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Posts posted by S4GRU

  1. I have to agree with the Sarge. You have this information you are lording over our heads like we're not worthy. Best not to mention it maybe until your ready to talk about it. Just sayin' it might keep the masses at bay.


    I have settled this with Sarge, but obviously I need to go over it again publicly. We obviously think you are worthy, we are giving you some advanced heads up. We often give our members some advance information. It's one of the advantages of membership. It was the purposes of the chats.


    I'm probably not in the right mood tonight to have this discussion. I am so frustrated with many other things that I will likely take it out on some of you improperly. What you guys are doing, and you may not be meaning to, but what you will do with comments like this is make me second guess every darn thing I want to tell you about.


    In reality, I'm sure you all want to know what we know. But if I have to go around thinking, "before I mention this internal info, I wonder what people like Mofus and Sarge will think about it? I better just sit on it." Then you guys are going to end up with a lot less info overall. You want the guy who is leaking information to be an open spigot. Where you get anything and everything you can.


    I personally wouldn't want to discourage anyone with any inside information to be quiet. But that's just me. I don't make any commands or suggestions to my sources with any information they bring me. I just sit and listen.



  2. That is the most ridiculous stunt ever. But at the same time genius bc they are sticking it to the system in a sense. LOL


    Would never thought Clearwire would stump to such levels and provide T1 backhaul in some places...


    Taking notes from sprint...hehe


    Surprised the FCC doesn't step in and monitor speed levels in some cases...guess that's a lil out of their realm though?...


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


    I always wondered if the FCC would care about T1's being used in protection sites. After all, the build out requirements called for mobile broadband. And it was my understanding that EVDO did not meet the definition of the FCC mobile broadband definition for EBS/BRS spectrum and exactly why they used WiMax. So how can T1 backhaul that would essentially render WiMax to EVDO speeds be acceptable? It's a great point.



  3. I can vouch for this, my parents house in Shamokin is on the hill across from the protection tower, almost line of site, I just have to get his neighbors to cut the roof off their houses.


    I had a nice strong signal there, 4 out of 5 lights on my clear modem.


    I was able to get 7+ mbps down with the clear modem in Shamokin, much better my dad's DSL line.


    Do they normally use that nice of a backhaul with a protection site?




    When it comes to Protection Sites, the backhaul is highly variable. It pretty much is potpourri. Whatever is convenient, that's what they use. Some Protection Sites only have T1's, if that's all they could get.


    In Las Vegas, New Mexico they have a WiMax Protection Site that is 1.5Mbps upload and download 24 hours a day. Because it's on a T1 for backhaul. However, the next Protection Site to the west in Santa Fe has fiber backhaul. There was a vendor already there that leased to Clearwire for dirt cheap. It has 9 - 15Mbps Download speeds.



    • Like 1
  4. Just saying for a forum that's growing like this It's beat to hold cards to chest till your ready to discuss...


    Bc when you say things and don't discuss it will cause friction. Seen it happen in many different forums all the time and it always ends the same way with users getting frustrated.


    Too each their own but i still disagree fully and it has nothing to do with me being able to handle it.


    It's more about how it was worded than anything else.


    Like say "look for an article on X in near future too..." Or something like I said before....


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


    You have instances where site owners who have forums give some advanced information and it causes friction? I am providing information. In my format. Take it or leave it. I'm starting to get a little pissed.



  5. No offense but its posts like these that really are not needed...it'd honestly be better to say nothing at all until there is an article written on it....or to say at most something along the lines of "...sprint is planning on deploying X at some time unknown."...


    The way things are worded come off as tooting ur horns there...if your not going to explain...then best to not mention really.


    You both know I have a ton of respect for yall but I feel strongly that info like this should either be left for article only.

    At the very least not be mentioned in this manner...


    Itd be like me saying I know when ICS is dropping for X device but not saying so...


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


    I have a feeling 95% of our readers disagree with you. We are telling you a little advanced information about articles we are planning and you are telling us you can't handle it??? You'd prefer to know nothing until we are ready to tell everything?



    • Like 3
  6. I can tell you it is happening before 2014. And we are going to write detailed articles about it.


    I will listen to the audio when I get home from church. And then I will PM you something real Sarge. My documents are better than anything Sprint says. Because my documents show what Sprint is saying to each other, not what they mention to the public.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

    • Like 7

    While I dont doubt the intel' date=' it'd be tough to go against the 2014 note they made for it at the RCA presentation...[/quote']


    They never said that 800LTE will not be available until 2014. You are reading more into what was said.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

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    Duffman is correct - with the current deal' date=' usage payments are gone.


    Clearwire will receive 926 million for unlimited WiMAX service from Sprint for 2012 and 2013. 600 of that 926 million will be paid in 2012.


    This is one of the reasons why Sprint is probably eager to discount wimax devices - they want as many people on wimax as possible right now - it offloads traffic at no additional cost.


    The agreement goes back to the usage-based model in 2014 and Sprint has access to WiMAX through 2015 under the deal.


    If you take a step back and look at the way the deal was made, it makes a lot of sense. They needed a fixed-payment stream to cover costs while Sprint switches to LTE and that's exactly what the agreement does.


    By the end of 2013 and Sprint switches to LTE advanced and there are handsets out there that support Sprint's FD-LTE and Clearwire's TD-LTE, we go back to the usage-based model we saw before.[/quote']


    I'm pretty sure that previous WiMax usage agreements were paid to Clearwire per handset per month, not usage based. The LTE agreement with Clearwire is the first one I am aware of between Clearwire and Sprint that is usage based.


    Robert via NOVO7PALADIN Tablet using Forum Runner

  9. Shentel is a Sprint affiliate. Its a private company that pays Sprint to use its network/spectrum and name. Sprint only has two affiliates left. Shentel (in your area) and Swiftel (in S. Dakota).


    For the most part, Shentel is a good affiliate that provides superior performance in its rural and tertiary markets than Sprint does. Also, Shentel will have a mostly fiber backed network with NV/LTE.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

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  10. They will start losing customers starting this weekend. Every LTE smartphone sold now will be at the loss of Clearwire. Sprint pays Clearwire now a monthly fee for every WiMax device activated. Clearwire has enjoyed a guaranteed revenue stream from Sprint with every WiMax device sold.


    Now with LTE devices, WiMax device sales are going to plummet. And thus, revenues to Clearwire from these Sprint devices.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

    • Like 1
  11. And one frequency doesn't provide more bandwidth than the other. It all depends on the modulation scheme and channel width they can use. As you go higher in the spectrum you also have to worry about more rainfade.


    Yes indeed. And to compensate for rainfade, they have to make higher frequency links shorter and shorter distances.


    Robert - Posted from my E4GT with ICS using Forum Runner

  12. Oh, well now what have we here?



    Very observant!!!! That almost looks like Sprint is counting Swiftel in its LTE coverage area by the end of NV. Maybe they are cooking something up? But oddly, Sprint is confirmed working with Shentel with NV/LTE, and yet the Shentel area is not shaded in. Maybe Sprint is going to buy out Swiftel after all? Now there is a rumor if you ever heard one!



  13. There will be LTE towers active in June for Hampton Roads right?


    It looks like the very first Norfolk market 4G LTE sites will go live around the end of June. And then it will be steady deployment over the whole market non stop for months. We are posting maps in our Premier Sponsor section that shows nearly every First and Second Round site where you can click on it and look at the NV schedule for that site.



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