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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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Late last year Sprint announced they were going to go full force with small cell deployment starting Q1 2016. I know they just released some information about 2017 and on but so far it definitely looks like they need to stay quiet and just focus on the work.


So far, according to RootMetrics, these are the scores for the major metros that have been tested.

Amount of First Place Overall Wins,

AT&T: 36

Sprint: 4

T-Mobile: 22

Verizon: 62

Now there are still a hand full of markets to test, but so far Sprint's efforts haven't been reflecting on their performance yet. Thoughts?



sprint/SoftBank really needs to buy someone give people real hope. Generate some good buzz and some more revenue problem is who is gonna sell?


Well, all the hype and early momentum has shifted Tmo is in a solid 3rd place. Those new Verizon commercials seem true.

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They are blaming local permits but what's strange is the other carriers do not seem to be having these permit delays.  I think it is just a cover up for some other reason. I read previous delays were from birds! :lol:


It's all about where the sites are located. For example there a bunch of sites in NJ that are on power lines, where access is restricted and upgrading is next to impossible. 

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sprint/SoftBank really needs to buy someone give people real hope. Generate some good buzz and some more revenue problem is who is gonna sell?


Well, all the hype and early momentum has shifted Tmo is in a solid 3rd place. Those new Verizon commercials seem true.


The lower churn rates seem to go directly against what you're saying.

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They are blaming local permits but what's strange is the other carriers do not seem to be having these permit delays. I think it is just a cover up for some other reason. I read previous delays were from birds! :lol:

I think you misunderstood. He said that spending is low because of the non traditional way they are deploying. So it can randomly fluctuate because of the way permits get approved. So capex average will be about three billion. But do not use that as a solid number, it's more of an average they expect to spend, but definitely a moving target depending on when certain permits get approved.
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There are wins that sprint had in prior testing then lost. I have to wonder if this very site is the reason for that. We have so much critical info on site placement and upgrade times that is essentially open to the public.

A competitor just needs to pay a small amount here and has all the info they need to overbuild and steal any performance gains sprint obtained.

Maybe we are the reason sprint is behind after 3 and 1/2 years since starting NV 1.0


Good point! But if we are then Sprint needs to read this and get their @@@@ moving faster! Just like the competitors are.

Realistically , once sprint has 2xca going then should win on download. But I bet a lot of them aren't fully optimized yet. Towers should be optimized within 30 days of going live.


Honestly, we should ask Marcelo to come in and answer some questions..... Seriously how long does it take to get the job done?

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The lower churn rates seem to go directly against what you're saying.


Seems that way but churn fluctuates yes? That may be temporary.


In my area people still cry horror stories with sprint after the upgrades are done.

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Yeah, I'd bet it's pretty hard to get permits approved when you're not applying for them in the first place. <_<


Just a thought.






On another note, it's nice to see more subscribers.

When I look at local permits, out of every 10, I see 4 AT&T, 3 Verizon, 2 T-Mobile, 1 Sprint.  And a lot of these sites are occupied by multiple carriers.  :scratch:

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Yeah, I'd bet it's pretty hard to get permits approved when you're not applying for them in the first place. <_<


Just a thought.






On another note, it's nice to see more subscribers.

I live in Staten Island, New York, and there's one cell site that is still 3G only. Not even band 25. No LTE at all. And it's a populated spot with schools and a small shopping plaza. Located ACROSS THE STREET from the other 3 carriers, all with LTE. Been like that for YEARS. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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The half off promo is getting boring.

Tmo 10gig $35 family plan has a lot of people leaving att for Tmo around here.


Sprint should come with something crazy to attract younger crowd on a tight budget. For example iPhone forever and galaxy forever plans include waive access fees... Or just all in one pricing... No access fees! Change the game!

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When I look at local permits, out of every 10, I see 4 AT&T, 3 Verizon, 2 T-Mobile, 1 Sprint.  And a lot of these sites are occupied by multiple carriers.  :scratch:



I live in Staten Island, New York, and there's one cell site that is still 3G only. Not even band 25. No LTE at all. And it's a populated spot with schools and a small shopping plaza. Located ACROSS THE STREET from the other 3 carriers, all with LTE. Been like that for YEARS. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I know this is a risky tangent to go off on, but for me it's 4 Verizon, 3 AT&T, and 4 T-Mobile. It's been over a year on known Sprint permits. I guess I'm not the only one.

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I know this is a risky tangent to go off on, but for me it's 4 Verizon, 3 AT&T, and 4 T-Mobile. It's been over a year on known Sprint permits. I guess I'm not the only one.

Add insult to injury, Sprint apparently lowered capex for the rest of the year to $3B


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I know this is a risky tangent to go off on, but for me it's 4 Verizon, 3 AT&T, and 4 T-Mobile. It's been over a year on known Sprint permits. I guess I'm not the only one.



It just seems some how some way sprint always has issues somewhere when it comes to their projects.

Like the kid who can never catch a break.


Hopefully these local presidents will take a real personal initiative to get on these towns to get permits done.

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If this is their plan to get to cash flow positive Softbank is looking to sell.


Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

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If this is their plan to get to cash flow positive Softbank is looking to sell.


Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk





I think masa wants to sell. We all know he wanted to before why not now for the right price?

Hello Comcast? Time warner?


Sprint is doing better, but Tmo is still racing ahead. How much longer will it take sprint to show some serious gains at this pace? Another 3-5 years? Very risky and if the stock takes another dive.... Well there isn't much left.


wouldn't surprise me at all if someone buys sprint

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I think masa wants to sell. We all know he wanted to before why not now for the right price?

Hello Comcast? Time warner?

Sprint is doing better, but Tmo is still racing ahead. How much longer will it take sprint to show some serious gains at this pace? Another 3-5 years? Very risky and if the stock takes another dive.... Well there isn't much left.

wouldn't surprise me at all if someone buys sprint

I think all carriers are about to hit a horrible spectrum crunch next year, except Sprint. So it will be very interesting to see if Sprint can take advantage.
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I think all carriers are about to hit a horrible spectrum crunch next year, except Sprint. So it will be very interesting how to see if Sprint can take advantage.

The only way sprint can take advantage of it would be to be far along on the densification plan. This doesn't look like it will be the case. At this point, I think the only thing keeping Sprint alive is the tears of their more ardent fans.


Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk

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I think all carriers are about to hit a horrible spectrum crunch next year, except Sprint. So it will be very interesting how to see if Sprint can take advantage.

I don't think so. Nothing about next year signifies a mass departure in terms of bandwidth consumption unless mobile 4K streaming/VR becomes a hot new thing. If anything next year will be better because VZ will have dismantled more CDMA, AT&T would have retired it's GSM network, and T-Mobile would probably hack away more at GSM as well. Besides this, we are what, 2 years away from Band 66 hardware being installed? Things are going smoothly for everyone.

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SoftBank has stated numerous time they are not looking to sell

And politicians have stated numerous time (fill in the blank). Besides they didnt sell last time because there were no buyers.


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I don't think so. Nothing about next year signifies a mass departure in terms of bandwidth consumption unless mobile 4K streaming/VR becomes a hot new thing. If anything next year will be better because VZ will have dismantled more CDMA, AT&T would have retired it's GSM network, and T-Mobile would probably hack away more at GSM as well. Besides this, we are what, 2 years away from Band 66 hardware being installed? Things are going smoothly for everyone.

Tmobile is already converting there edge to LTE and it's barely helping, Verizon is down to there last 30mhz and ATT is the only ones that have plenty left but equipment has not been fully deployed. (They are slowing capex and concentrating on international stuff)


Every other post on Reddit for T-Mobile mentions slow congestion, plus root clearly shows upload speeds dominating download. Spectrum crunch is real and it's happening.


That midband 20x20 plus low number of subs gave Tmobile a great "first impression" but that's now over.

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Additional clarification for that statement?


AFAIK T-mobile has the most 4x2 MIMO deployment thanks to their Nokia regions. Only recently have they started deploying 4x2 MIMO on their Ericson markets with new AIR and RRUS32 equipment. 


From what I've seen and was told by technicians on sites, ATT and Verizon is predominately 2x2 units from Alcatel-Lucent and Ericsson (AIR21 / RRUS11 / A2 modules / RRUS12) with 4T4R RRUS32 coming online later with ATT starting that with their Band 30 2.3 GHZ WCS overlay. 


Even my regions newest Verizon rebuilds  includes a single RRUS12 2T2R band 4 unit. None of their sites or ATTs sites utilize 4T4R capable equipment yet for Band 4 / 2 so i am in disbelieve that they are.


I was mistaken; it's actually the B25 RRH 4X30 (FCC ID AS5BBTRX-22), not the B4 RRH. They're also upgrading to the B13 RRH 4x30-4R (FCC ID AS5BBTRX-23) but using it in 2T 60W configuration.

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Tmobile is already converting there edge to LTE and it's barely helping, Verizon is down to there last 30mhz and ATT is the only ones that have plenty left but equipment has not been fully deployed.


Every other post on Reddit for T-Mobile mentions slow congestion, plus root clearly shows upload speeds dominating download. Spectrum crunch is real and it's happening.


That midband 20x20 plus low number of subs gave Tmobile a great "first impression" but that's now over.

Yeah but in most cases this is with traditional macro set ups. Small cells will solve these worries; Verizon is attempting to purchase XO Comm to get their fiber optic network (plus some 5G spectrum). The difference is with how fast these 3 move, and the cash they have on hand, they can afford to throw up a new small cell network at a rate exponentially faster than Sprint.

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Seems that way but churn fluctuates yes? That may be temporary.


In my area people still cry horror stories with sprint after the upgrades are done.


Churn has been on a downward trend for the last 3-4 quarters, so I wouldn't call it temporary. Also, your area isn't indicative of the entire country as a whole. Other markets are adding customers by the busloads. 


All Sprint can do is continue to densify, continue to build out their urban networks, get them performing at 100%, and then focus on expansion. Forget all the stupid XXX million pops and other crap. 

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I love how Sprint has said almost nothing with regard to their current deployment of small cells yet everyone seems to have an opinion on how their deployment is going.


They've already been spotted in the wild and we know that they're going up in numerous large cities already. So why is it that the same two people are posting back and forth about SoftBank wanting to sell despite the numerous signs that say "Nope, we're doing better than ever before and we're going to take the fight to T-Mobile." 


Who is Sprint going to sell to? Not T-Mobile!


1. They don't have the cash to do so.

2. Deutsche Telekom is likely not looking to expand their presence in the U.S. market by that much.

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Dish is trying to block vzw


"Verizon also leased XO's wireless spectrum (via XO unit Nextlink Wireless) with a purchase option. The moves would give Verizon near-exclusive control of 5G spectrum, Dish Network argues.

That would hinder competition overall in the 5G market, as well as current/future competition between Verizon and XO in fiber/wireless mobile backhaul, Internet transit, and enterprise and wholesale markets.

Verizon structuring the deal as a transfer lease avoided some scrutiny, Dish says, but the spectrum is the key to the deal."


Taken From seeking alpha....^^


Just seems they are always a step ahead planning and executing.

They see their grip on lte getting looser so they say f-it lets jump to 5g.. Start the engines.

Sprint is stuck getting permits for lte vzw is being sneaky setting up for 5g. Sprint will finally get their permits then a few months later vzw gets permits for 5g!!

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    • 417.55 MB September security update just downloaded here for S24+ unlocked   Edit:  after Sept security update install, checked and found a 13MB GP System update as well.  Still showing August 1st there however. 
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