by generating those higher-speed LTE hotspots around the towers for those within range. This may just be wishful thinking on my part though.

  20. The chokepoint in this case is not the fiber backhaul on new LTE sites, but rather the 5MHz air link. With too few sites complete and too many users per 5MHz channel, the only relief will be to bring on more LTE sites and spread out the load over many more channels. Backhaul should never be a problem again at upgraded sites. Just air link capacity when over saturated.


    Also, now that permitting is starting all over the country, you may start seeing some B41 permitting start in the Tucson area soon. I have a feeling you'll be the first to spot them. ;)


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


    I sure hope we do since we're in the IBEZ and probably won't see any 800 for a while.

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  21. Like i said ....great plan, great idea......but they have completely screwed the pooch on how it was rolled out and handled


    Euteneuer also said that Sprint has been pleased with how its new "Framily" plans have been received in the market. "It's clearly been well received," Euteneuer said of the Framily plans, which represent Sprint's response to price cutting from other carriers including T-Mobile US. "Maybe it's done a little better than expectations."

    Still, he said it is too early to provide specifics on how Framily plans have impacted gross subscriber additions, adding that the plans have only been in the market since mid-January and that Sprint is still working to expand them beyond Sprint-branded retail stores to other distributors.

    Read more: Sprint CFO: The sky isn't falling, management is working with SoftBank's Son - FierceWireless http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprint-cfo-sky-isnt-falling-management-working-softbanks-son/2014-03-10#ixzz2vcPZ00h7 

    Subscribe at FierceWireless


    I heard a handfull of people in the store confused by it.....and yes i would say some of those, want to abuse it....


    on a side note......my 1st bill came, and no issues on it, received the credit just like I should :tu:  :tu:  :tu: 


    The reason people are confused is simple... it's different than everything the industry has done in the US since it's inception. It's not a hard concept to follow if you break it down into each of the separate pieces.


    Plan - $55 (discounted $5 for each Framily member you add, to a low of $25). 1GB data included, $10 for 3GB, or $20 for unlimited and an annual upgrade.


    Phone Cost 1 - You buy the phone on Easy Pay and pay installments for 24 months (amount varies depending on device). You pay taxes and maybe a down payment in store. No contract.


    Phone Cost 2 - You buy the phone subsidized, $15 subsidy cost is added to monthly bill and you pay the discounted price on the phone in store that day. 2 year contract. After subsidy term is met, the $15 cost drops from the line automatically, reducing your bill.

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  22. Dont believe Sprint reps or the Sprint map they are generous with there map and it is not accurate at all.


    I wouldn't necessarily say don't believe the reps, don't believe Care reps when asking about local things. Care reps get basic generic information and have no local information to go on. If a ticket isn't opened publicly then they won't know of any location-specific issues.


    Local service and repair stores are your best bet for more accurate information on your specific area. They are more likely to know which areas tend to just be bad, which towers tend to have issues, or are currently having issues even if a ticket isn't open for the tower.

  23. Yes, 4GV-NB is a narrowband codec, it is not capable of the extended range that HD Voice requires. It just allows better network-management tan previous codecs from what I've been able to read so far.


    EVRC-NW we know for certain is a narrowband/wideband codec capable of essentially providing both EVRC-B and EVRC-WB simultaneously. So the rate can drop to a narrower band if the tower gets overloaded versus having to switch codecs (I do not know if switching codecs would require the call to drop).

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  24. I can't view the changes in the Note II PRLs as they don't follow the standard numbering scheme. That being said, it should be identical to the 21xxx series, just with 800SMR taken out due to the incompatibility they're still working on.

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