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Request to S4GRU Members who use Twitter


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Done! I followed you too... I'll follow you on my business Twitter page as well. (I'm proud to say I'm powered by Sprint!)

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Done - I think! First tweet ever from me; I usually just use Twitter to check traffic and weather. Couldn't figure out how to re-tweet the Spanish version, though.

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Noticed we were at 98 so I just logged into and retweeted from my old account I hadn't touched in more than three years (good thing "forgot password?" exists ;)), I had already retweeted it from my main account the other day. One more to get to 100. Come on, people.

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100 retweets! Great job all! Thank you for rising to the occasion. I may ask for more help in the future as we reach out to Marcelo.


And if you haven't retweeted, yet. It's not too late. Go ahead and rise the number some more. Thanks!!


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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Retweeted on my part, and believe it or not, I have someone from Sprint following me. So who knows.


"Believe it or not, I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free-ee-eee!"   :hah:



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"Believe it or not, I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free-ee-eee!"   :hah:


"Believe it or not, Robert isn't at home…"




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