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East Coast Snow Storm


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Just went out and shoveled an inch or two of powder out of the driveway.  I'll probably do it again right before bed.


Not sure I'll want to go out in the wind tomorrow but I might try at least...


- Trip

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I hate the Weather Channel.


The US Govt names hurricanes because it makes information sharing easier when there is more than one storm. That isn't an issue with winter storms! Ugh...stupid TWC.

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Looks like there is enough snow outside I get to have a little fun and plow. Hopefully a neighbor doesn't do it at 6am so I can have some fun. The total looks to be about 12 inches so far. I know it is not mind blowing I could travel a half hour and they could have 3 times that in the mountains but it is enough to have some fun.



Pic of a table in the yard.


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Snow flakes in the dirty Myrtle, nothing is quite sticking towards the beach. It made my grass frosty inland a ways.


The tourists left in town are mostly Canadians so they are loving it I am sure.

The Brave Canadians laughing at the arrival of a South Carolina blizzard. "Vas-y, épate-nous!"


Of course, vasy epate nous is roughly the French equivalent for the American expression, 'Bring it on!' But the one guy from Newfoundland joins in the celebrations with his Quebecker brethren and shouts, "Take it off! Take it off!" But the Quebeckers remind him they are shouting at the blizzardcane and not his drunken sister on the beach.


Ahhh, gotta love Newfies.


Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0

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I got up at 7:30 am and went to let the dog out on the back deck just long enough to do her thing and run back in, but couldn't initially because there was a foot of snow on the main part and almost a 2 foot drift against the sliding door.  I've now over the course of the day cleared off a section 3 times, and there's another 6-8 inches where I cleared again even then.   Have done some shoveling in the front to and a little between our cars, but all that has several inches that have replaced it too.  And a 3+ foot mound of snow up against our townhouse where the other snow was deposited.


The kid that's still in me is loving experiencing something like this for the first time, speaking as someone who grew up in southern middle TN and the most I'd ever seen prior to starting to make to PA in 2010 was a little over a foot *once* when I was in junior high.  


The adult in me wants to punch Jack Frost square in the mouth right now.  :angry:

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We are at 32" here...big dump truck snow plow was stuck for an hour on my street. Then a MD state trooper was stuck in his AWD Ford Explorer....while I was helping him, the AWD system died. He had to get towed.

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