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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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The biggest thing I see with this new promo is people who switch will most likely buy the higher data buckets because for half off, why not? Now they have extra data to consume.



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A few points and I'll yield the discussion:

  • Whether it's really leveraging 300 MM POP's of their own, or more band 41 CA deployment, Sprint has to get the network narrative changed. The whole problem with citing RootMetrics numbers is that most people in the real world aren't going to understand how all that affects their daily network experience. Ookla doesn't really account for coverage either. What I find is that a lot of the current network metrics on the board suck. Data is the most important thing at this stage, but 2/3 of RootMetrics is still talk and text measured over circuit switched channels. Root themselves have come out and said they're still testing circuit switched and not VoLTE. What did Verizon say about VoLTE call reliability? They said it's very close if not equal to their old ass CDMA network reliability. T-Mobile's engineers I know, when asked off the record, said VoLTE reliability was similar to UMTS on 1900 LTE and better on 700 MHz for what it's worth. I'm eager to see what P3 Group does in their testing. The US needs more competition not only on mobile but on network measurement for that manner.
  • Sprint has to cease their giveaways. I'd be much more comfortable with no unlimited on Sprint by the end of 2016 or fully prioritized "all you can eat" that has a 25 GB + prioritization component. It should also be priced $20-30 north of what it is now. End SERO (by stripping subsidy out it) for that manner.
  • The price entitlement of some reminds me of Magenta yelping over their price increases. It isn't OK when Mangentans do it, it isn't OK coming from yellow either.
  • How do you think Sprint is going to be able to finance future network improvements without more bailouts coming from SoftBank...wait for it, increased prices.

1. Sprint's been pretty quiet on the network expansions. They're doing the same thing they've said they've been doing for years. Echoing "soon." I know NGN is different, but I'm just talking about outsider perception. Sprint has been behind the competition for awhile now so when they boast RootMetric scores, people tend to not care much because the Sprint brand is quite damaged.

2. From a company standpoint, you're right. But these SERO customers are also the ones that have stayed through the rough network upgrades, just like the others on legacy plans. I see this as a Loyalty benefit and would really be tempted to switch carriers if they removed subsidies for me (this is a ~$20/line per month increase, basically.)

3. Agreed. Customers reaping the subsidy plans really had no reason to complain because they're already on the cheaper plans available.

4. Well, Sprint is chopping $2.5 billion in operating costs. This can definitely help. Sprint's ARPU isn't too bad either, but with all of their freebies/promotions to grab new customers, it's really taking a hit on their ARPU. In other words, removing a ton of the workforce won't matter since revenue will fall drastically too. But what option do they have? They have to compete on value, since their network just isn't up to par yet.  I do think Sprint's idea of adding the loyalty discount to leasing plans is a great way for Sprint to allow legacy customers to feel good about Sprint and also raise profitability.  They should promote that more often, honestly.


EDIT: Added something to point 4.

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What did Magic Mike delete? 

Marcelo tweeted a picture of himself with smiling sprint coworkers and the assbag tweeted 'did you tell them about their severance package?' or something similar. Really a shitty comment overall

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You can cite specious T-Mobile POPs statistics.  But as Trip suggests in an earlier post, do you really believe them?  T-Mobile has reintroduced rudimentary signal gradient maps, and they are not pretty.  Lots of "Fair Signal."  Not consistent, not reliable.


You incorrectly assume that "fair" does not allow for a reliable signal. Numerous people have stated that "fair signal" actually means what it says--not "if you stand on your head and do a rain dance you might be able to send one text out" like a certain yellow-branded carrier uses it to mean. 


For example, this user is reporting new coverage: https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/3t6p4y/new_tmobile_native_coverage_in_roxboro_nc/  . And he plainly says: "Not sure why it says Fair Signal as I was getting 5-4 bars."


And, yes, I absolutely believe them. I have a handful of Verizon lines with unlimited everything (voice/text/un-throttled data), yet I find myself carrying my T-Mobile line as primary. I have no issues whatsoever with network coverage now, and I get better service in large metro areas (such as Los Angeles) because T-Mobile started with the best cell grid and then overlaid low-band on top. 


The porting ratios don't lie, and since Sprint is cheaper than all the carriers, there's pretty much only one other reason for people to leave--the network.

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You incorrectly assume that "fair" does not allow for a reliable signal. Numerous people have stated that "fair signal" actually means what it says--not "if you stand on your head and do a rain dance you might be able to send one text out" like a certain yellow-branded carrier uses it to mean. 


For example, this user is reporting new coverage: https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/3t6p4y/new_tmobile_native_coverage_in_roxboro_nc/  . And he plainly says: "Not sure why it says Fair Signal as I was getting 5-4 bars."


And, yes, I absolutely believe them. I have a handful of Verizon lines with unlimited everything (voice/text/un-throttled data), yet I find myself carrying my T-Mobile line as primary. I have no issues whatsoever with network coverage now, and I get better service in large metro areas (such as Los Angeles) because T-Mobile started with the best cell grid and then overlaid low-band on top. 


The porting ratios don't lie, and since Sprint is cheaper than all the carriers, there's pretty much only one other reason for people to leave--the network.


On the other hand there are plenty of places in the Boston area where I've seen T-Mobile's coverage maps say that one should have strong signal but there is actually low to no signal available to use.


Additionally, according to T-Mobile's Q3 results announcement, their Sprint porting ratio actually fell.


And you use that reddit link to support your argument but there are a similar amount of people who claim that there are areas where T-Mobile says you should have signal in places like Michigan where there is no cellular signal at all.

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You incorrectly assume that "fair" does not allow for a reliable signal. Numerous people have stated that "fair signal" actually means what it says--not "if you stand on your head and do a rain dance you might be able to send one text out" like a certain yellow-branded carrier uses it to mean.


For example, this user is reporting new coverage: https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/3t6p4y/new_tmobile_native_coverage_in_roxboro_nc/ . And he plainly says: "Not sure why it says Fair Signal as I was getting 5-4 bars."


And, yes, I absolutely believe them. I have a handful of Verizon lines with unlimited everything (voice/text/un-throttled data), yet I find myself carrying my T-Mobile line as primary. I have no issues whatsoever with network coverage now, and I get better service in large metro areas (such as Los Angeles) because T-Mobile started with the best cell grid and then overlaid low-band on top.


The porting ratios don't lie, and since Sprint is cheaper than all the carriers, there's pretty much only one other reason for people to leave--the network.

As a T-Mobile customer, I can tell you that the lightest color on their new gradient maps either produces no signal, or a signal so weak that it is unusable. Even outdoors without obstacles. It's also true of Sprint and Verizon too. But it is the way it is. AT&T provides no gradients. But their maps are also overstative.


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Can this cut you rate in half be done at a best buy too? Or just Sprint stores?


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From what I've read, just Sprint stores starting tomorrow. I'm not sure if the old Cut Your Rate Plan in Half was available at Best Buy either.

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As a T-Mobile customer, I can tell you that the lightest color on their new gradient maps either produces no signal, or a signal so weak that it is unusable. Even outdoors without obstacles. It's also true of Sprint and Verizon too. But it is the way it is. AT&T provides no gradients. But their maps are also overstative.


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


And now where I live, Sprint has understated coverage so bad my house is now listed as roaming, as well as almost 50% of town. Oops! The store reps are putting in trouble tickets to try to get that fixed, but they've heard nothing back yet.

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Exactly! Sprint has effectively put itself where no one can really beat them on price. On value, sure. T-Mobile is giving away tons of things like tethering for free but for a lot of people price is the only determining factor in switching mores than what they could get if they paid more.


That is why Legere went into a rant yesterday even his other executive making jokes of Sprint layoffs. This show Sprint hit their nerve.

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And now where I live, Sprint has understated coverage so bad my house is now listed as roaming, as well as almost 50% of town. Oops! The store reps are putting in trouble tickets to try to get that fixed, but they've heard nothing back yet.

Same for brand new coverage in Sparta, IL 20 miles up the road from me. Shows up on Sensorly. NOTHING on the main Sprint map.

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As a T-Mobile customer, I can tell you that the lightest color on their new gradient maps either produces no signal, or a signal so weak that it is unusable. Even outdoors without obstacles. It's also true of Sprint and Verizon too. But it is the way it is. AT&T provides no gradients. But their maps are also overstative.


Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

In my findings, the areas that show 'fair' are usually -118dBm or worse.  Very usable, but if you hold the phone wrong, it'll drop to H+ or Edge (usually Edge.)  There's some areas that show signal and there's absolutely no signal though.

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Same for brand new coverage in Sparta, IL 20 miles up the road from me. Shows up on Sensorly. NOTHING on the main Sprint map.

But check this out, when they changed the map, they optimized the site and I now get more "dots" in my house than I did before. My phone would be 2-3 dots, and now it's 3-4. It's really weird. The Sprint employees are baffled about it. Unfortunately, I still don't have LTE, and they have already installed the microwave back haul links for each site in Pahrump. Now we are just waiting for the back haul to get turned on.



Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk

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I thought this was a good read about John and T-Mobile.


Call it out!


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The comments are a mess as always.


S. Ali.  Of course.



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Well that one is not as ridiculous as the "queen" of making a 12-hour-a-day profession out of bullshitting and using every troll fallacy known to man for a company they supposed don't even work for. 


Maybe FW will come to their senses with the last 4 T-Trolls. The comments have been far more tolerable without just one. I guess they're just too lazy to moderate and want to resort to ex post facto cleanup every 4-6 months. 

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In my findings, the areas that show 'fair' are usually -118dBm or worse. Very usable, but if you hold the phone wrong, it'll drop to H+ or Edge (usually Edge.) There's some areas that show signal and there's absolutely no signal though.

In my area there are a lot of B12 only sites. No WCDMA fallback. -118dBm or worse means data might work, but no phone calls.



Posted using iPhone 5s on Tapatalk

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Well, my sister and brother in law are going T-mobile -> Sprint.


So they are on the $100 for 2x 6GB lines and will be going to $50 at Sprint and also probably getting new phones at Sprint for less than their current PLAN total let alone what they pay at Tmobile for Plan + phones.


Crazy deal. 

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Seems Tmobile executives are not professional Check out @SievertMike's Tweet: https://twitter.com/SievertMike/status/667063744376115200?s=09


I am not sure who is the bigger jackass -- John Legere or Mike Sievert.  Maybe they are having a contest.


Both Neville Ray and Kathleen Ham seem to stay above the fray.  Good for them.  I do wonder, though, about their work environment.  How do they feel working for two juvenile asshats?



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In my area there are a lot of B12 only sites. No WCDMA fallback. -118dBm or worse means data might work, but no phone calls.


That's one of my biggest problems with T-Mobile, even trying to be unbiased. T-Mobile can create a halfway decent if not good data network with low-band in numerous places, but there's no low-band WCDMA/GSM for calling being I'd be the only person I know using T-Mobile. Some younger/nonstandard people don't call little if any, but for those that need to at all it's a deal breaker.


In my findings, the areas that show 'fair' are usually -118dBm or worse.  Very usable, but if you hold the phone wrong, it'll drop to H+ or Edge (usually Edge.)  There's some areas that show signal and there's absolutely no signal though.


Thanks for the report. The presumption I'd make is the fair generally equates to no guaranteed LTE, and most if not all outdoor LTE. The areas bordering the next shade are probably okay, maybe even indoors, but the fill-in too far away from sites is just exaggerated2.


If they bother adding more coverage and a noticeable amount of B12, I may try them again in the future myself. I'd never use them in seriousness, though. Not anywhere in the Northeast. 

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    • Since this is kind of the general chat thread, I have to share this humorous story (at least it is to me): Since around February/March of this year, my S22U has been an absolute pain to charge. USB-C cables would immediately fall out and it progressively got worse and worse until it often took me a number of minutes to get the angle of the cable juuuussst right to get charging to occur at all (not exaggerating). The connection was so weak that even walking heavily could cause the cable to disconnect. I tried cleaning out the port with a stable, a paperclip, etc. Some dust/lint/dirt came out but the connection didn't improve one bit. Needless to say, this was a MONSTER headache and had me hating this phone. I just didn't have the finances right now for a replacement.  Which brings us to the night before last. I am angry as hell because I had spent five minutes trying to get this phone to charge and failed. I am looking in the port and I notice it doesn't look right. The walls look rough and, using a staple, the back and walls feel REALLY rough and very hard. I get some lint/dust out with the staple and it improves charging in the sense I can get it to charge but it doesn't remove any of the hard stuff. It's late and it's charging, so that's enough for now. I decide it's time to see if that hard stuff is part of the connector or not. More aggressive methods are needed! I work in a biochem lab and we have a lot of different sizes of disposable needles available. So, yesterday morning, while in the lab I grab a few different sizes of needles between 26AWG and 31 AWG. When I got home, I got to work and start probing the connector with the 26 AWG and 31 AWG needle. The stuff feels extremely hard, almost like it was part of the connector, but a bit does break off. Under examination of the bit, it's almost sandy with dust/lint embedded in it. It's not part of the connector but instead some sort of rock-hard crap! That's when I remember that I had done some rock hounding at the end of last year and in January. This involved lots of digging in very sandy/dusty soils; soils which bare more than a passing resemblance to the crap in the connector. We have our answer, this debris is basically compacted/cemented rock dust. Over time, moisture in the area combined with the compression from inserting the USB-C connector had turned it into cement. I start going nuts chiseling away at it with the 26 AWG needle. After about 5-10 minutes of constant chiseling and scraping with the 26AWG and 31AWG needles, I see the first signs of metal at the back of the connector. So it is metal around the outsides! Another 5 minutes of work and I have scraped away pretty much all of the crap in the connector. A few finishing passes with the 31AWG needle, a blast of compressed air, and it is time to see if this helped any. I plug my regular USB-C cable and holy crap it clicks into place; it hasn't done that since February! I pick up the phone and the cable has actually latched! The connector works pretty much like it did over a year ago, it's almost like having a brand new phone!
    • That's odd, they are usually almost lock step with TMO. I forgot to mention this also includes the September Security Update.
    • 417.55 MB September security update just downloaded here for S24+ unlocked   Edit:  after Sept security update install, checked and found a 13MB GP System update as well.  Still showing August 1st there however. 
    • T-Mobile is selling the rest of the 3.45GHz spectrum to Columbia Capital.  
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