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I have a hosted email address I could use (actually I use a wildcard hosted email so that I could figure out who leaked my info).

For MR1100, I have tested and it worked with AT&T, Verizon and T-mobile. I can't get it to register with Sprint, even-though in network scan, Sprint will show up. But maybe somehow on the firmware level, they block it.

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3 minutes ago, dnwk said:

I have a hosted email address I could use (actually I use a wildcard hosted email so that I could figure out who leaked my info).

Groovy, good info there.

For MR1100, I have tested and it worked with AT&T, Verizon and T-mobile. I can't get it to register with Sprint, even-though in network scan, Sprint will show up. But maybe somehow on the firmware level, they block it.

I have never had an issue authenticating on Sprint as long as there was no CDMA modem present, and signal was ideal, staying connected was more work then tolerated. Sprint is starting to initiate use of some IMEI listings they previously did not, to detect devices on the LTE network. anyhoo, like you said it could be on the firmware side. Possibly the APN does not match the service level.


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1 hour ago, belusnecropolis said:

Have you adjusted the LAN MTU settings or used TTL mangle yet on your other devices?

Actually, I think it is my hardware issue. I sometimes have trouble pinging the gateway. But I did manage to change TTL. Is there any significant difference between the rooter project and plain vanilla openwrt?

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11 minutes ago, dnwk said:

Actually, I think it is my hardware issue. I sometimes have trouble pinging the gateway. But I did manage to change TTL. Is there any significant difference between the rooter project and plain vanilla openwrt?

Lots more scripts. Luci interface is pretty well integrated, but it can be chatty with the modem at#commands.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/28/2019 at 9:37 PM, belusnecropolis said:


Much better!

Gb PoE, 4x4 MIMO >15dB gain, 5GHz AC WiFi, cat 18 backhaul.

Proper mount on the box attached, waterproof, and air cooled. Waiting on permits still, but at least we are a bit more ready.

What is the motherboard for the routers?

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I am trying to buy small indoor antennas for my LTE module. When I read specs for an antenna, e.g. https://linxtechnologies.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/ant-lte-ws-sma.pdf

Why the average gain is in negative? Does it mean the antenna is actually losing power? I found most antenna is negative in gain for average gains. e.g. https://cdn.taoglas.com/datasheets/TG.30.8113.pdf

I don't know what it means.

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2 hours ago, dnwk said:

I am trying to buy small indoor antennas for my LTE module. When I read specs for an antenna, e.g. https://linxtechnologies.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/ant-lte-ws-sma.pdf

Why the average gain is in negative? Does it mean the antenna is actually losing power? I found most antenna is negative in gain for average gains. e.g. https://cdn.taoglas.com/datasheets/TG.30.8113.pdf

I don't know what it means.

It just the mathematics and the dark wizardry an engineer uses to measure power gain. It is a logarithmic measurement. dBm is a decibel milli watt, this assumes you use a reference of 1 milli watt. One way to measure is when

P(dBm) = Power expressed in dBm   
P(W) = the absolute power measured in Watts   
mW = milliWatts   
log10 = log to base 10 then P(dBm) = 10 · log10( P(W) / 1mW ) 
= 1 watt is 30dBm
Every time you gain 3 dBm you double your power. So -3 dBm is twice as powerful or larger than -6 dBm 

I usually roll in it up as a power of 10, this is negative in our case since it is a logarithm.  10^3 = 1000 while 10^-3 = 0.001. So with a power of 75 P(dBm) = 10 · log10( P(W) / 1mW )

If your transmitter has a very strong power of 75 then a receiver in the negative power of -75 is ideal.

tl;dr Real world -20 dBm or higher gain is pretty phenominal. you will see about -3 dBm from any paddle style antennae. It is just how gain is measured.  -99 god tier, -3 a bit better than some phones.

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I wonder how much of a nightmare it will be to get esim activated on an embedded radio, on Sprint?
What modems have them? Presumably there will be a way to enter the data from the QR code if you decode it. Not sure if it's just a number (like an ICCID), or if it's more like a cryptographic certificate (base64 encoded I assume). The issue with Sprint is that they register the IMEI too. That's why on the Pixel 3 there is a dedicated option for Sprint, then the QR code option for everyone else.

My understanding is that the eSIM QR code is generated for the current eSIM ICCID (it can generate multiple ICCIDs to allow multiple eSIMs to be on the device). So the equivalent of swapping the SIM into an "unsupported" device isn't possible; the QR code is valid only for the device it was generated for.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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1 minute ago, ingenium said:

What modems have them? Presumably there will be a way to enter the data from the QR code if you decode it. Not sure if it's just a number (like an ICCID), or if it's more like a cryptographic certificate (base64 encoded I assume). The issue with Sprint is that they register the IMEI too. That's why on the Pixel 3 there is a dedicated option for Sprint, then the QR code option for everyone else.

My understanding is that the eSIM QR code is generated for the current eSIM ICCID (it can generate multiple ICCIDs to allow multiple eSIMs to be on the device). So the equivalent of swapping the SIM into an "unsupported" device isn't possible; the QR code is valid only for the device it was generated for.

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

Sierra Wireless EM7565 Telit LM960 and LM940. Thanks for the good info there, that helps a lot and seems like how Sprint usually operates on sim in the prior form, confusing and a customer support nightmare.

Hey, no one knew we could get a hotswap or a Sprint sim to actually work, then one day I just tried it and here we are. I will see what I can come up with.

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There are two QR code on the EM7565 for an IMEI and what I am presuming is the esim. Both are followed by just the numbers, they are engraved or laser printed in to the finish of the body. Model, FCC, IC id, Product of Vietnam. There is another lower and left 7 digit number, no idea.

The LM960 has a plain finish. There is a sticker with a single QR code. Next to the QR code the IMEI, Model, FCCid, IC number, and then underneath it says assembled in china. 

I will go with the EM7565 since I have more info, and the LM960 is my stable daily driver.


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There are two QR code on the EM7565 for an IMEI and what I am presuming is the esim. Both are followed by just the numbers, they are engraved or laser printed in to the finish of the body. Model, FCC, IC id, Product of Vietnam. There is another lower and left 7 digit number, no idea.


The LM960 has a plain finish. There is a sticker with a single QR code. Next to the QR code the IMEI, Model, FCCid, IC number, and then underneath it says assembled in china. 


I will go with the EM7565 since I have more info, and the LM960 is my stable daily driver.


Maybe scan the QR code with your phone to see what it says? I use Barcode Scanner https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android and it copies the text of the QR code to the clipboard automatically.


After a bit more research, the ICCID equivalent for an eSIM is the EID I believe. It's longer and is static for the device. The QR code tells the device where to go to download the the eSIM profile for the line you're trying to associate it with. It requires an alternative internet connection already present (ie, on a phone you need wifi, it can't use the network of the provider you're trying to add). The QR codes are one time use. Once you use it to set up an eSIM on a line, if you want to move the line to a different eSIM, you need a new QR code.


There must be some generated ID of some sort for the eSIM as well, since the spec says that you can have multiple profiles for a carrier on the same eSIM. So for example, you can have 2+ T-Mobile lines on the same device/eSIM, and switch between them.


Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk




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12 minutes ago, ingenium said:

Maybe scan the QR code with your phone to see what it says? I use Barcode Scanner https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android and it copies the text of the QR code to the clipboard automatically.


After a bit more research, the ICCID equivalent for an eSIM is the EID I believe. It's longer and is static for the device. The QR code tells the device where to go to download the the eSIM profile for the line you're trying to associate it with. It requires an alternative internet connection already present (ie, on a phone you need wifi, it can't use the network of the provider you're trying to add). The QR codes are one time use. Once you use it to set up an eSIM on a line, if you want to move the line to a different eSIM, you need a new QR code.


There must be some generated ID of some sort for the eSIM as well, since the spec says that you can have multiple profiles for a carrier on the same eSIM. So for example, you can have 2+ T-Mobile lines on the same device/eSIM, and switch between them.


Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk




Oh that is super nice! Thanks a million. In the meantime I tried my VZW prepaid line and no fortune was found. I will ask Sierra Wireless for a portal that provides me more information on activation too. I see a lot of these around now, the newer model is B14 capable and being installed in firstnet capable vehicles. Sure seems like something Sierra would want to utilize in a nice uniform policy.

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Lolol this project is never going to end and that is the best thing ever.

Dual sim router with manual failover switch. I will use this simply for routing, adding a WiFi card or two is an option but I will clog up the mPCIe on SIM 1 with the Telit and SIM 2 with an M.2 em7565 and automate the switch somehow. Unless of course I can figure mWan3 to work for once in openWRT and I can balance on one side, then throw another M.2 in the second port. You can never have enough options I say. 

Gonna put a purpose driven router behind this guy for WiFi and cable drops in the house.

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59 minutes ago, belusnecropolis said:




Lolol this project is never going to end and that is the best thing ever.

Dual sim router with manual failover switch. I will use this simply for routing, adding a WiFi card or two is an option but I will clog up the mPCIe on SIM 1 with the Telit and SIM 2 with an M.2 em7565 and automate the switch somehow. Unless of course I can figure mWan3 to work for once in openWRT and I can balance on one side, then throw another M.2 in the second port. You can never have enough options I say. 

Gonna put a purpose driven router behind this guy for WiFi and cable drops in the house.

Dis is not PoE. I'm beating myself up over running an outlet to my antenna mounted prospective box(preferred), an PoE>DC adapter(OK I can see this) or some form of 18 amp extension cord that won't start a fire and ruin my life while I am at work(Let's not get careless here!). It is an attractive box with an above average aesthetic but small jumpers are what wins the day. It goes in the box, but how?

My initial design had PoE>wg3526 router w attached USB fan for cooling or optional long ass USB run to the Radio>Short jumpers>Antennae. This router has no USB port. I'm (guessing I am) running AC>DC for sure to cool. It was 108 today in Myrtle w the heat index and this thing needs longevity. It does fine in the radio room confined but direct sunlight is different. 

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I have same router,

the new firmware has support Quectel EM12G cat12 modem

my current tower do not support CA mode, I will find another place to test.

you can download from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wv6c78uuimtrbtq/AADcAO8LgmnhGRzh7qdAHBVpa?dl=0

all about quectel EM12G (spec doc, latest firmware ,upgrade tool, linux driver guide etc) :https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wv6c78uuimtrbtq/AADcAO8LgmnhGRzh7qdAHBVpa?dl=0

network status1.JPG

network status2.JPG

Edited by gsmantenna
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On 7/19/2019 at 5:56 AM, gsmantenna said:

I have same router,

You should delete that picture with your IMEI in it fren. Where did you get the current firmware? I am unable to find it on of modems and men dot com.

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7 hours ago, belusnecropolis said:

You should delete that picture with your IMEI in it fren. Where did you get the current firmware? I am unable to find it on of modems and men dot com.

try to modify with mark, but seem not allow my edit again 

you can buy at this link https://www.rework.network/products/quectel-em12g-cat12-lte-modem-3xcarrier-aggregation

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try to modify with mark, but seem not allow my edit again 
you can buy at this link https://www.rework.network/products/quectel-em12g-cat12-lte-modem-3xcarrier-aggregation
Nice set of CA combos! I'm guessing it's 2x2 only right?

I'm waiting for a 4x4 modem with those CA combos or better (4x+ CA) to be more future proofed, since the AT&T tower I'm using now doesn't have 4x4 yet or even B4/66 (adjacent ones do). I'm just not sure how to orient the antennas for 4x4...

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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11 hours ago, ingenium said:

Nice set of CA combos! I'm guessing it's 2x2 only right?

I'm waiting for a 4x4 modem with those CA combos or better (4x+ CA) to be more future proofed, since the AT&T tower I'm using now doesn't have 4x4 yet or even B4/66 (adjacent ones do). I'm just not sure how to orient the antennas for 4x4...

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

yes, it only support 2x2 currently(only have 2 antenna port)


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