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Sprints 'Happy Connecting' Event


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Two notes I want to make.


1. First off, I suspect this announcement has more to do with something Sprint could do to be more friendly in a consumer-facing manner. Maybe a better price plan and structure. This may well have nothing to do with cellular technology, though I'll appreciate any announcement to speed up B26 and B41 deployment as well as building additional cells on fringe Sprint areas. This brings me to the second point:

2. Most of the people who are on the Internet who complain about Sprint have had a bad experience with Sprint down the line at some point. The only simple way to fix that is to put their heads down and fix the issues with the Sprint network. Until then, I think the best move is to ignore Internet chatter on Sprint.



I would like to believe that as wishful thinking, but honestly I think its (obviously based on market/location) much worse than most actually realize.. I can't tell you how many people dislike sprint from a bad experience as you stated, or just bashing sprint from their word of mouth reputation.. But I can tell you I hear people all the time talking about how bad Sprint is and they would never go back or use Sprint. I can tell you in my market/area there was a time everyone was on sprint, now its almost exciting to find sprint people... The network is still slow, people bash it by what they have heard or experienced, and for the most part they are right, when comparing to tmo/att/vzw in my area. 


I have a friend who got on a "framily" plan and is stille there by himself after 4 months.. He just started advertising on reddit and others because he has been able to get NO ONE to join.. He is a sprint customer for 13+ years and now considering switching as sprint won't let him join someone elses.. Again, other markets may experience something different, but Sprints rep is bad.


Most people don't really care about loyalty to a "utility" company. They want the best for their money and they want it now. Many say they don't care about an extra $20 a month for a phone that works when they need it to, not when it wants too.


With talks of the merger I think even Sprint knows how tarnished its name has become, hence the rumors Tmos name and top level staff run the merged company. This is a large part of the reason I think it is indeed worse than just people on the internet hating on Sprint. I do agree, Sprint needs to just work 10xs harder at getting the network to acceptable levels over a much larger area. Hopefully Sprint comes up with some great ideas and gets the network done, as it will take time to bring those people back.


LOL have tmos crew stop working on tmo stuff and work with sprint stuff at least if the merger is denied sprint can get something out of it if it does get denied.

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I would like to believe that as wishful thinking, but honestly I think its (obviously based on market/location) much worse than most actually realize.. I can't tell you how many people dislike sprint from a bad experience as you stated, or just bashing sprint from their word of mouth reputation.. But I can tell you I hear people all the time talking about how bad Sprint is and they would never go back or use Sprint. I can tell you in my market/area there was a time everyone was on sprint, now its almost exciting to find sprint people... The network is still slow, people bash it by what they have heard or experienced, and for the most part they are right, when comparing to tmo/att/vzw in my area. 


I have a friend who got on a "framily" plan and is stille there by himself after 4 months.. He just started advertising on reddit and others because he has been able to get NO ONE to join.. He is a sprint customer for 13+ years and now considering switching as sprint won't let him join someone elses.. Again, other markets may experience something different, but Sprints rep is bad.


Most people don't really care about loyalty to a "utility" company. They want the best for their money and they want it now. Many say they don't care about an extra $20 a month for a phone that works when they need it to, not when it wants too.


With talks of the merger I think even Sprint knows how tarnished its name has become, hence the rumors Tmos name and top level staff run the merged company. This is a large part of the reason I think it is indeed worse than just people on the internet hating on Sprint. I do agree, Sprint needs to just work 10xs harder at getting the network to acceptable levels over a much larger area. Hopefully Sprint comes up with some great ideas and gets the network done, as it will take time to bring those people back.


LOL have tmos crew stop working on tmo stuff and work with sprint stuff at least if the merger is denied sprint can get something out of it if it does get denied.

I know that Verizon and AT&T have a better network in Springfield, but T-Mobile? No, not the last time I was there. But then, AT&T was not very good voice wise in New Hampshire, where USCC has the other 850Mhz spectrum band.

Sprint is going to be very good. Will it ever be as strong as Verizon and AT&T. I believe they will if they get some 600Mhz and merge with T-Mobile. 

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I know that Verizon and AT&T have a better network in Springfield, but T-Mobile? No, not the last time I was there. But then, AT&T was not very good voice wise in New Hampshire, where USCC has the other 850Mhz spectrum band.

Sprint is going to be very good. Will it ever be as strong as Verizon and AT&T. I believe they will if they get some 600Mhz and merge with T-Mobile. 

When were you here last??  Tmos coverage is about equal to sprint as far as dropped calls or dead zones here. Sprint has better coverage in the boonies around this way though. Tmos lte kills Sprints in this area.. It was like a light switch going on.. all the sudden tmo has good coverage and blazing speeds! My partner at work uses tmo and i now have one as well. Can't tell you how frustrating it was/is to see tmo work and not my sprint.. This area is covered mostly with 800 vice so its nice to see i can make phone calls where my tmo can't. Honestly, tmo from a data stand point is killing sprint over here.. People are PROUD to be on tmo over here.. It was just a few short years ago tmo sucked! People are trying them again due to their blitz of advertising and marketing strategy, something Sprint is not doing that great on.. 


That being said I really hope sprint has something up its sleeve, maybe this happy connecting includes some type of cloud storage??

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Eh to cloud storage. Half the people don't even know what cloud is. I am hoping the event has something to do with network vision, the merger, or b26 being at their halfway goal.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Eh to cloud storage. Half the people don't even know what cloud is.


They will after this movie...




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I know that Verizon and AT&T have a better network in Springfield, but T-Mobile? No, not the last time I was there. But then, AT&T was not very good voice wise in New Hampshire, where USCC has the other 850Mhz spectrum band.

Sprint is going to be very good. Will it ever be as strong as Verizon and AT&T. I believe they will if they get some 600Mhz and merge with T-Mobile. 

I was there about a year and a half ago...I could not get voice in some places....on T-Mobile.

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I love sprint but I see why they give themselves a bad name. Im surrounded by all nv complete sites and things like late text messages and calls that never come through still happen. I shouldn't have to deal with this on an "advanced" network.

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I love sprint but I see why they give themselves a bad name. Im surrounded by all nv complete sites and things like late text messages and calls that never come through still happen. I shouldn't have to deal with this on an "advanced" network.


You might get slapped on the wrist with that kind of talk around here!  :rasp: This needs to get back on-topic. 

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I'm very intrigued about what this event could really be about but I say everyone's guesses are a possibility.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Well Network Vision has been great here in NYC. No late text messages, no dropped calls, HD Voice is amazing, LTE is moving along at 12Mbps right now etc. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.

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I love sprint but I see why they give themselves a bad name. Im surrounded by all nv complete sites and things like late text messages and calls that never come through still happen. I shouldn't have to deal with this on an "advanced" network.

You might get slapped on the wrist with that kind of talk around here!  :rasp: This needs to get back on-topic. 


Some people may just need to realize that Sprint will always have weaker areas.  And that is true of all wireless operators.  So, do not obsess over it.  Move on with life.



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Lets hope it has to do with network improvements, and they are going to flip the switch on 10000 towers! Then announce NV1.0 is done! So all of us will have faster speeds, and better coverage june 23rd.... 

Maybe thats why the tower down the street that is supposed to be completed and running- isnt... waiting for the 23rd! 


Wishful thinking!!! I really hope its something good... cause if it isn't......ehhh

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Here's my little theory: Sprint appears to have started assigning folks to Framilies to build them to 10 as fast as possible. I think this presentation is going to highlight Sprint's new strategy in this area.

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Here's my little theory: Sprint appears to have started assigning folks to Framilies to build them to 10 as fast as possible. I think this presentation is going to highlight Sprint's new strategy in this area.


Thats completely against policy. Corporate employees have been written up and threatened with termination if this practice continues by upper management. Though several retailers and shady corporate reps in Indianapolis are still doing it i know.

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Thats completely against policy. Corporate employees have been written up and threatened with termination if this practice continues by upper management. Though several retailers and shady corporate reps in Indianapolis are still doing it i know.


Hmmm. Then I have nothing. Lol

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Thats completely against policy. Corporate employees have been written up and threatened with termination if this practice continues by upper management. Though several retailers and shady corporate reps in Indianapolis are still doing it i know.

Same at Best Buy, it is strictly forbidden to add people to Framily plans on our own.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

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2. Most of the people who are on the Internet who complain about Sprint have had a bad experience with Sprint down the line at some point. The only simple way to fix that is to put their heads down and fix the issues with the Sprint network. Until then, I think the best move is to ignore Internet chatter on Sprint.

A to the Men, Hallelujah! Please Sprint just stop talking and start walking the walk. 1.5 years and waiting in SF for usable data still...

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I thought it was pretty obvious that the event would be about the evolution and transformation of the Sprint network. The giant celll phone tower on the announcement and the use of the word "connecting" seem to all but give that away (at least in my mind). I didn't find anything at all mysterious about the announcement and am confused as to why anyone would, especially as mid 2014 has long been Sprint's publicly announced goal of largely completing network vision's first phase.


Sprint has now mostly completed a massive project on a national scale and, just as a reminder, we live in a big ass country. They should RECEIVE NOTHING SHORT OF A STANDING OVATION FOR THEIR EFFORTS. I know that might be hard for some people to swallow but, just because you're one of the unfortunate few who has yet to see Network Vision bear fruit in your particular burg, town or ville doesn't mean that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the U.S. isn't already enjoying a greatly improved network. Even with the latest (and possibly unforseen) issues with ecsfb on b26, the network is exponentially faster and more reliable in nearly every major and mid size city across the country (and even many of the areas in between).


This, I would contend, is worthy of celebration. And I would theorize that's exactly what we'll see at the event. There could be more (related to Framily or otherwise) but the achievements in modernizing the network will likely take center stage.

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I thought it was pretty obvious that the event would be about the evolution and transformation of the Sprint network.   The giant celll phone tower on the announcement and the use of the word "connectinng" seem to all but give that away (at least in my mind).  I didn't find anything at all mysterious about the announcement and am confused as to why anyone would, especially as mid 2014 has long been Sprint's publicly announced goal of largely completing network vision's first phase.


Sprint has now mostly completed a massive project on a national scale and, just as a reminder, we live in a big ass country.  They should RECEIVE NOTHING SHORT OF A STANDING OVATION FOR THEIR EFFORTS.  I know that might be hard for some people to swallow but, just because you're one of the unfortunate few who has yet to see Network Vision bear fruit in your particular burg, town or ville doesn't mean that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the U.S. isn't already enjoying a greatly improved network.  Even with the latest (and possibly unforseen) issues with ecsfb on b26, the network is exponentially faster and more reliable in nearly every major and mid size city across the country (and even many of the areas in between).


This, I would contend, is worthy of celebration.  And I would theorize that's exactly what we'll see at the event.  There could be more (related to Framily or otherwise) but the achievements in modernizing the network will likely take center stage. 

While I would love to see that happen, I have a feeling Sprint won't get the recognition of their efforts regarding their network. People will still complain their service is horrible and how it has taken Sprint this long to roll-out their LTE. We all know better here but we are the minority.


As for the event, I do see where you're coming from. I think they talk some about their network progress; HD Voice; Spark and Framily. Maybe even something regarding the merger, only time will tell and that is less than 2 weeks away.  

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I would be shocked if they mentioned anything about a potential merger with Tmobile just yet.  It is much too soon and is still technically just a rumor even though we know they are working on it behind tightly closed doors. That event would probably wait until the beginning of Q3.

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A to the Men, Hallelujah! Please Sprint just stop talking and start walking the walk. 1.5 years and waiting in SF for usable data still...


I think you miss Fraydog's point.  Sprint needs to stop listening to the complainers on the Internet and just stay the course.  Network Vision is getting things done -- even if it is not getting things done quickly enough for the complainers where they are located.



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Sprint has new network leadership running their networks and Network Vision upgrades. On one end, Sprint does need to ignore the more rapacious of Internet haters. That said, there's still legitimate network issues that need to be dealt with, left by the old guard. I already see lots of areas of the country through S4GRU where lots of changes are happening at a quicker pace than a lot of people anticipated.

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