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HTC One M8 User Thread


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Just bought my wife a new HTC One M8 and she is not getting a usable network signal where her old GSIII worked great.  She was able to get 4g on her GSIII, but now no signal with her M8.  


Could it be the phone?


If you are saying she is getting "no" LTE now in the same place as the S3 then it's probably eCSFB issues on the tower you are connecting to.  The tri-band devices use 1 signal path for call and data so the eCSFB (call switch fall back) has to be working on the tower OR the tri-band device won't connect to LTE at all on it. I don't know if your market has spreadsheets or maps BUT if so, look and see if that tower you are on is a 4G LTE accepted OR 3G/4G LTE accepted.  If it's 4G only, that tower cannot have eCSFB working on it and she'll not be able to use LTE from it until it's both 3G accepted AND the eCSFB software is deployed to it. 

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If you are saying she is getting "no" LTE now in the same place as the S3 then it's probably eCSFB issues on the tower you are connecting to.  The tri-band devices use 1 signal path for call and data so the eCSFB (call switch fall back) has to be working on the tower OR the tri-band device won't connect to LTE at all on it. 

She has told me she is not getting 3g or 4g signal.  

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Signal on the GSIII was usually 2 to 3 bars.  

Please don't use term bars to determine signal strength, use the actual db figures.  Also, like what mrrogers1 said, it could be an ecsfb issue.

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Please don't use term bars to determine signal strength, use the actual db figures. Also, like what mrrogers1 said, it could be an ecsfb issue.

Also, on S3, the bars are for the 1x voice connection which is also likely on 800MHz. The M8 parks on LTE which is likely at 1900 making it seem like it's not as good at holding signal.




Sent from my HTC One M8 using Tapatalk.

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And.... another one bites the dust.  That m8 I swapped out a couple weeks ago?  Was working flawlessly, then earlier today the wireless connectivity shut out.  3g and lte, same issue as before where the phone would just not connect at all.  I think there must be some sort of bad batch where the phones have faulty radios, and seeing the number of people on these forums, it's not THAT rare an occurrence.  This is NOT an issue of the new spark phones, when the phone was working it switched between calling and lte super fast, this is an issue where the phone radio just stops working and can't connect to save its life.


Outside the 2 week return window now, so I may have to have the phone sent in, hopefully I can still just swap it out.  Probably too late to swap it for another phone since it seems only the sprint m8s are having these issues, any word on the sprint s5s?  same qualcomm soc right?  same radios? 

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HTC ONE M8 3G/ LTE ISSUES preferably in New Orleans

Anyone having 3g/ LTE issues with their m8?    I notice many times my m8 wont connect to LTe or even 3g signal, yet I have friends with other Sprint devices, the M7, who are getting 3g and LTE in areas i normally got LTE when i owned the M7??  As seen in the photo this is what I am getting 


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Sammael   I am having the same issue man.  I bought this phone 3 weeks ago. Working good and than i was not getting 3g/ 4g in areas my m 7  use to.   Went and swapped.  Walked out the store and went home  again  3g  lte   and roaming issues. Than one day  i got 3g  and some lte   and no 3g at the gym  and roaming.  Than yesterday i got lte on the way to work and ta my job  and when i went to go to an academy sports store,  no 3g  i drove home and still saw no 3g.  IDK wtf is up and im getting really tired...

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HTC ONE M8 3G/ LTE ISSUES preferably in New Orleans

Anyone having 3g/ LTE issues with their m8?    I notice many times my m8 wont connect to LTe or even 3g signal, yet I have friends with other Sprint devices, the M7, who are getting 3g and LTE in areas i normally got LTE when i owned the M7??  As seen in the photo this is what I am getting 



Thread merged as question is better suited for all M8 owners.

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Maybe I can shed a Lil perspective on the issue. if you guys are coming from single band devices and they are doing routine tower maintence to the software stack and tower spacing and tilt in your markets your phone will stop working intermittently. It happened to me on my htc one max traveling to different neighborhoods away from the city, under going work.almost a whole township I was on Verizon 3g and had to force LTE mode to gain signal while traveling around. When i did i had consistent band 41 in the area. Sitting in another location for dinner the same thing. Forced LTE mode as it would cylce between two towers a band 25 and 41 then dock onto Verizon 3g roaming not even native sprint coverage in a sprint area. There is nothing wrong with the device! Network teething issues as they do upgrades and testing.

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I don't know how to force lte only mode, every time someone mentions it, no instructions are given on how to toggle that. 



Also, I think we need to clarify some things.  Is EVERYONE with spark phones having the same issues?  That can't be right as there would be more noise made in the press.


This is not an issue of intermittent coverage for people like me, it's an issue of the phone turning into a complete brick, no lte, no 3g EVEN WHEN cdma ONLY mode is turned on, no calls (called support and lasted about 10s before it disconnected).


Is the nexus 5 having these issues?  the htc one max?  Just the m8?  the m8 and the s5?


If just the last two the common theme seems to be the QUALCOMM 801 SoC, is there a defect with those radios where they spontaneously shut down and stop working?  Is it REALLY just a tower thing where spontaneously all service stops working?



NOT JUST lte, 3g too, people keep saying switch it to 3g mode as if that restores service, that is NOT a solution, that is not what is happening, ALL SERVICE is stopped, no calls, no 3g, no lte, nothing.  That could be a tower issue with just these phones, but no one seems to know for sure.



Who here is in the Los Angeles CA area with an m8?  is your service still fine?  mine was GREAT until yesterday, so its either a REGION WIDE tower setting issue, or a phone issue.

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My wife had that issue at her job, but I switched the phone to my number and it seems to work great.  I even get 3g service in our basement office where my S3 couldn't hold any signal.

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I had that problem with my old M8. Got anew one from Sprint and it works flawlessly, no problems picking up 3G or LTE anymore.

Give it time. I did the same thing a few weeks ago and thought everything was fine. Now the same issues are happening.

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I don't know how to force lte only mode, every time someone mentions it, no instructions are given on how to toggle that. 



Also, I think we need to clarify some things.  1. Is EVERYONE with spark phones having the same issues?  That can't be right as there would be more noise made in the press.


2. This is not an issue of intermittent coverage for people like me, it's an issue of the phone turning into a complete brick, no lte, no 3g EVEN WHEN cdma ONLY mode is turned on, no calls (called support and lasted about 10s before it disconnected).


3. Is the nexus 5 having these issues?  the htc one max?  Just the m8?  the m8 and the s5?


If just the last two the common theme seems to be the QUALCOMM 801 SoC, is there a defect with those radios where they spontaneously shut down and stop working?  Is it REALLY just a tower thing where spontaneously all service stops working?



4. NOT JUST lte, 3g too, people keep saying switch it to 3g mode as if that restores service, that is NOT a solution, that is not what is happening, ALL SERVICE is stopped, no calls, no 3g, no lte, nothing.  That could be a tower issue with just these phones, but no one seems to know for sure.



Who here is in the Los Angeles CA area with an m8?  is your service still fine?  mine was GREAT until yesterday, so its either a REGION WIDE tower setting issue, or a phone issue.


1. Yes, everyone with a tri-band device *has the potential to have the issue presented by towers with no eCSFB functionality.  No, not everyone has the issues because depending on how the market was rolled out, towers may or may not have been built out with this in mind.  My market had maybe 12 towers that were 4G Only excepted at first. Then the release of the tri-band devices and the shear NEED to change how towers were brought online to handle them changed... that change meant that all the remaining towers would FIRST be, at min, NV 3G accepted before they could/would be 4G accepted and the eCSFB software would be pushed to them then both single and tri-band devices can use 3G/4G services from the tower. 


2. That sounds very odd but do you have another activated Sprint device that you can actively compare with?  You could use the Signal Check app to tell what tower you are on, you can then see if when your M8 drops if the other device is a) on the same tower and B) drops as well.  That will tell you if it's the tower or the device, very easy test. 


3. See answer #1 mixed with #2 


4. Do test from answer #2 and if M8 fails (the other phone stays connected to the tower and the M8 turns into brick), hard reset the device and try to do the test again.  If it fails again, my money is on faulty device.  


The thing with the tri-band devices are that not only is the device a variable, but the network (and hardware) AS WELL AS handling of the tri-band traffic are also new.  Something of a perfect storm of $hit to wade through for that perfect solution.  My G2 and the M8 I used for a few weeks had no issues but my market is "sitting pretty" to say the least. :)


*Get on Sprint Live chat and add TEP to your line now, in anticipation of having to go to the Sprint store to get swapped out so you don't get hassled. You can take it off next or the month after if you like but. :)

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Has anybody had a problem with the battery draining at an alarming rate, starting in the last week or so?


I ordered my M8 on release day and up until this past Monday or so, battery life was great.  I switched to ART from Dalvik a few days after I got it and had no issues.  I sit in an office all day with the M8 connected to wifi, and at home it's connected to wifi also.  Since I work at a computer I don't usually do too much on the M8 during the day.


Prior to Monday, while sitting at work, it would use about 1% of battery per hour.  On a normal weekday where I would spend most of the day either at work or at home (so almost always connected to wifi) I would end the day with something like 70% battery still remaining.  Great.


Starting Monday or so, battery life has started to tank.  As I write this the M8 has been off the charger for about an hour and it's already down to 96%.  Last night before bed it was down to 28%, which is a far cry from the 70% or so I was usually seeing.


I rarely reboot the M8, so I rebooted on Monday, thinking that was the problem.  That didn't fix it.


I haven't installed any new apps since then, and I don't remember any updates coming through.  The battery usage indicator indicates that wifi is taking the most battery, but it doesn't point to an app that is using wifi the most.


I thought maybe something was screwy with the wifi here at work, but it shows the same battery drain on my home wifi, too.


A buddy with an LG G2 who saw a similar issue suggested disabling the Sprint Connection Optimizer.  I did that but it doesn't seem to be making any difference.


Any idea what happened?  Could it be some sort of battery hardware failure?  Software?  I'm really worried and have run out of ideas.

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Check your location settings. My battery was awesome and then one day went to shit like you described. Somehow my gps got turned to high accuracy and it was killing my battery extremely fast. Changed it back to battery saving and it's improved again.

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Has anybody had a problem with the battery draining at an alarming rate, starting in the last week or so?


I ordered my M8 on release day and up until this past Monday or so, battery life was great.  I switched to ART from Dalvik a few days after I got it and had no issues.  I sit in an office all day with the M8 connected to wifi, and at home it's connected to wifi also.  Since I work at a computer I don't usually do too much on the M8 during the day.


Prior to Monday, while sitting at work, it would use about 1% of battery per hour.  On a normal weekday where I would spend most of the day either at work or at home (so almost always connected to wifi) I would end the day with something like 70% battery still remaining.  Great.


Starting Monday or so, battery life has started to tank.  As I write this the M8 has been off the charger for about an hour and it's already down to 96%.  Last night before bed it was down to 28%, which is a far cry from the 70% or so I was usually seeing.


I rarely reboot the M8, so I rebooted on Monday, thinking that was the problem.  That didn't fix it.


I haven't installed any new apps since then, and I don't remember any updates coming through.  The battery usage indicator indicates that wifi is taking the most battery, but it doesn't point to an app that is using wifi the most.


I thought maybe something was screwy with the wifi here at work, but it shows the same battery drain on my home wifi, too.


A buddy with an LG G2 who saw a similar issue suggested disabling the Sprint Connection Optimizer.  I did that but it doesn't seem to be making any difference.


Any idea what happened?  Could it be some sort of battery hardware failure?  Software?  I'm really worried and have run out of ideas.

You need to download an app called wakelock detector, that will tell you if a rogue app or process is wrecking havoc on your battery.  If you determine its not an app/process then take the device to your sprint store, they can test the battery to see if its defective.


Check your location settings. My battery was awesome and then one day went to shit like you described. Somehow my gps got turned to high accuracy and it was killing my battery extremely fast. Changed it back to battery saving and it's improved again.

GPS shouldn't affect the battery that much, I leave mines on high accuracy with no noticeable difference in battery performance.  

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