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Posts posted by Mobilesolutions

  1. Except his soul




    Your'e killing me lynyrd!



    While ATT model has multi LTE band support, ATT has only deployed LTE in a single band at 700 MHz thus far.  But the good news for ATT customers is that ATT and Verizon finally completed its 700 MHz B block spectrum sale last week which gives ATT a nice additional 5x5 (10 MHz) contiguous chunk of 700 MHz to provide capacity relief going forward.


    This means that ATT can now deploy 10x10 LTE in a lot more markets and even large markets such as Los Angeles and Chicago to be on par with Verizon.  This means that ATT customers will experience faster consistent speeds so he is not losing much by sticking with ATT.

     Technically I have seen proof that At&t has begun isolated AWS deployments, there is a site this way just 15 miles from me.  I would just expect that since Chicago is one of the furthest deployed NV 1.0 markets & has a growing TD-LTE footprint it would be a great time to jump to Sprint, especially since Chi-town is a breeding ground for 800MHz  ;)


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  2. You want every street and alley covered? 2 things you will need there. Someone with a lot of money/gas/time on their hands and Tri Band(800, 1900, 2600) LTE.

    Yes I want coverage everywhere. Otherwise I'm going to get my @$$ chewed for pleading Sprint.

    Let's just make it Quinband (800/900/1900/2600/3600) plus you don't need that much money or time, read the sensorly directions, map where you go...that includes your home, neighborhood, work, school etc.


  3. Clearwire/Sprint will get the maximum possible bandwidth possible for each Band 41 site. Probably 2/3 can get 100-300Mbps+ no problem. But the other third will have highly variable backhaul. They will get the maximum performing backhaul that can be obtained. The capacity of the airlink is ~100Mbps per sector. So 300Mbps is needed ideally for each TDD carrier. That's a lot of needed backhaul. So if a site currently has 100Mbps, if the site is under burdened (as all Band 41 sites are currently), each sector can likely provide maximum speed test results. But if each was at 50% capacity, speeds could be way, way lower than optimum. But probably still better than LTE 1900 with normal loads. With 20MHz of capacity, there's just a lot of room for traffic. So there needs to be some mondo backhaul in the long run. They have options though. At a site where they can get 100Mbps service, they may be able to add three separate 100Mbps connections, one for each sector as a temporary stop gap measure. However, for longevity, they will need to get 1Gbps+ for Band 41 sites. And they will get there. And fortunately they have a little time to get there. So if they continue to run full bore on this backhaul upgrade, they can stay ahead of the curve. But no rest for the weary. Robert

    If Sprint and I got in touch we could start throwing around air fiber fed sites and split gig circuits 2 or 3 ways.



    I know you need fiber eventually but this would speed up metro deployments considerably. 3.6/900 could get thrown into the mix..or maybe I'm off in left field and should stick to doing this privately.

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  4. Haha you are the same guy as in the XDA forums.  Same exact words too.  In short, you have a huge decision to make since the Note 3 is single band LTE to weigh the pros and cons of the Note 3.  The pros from your description seems to be the user experience with the S-pen, large screen, samsung software features and the cons seems to be the LTE coverage at home and being stuck with only 1 LTE band for the next 2 years.


    I think if your number 1 only concern is with LTE coverage is at your garage, I think the Note 3 will be worth it to you.  Honestly if you are at home, you should be using your home wifi to connect to the internet on your phone.  LTE should be reserved for mobile use when you are out and about.  I would hate to give up my ideal phone especially if you can't deal with the smaller screen if its just for the reason of not being able to use it at home.


    I stand on the other end of the fence, Mobile data should be available at your home.  Have you ever gone down the street to talk to your neighbor?  Walked to a convenience store?  Growing up around Realtors I learned At&t has been very successful, a great deal attributed to the fact that services have worked indoors.  Many people are tech illiterate when it comes to networks, the average user thinks something is wrong with the phone if it doesn't work in their home. 


    Yes, you should still use Wifi at your home though. 


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  5. as a current sprint customer, I would recommend against sprint at this point. maybe next year around this time with triband phones, things might be different. go with tmobile now, and change when Sprint turns on more LTE. majority of my time, 3G has been pretty inconsistent and LTE experience is just frustrating. for how much you will pay, Tmobile is a better deal at this point.


    Ew, T-Mobile has the worst indoor coverage of any carrier I've seen. I dropped about 3 calls a day on T-Mobile compared to 1 a week on Sprint. Att/vzw both have 750 LTe if you want coverage NOW.

  6. If you make it into semi-rural West Michigan, I'll gladly beta test for ya.  I'm less than 100yds form where the local cable company says their service ends and refuse to expand it.  If you have licenses, get this setup :)


    Licenses are ready, current funding will not permit any deployment across state lines & probably will not unless i got a large private partner or took to public funding. 


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  7. So I currently get 4G up to my garage. The minute I step inside I have no reception. In fact, I need an airvana just to make and receive phone calls. Would a triband phone fix this problem? Could I assume that I'd have better/stronger reception or would this assumption be false? I was waiting for the Note 3 specifically hoping for triband. I dont want to get a G2 because I cant go back to a smaller screen and love the s pen.

    That's how it is at my father's home. 4G in the garage, porch etc. Not anywhere Inside the brick fortress. The site closest to him @. 8 miles is not upgraded yet, but I imagine 800LTE would be available indoors already. That portion (800smr) LTE would be effective, the 2.5/6 GHz is only for outdoor use.

  8. You can tell him that he does not know what he is talking about.  The SM-N900P model number is correct, and the authorization is not for engineering samples.  As I was gathering data from the FCC OET filing again today, I noticed this:






    The device is pre-production as of the initial tests in July, I know many have given up hope but is there any real chance we could see a re certification of the Sprint variant with the inclusion of 2 more bands?  From an efficiency standpoint once a device has passed certification from the FCC it would be finalized as the production model. 


  9. Update from Tulsa this weekend.  Seems like power levels have been turned down quite a bit on the live sites, hopefully this means the fill in sites will begin.  Also the 81st & Mingo site was completely live 2 weekends prior & gave me a -68 dBm as i sat at the light, -76 as i passed behind TCC on hwy 169 &  fell out of azimuth just as i came in view of the 97th & memorial tower on Creek turnpike westbound.  I wasn't on my feet enough to fire up sensorly until just before i went up the on ramp.  I did pull something like 20mbps down off the southeast facing sector.  However i passed by yesterday and it would not connect, I fell off the 71st union PK lot site around 91st ST on hwy 169.  My conclusion, this site may have glimpsed testing signals to me on my prior visit; the site on the Union parking lot was hit or miss for about 2-3 weeks before it went blue on the map; the 81st site went blue first though.  Once the 61st & 129,101st & garnett,91st & 145th& 71 memorial fire station site see NV crews south Tulsa/BA will be nearly completed for NV1.0  :rolleyes:


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  10. Edge to legacy 3G is like walking vs riding a bike.


    I will take a Sprint phone with legacy 3G vs an hspa T-Mobile phone any day. I have dropped more calls and texts over T-Mobile than I have combined on any other carrier. I have a poor Sprint 4G signal right now indoors, but it beats my neighbors T-Mobile LTe connection as he has a circle with a pretty line through it.

    Brick buildings are rough, but what's worse is that Tmo has my area LTE complete and Sprint has only 1/3 sites that reach me broadcasting.



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