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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. ATTENTION S4GRU Members!


    Thanks to S4GRU Member BenChase7, we now know there are additional sites that Sprint has recently decided to add and they have been added to the network.sprint.com website. I am requesting that all of you cull the Sprint maps in your area and post any new "towers" below in this thread. Please include either a city and nearest crossroads, or ideally, GPS coords. A screenshot could be nice too, but not required.


    I am going to take these new sites and add them to our maps. I can't go through the whole country, but we now have enough members that all of you could dig up the dirt easily on your area!


    Thanks for your help!





    • Like 6
  2. I saw the new towers at network.sprint.com


    One of them is in South PHX on Baseline rd between 35th and 43rd ave @ Cezar Chavez Park. There are others, too.


    EDIT: Another just South of Van Buren rd between 67th and 59th ave.


    EDIT: Another at KIWA


    I see them now. Good find! These are sites Sprint has decided to add since October 1st, because they are not in my database.


    Sprint is adding ~340 sites in Network Vision. So there are sites being added. Just not many. However, these new ones are in addition to the 300+ already to be added. I am going to start a thread asking people to review network.sprint.com in their area and submit any new sites they find so we can get them added to our database!



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  3. I'm curious about the new towers in my area. I didnt think they were adding any towers. Change in plans?


    I couldn't locate anything on the Sprint Network maps marked new. I started in Glendale and started working out in concentric circles. Clicked on every one. Where are you getting new sites? I couldn't find any new sites in the Sprint coverage tool. I'm lost.



  4. I'm curious about the new towers in my area. I didnt think they were adding any towers. Change in plans?


    I will look into these site adds when I get back in front of my computer.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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  5. By any chance anyone knows of the status of the iDEN load on ESMR? I was just wondering if there is some open spectrum in 800MHz, maybe Sprint can opt to let the few 800MHz-enabled devices to use that(CDMA 800) for some time in-market. It's not a long-term solution, nor does it provide 3G(but 1x data speed peak at 507Kbps), but it does takeoff some of the load on 1900.




    It's definitely viable. Sprint just needs to do it.



  6. I would have never figured that. Do they just pick a random number for the BSID?


    I sent you an updated PM.


    I have no idea. However, here is the info you requested on backhaul:



    Backhaul Ready: 4/25/21012 (E)

    RRU Install: 3/9/2012 (A)

    3G OnAir: 3/30/2012 (E)

    4G OnAir: 6/28/2012 (E)



    Backhaul Ready: 2/3/21012 (A)

    RRU Install: 2/7/2012 (A)

    3G OnAir: 4/9/2012 (E)

    4G OnAir: 6/14/2012 (E)


    This document is dated 3/30/2012. A means "actual", E means "estimated." In the first one, the backhaul will not be live until the end of the month. The second one, the backhaul is already ready.


    Neither one of them had NV 3G live on 3/30. And it appears that only the first one has gone live since then. It seems that for the most part Chicago is running a week behind schedule. It's likely you are still on a legacy signal on the other site, even though the work is underway.


    If you are running slower speeds on the first site, then that makes sense since the enhanced backhaul is not currently live there. This must be chaos for the subcontractors keeping track of all the sites they have to go back to and hookup new backhaul to when ready. Notice the 4G live dates in Chicago are not until June. :(



    • Like 2
  7. What did you hear about the cluster and why it hasn't gotten live yet? Bad RRUs?

    Robert: Please let us know if you get more info on what the issues have been with this cluster (Hampshire cluster runs from Elgin to Marengo).


    Dino...you probably have more details then what I have from your site visit in Marengo. I had a Samsung RF Engineer tell me this is an e-mail, "The Hampshire cluster is problematic. It was one of our first goes in Chicago beyond the FITs. We are still troubleshooting." That's all I know. I received that e-mail over 2 weeks ago. That engineer has not responded to any follow up e-mails since. Maybe he will read this and respond? ;)


    Also I did go to a tower that was confirmed on the map as being NV'ed. Took some data readings and And was getting a average of 1.1 to 2.1 megs. Really good for such a busy area (I was right underneath the tower tho). I did take pics of the tower. Let me know if you want me to email them to you Robert.


    Yes, please. Photos, screenshot of tests and tower location would be fantastic!


    Also, does anyone know how spectrum limited Chicago market is? I notice that out in West Elgin I'm on channel 725 and in the more urban areas its 350. This would be some interesting information to know. Does Sprint not have both bands throughout Chicagoland?


    The market is spectrum limited in the sense that the busiest sites have all their spectrum available in the market fully allocated. However, only approx. 10% of sites have their spectrum fully used. So approx. 90% of the market can still add more EVDO and Voice carriers if needed.


    In places where they have fully deployed spectrum and still need more carrier capacity, all is not lost. They can add additional sites in the area and reduce the burden off these sites. These is a great solution for Sprint, but expensive. It is much less expensive and faster just to add carriers to existing sites than planning, building out and operating new sites for capacity.



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    How would I go about finding a Site ID' date=' for curiosity?[/quote']


    Go to our Google Interactive Maps and click on the site. The Site ID is shown there.



    What I was referring to is actually the BSID. You can find it using Netmonitor or CDMA Field Test.


    BSID numbers shown in Field Test and Netmonitor do not come up in Sprint Databases. I need the Sprint Site ID# or Cascade ID. These are shown on our maps.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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  9. Sorry to revive a thread that has run its course' date=' but I have an update. Quite a few towers have been upgraded in my area. You can tell right away since the nid and tower id change. Don't expect high speeds on day one however. It seems even if a tower is marked complete the backhaul and/or fiber may not be totally done yet... Does that make sense or am I wrong? As time goes on speeds seem to be increasing around here.[/quote']


    PM me the Site IDs and I can tell you if the backhaul has been upgraded.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

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