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How to get Sprint service with no contract?


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Hello all,


I left Sprint for T-mobile back in August. T-mobile is going great but I still may come back to Sprint once the network matures. 


I'm really liking getting full postpaid style service with no contract. Is there a way to do this on Sprint without a contract? I have a Nexus 5 I would like to use.



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Hello all,


I left Sprint for T-mobile back in August. T-mobile is going great but I still may come back to Sprint once the network matures. 


I'm really liking getting full postpaid style service with no contract. Is there a way to do this on Sprint without a contract? I have a Nexus 5 I would like to use.




I don't know about the Nexus 5, but I have alway activated Sprint compatible phone with no contract and never any issues. Just did one about 2 months ago.

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Hello all,


I left Sprint for T-mobile back in August. T-mobile is going great but I still may come back to Sprint once the network matures.


I'm really liking getting full postpaid style service with no contract. Is there a way to do this on Sprint without a contract? I have a Nexus 5 I would like to use.



If you dont use a lot of data, try ting. You can bring your nexus 5, no contract and no activation fees. Voice roaming on verizon. 4g lte on sprint. Pay for what you use.


Jim, Sent from my Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2




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Hello all,


I left Sprint for T-mobile back in August. T-mobile is going great but I still may come back to Sprint once the network matures. 


I'm really liking getting full postpaid style service with no contract. Is there a way to do this on Sprint without a contract? I have a Nexus 5 I would like to use.




I find it hard to believe your post is nothing more than a troll attempt.  Typically, a troll would be met with a witty comment like "Well, you will need to have a contract, but at least you can use your phone past the city limits signs with Sprint" but I wont do that.

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sprintasyougo won't let you bring your own sprint device, unfortunately. Ting is great though... If you don't use much data. I have my wife on ting with a Nexus 5 and it's great for her... I use too much mobile data for it to be cost effective.


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk



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I find it hard to believe your post is nothing more than a troll attempt.  Typically, a troll would be met with a witty comment like "Well, you will need to have a contract, but at least you can use your phone past the city limits signs with Sprint" but I wont do that.

But he can't be a troll... He is "Serious".

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I find it hard to believe your post is nothing more than a troll attempt. Typically, a troll would be met with a witty comment like "Well, you will need to have a contract, but at least you can use your phone past the city limits signs with Sprint" but I wont do that.

I don't think the op is a troll and I share their sentiments in wanting a legitimate contract free option. In case you haven't noticed, that's where the market is headed. I expect sprint will eventually have to offer something... att just announced a discount for unsubsidized phones and will let you on without a contract if you go to a store.

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I don't think the op is a troll and I share their sentiments in wanting a legitimate contract free option. In case you haven't noticed, that's where the market is headed. I expect sprint will eventually have to offer something... att just announced a discount for unsubsidized phones and will let you on without a contract if you go to a store.



Thanks Jaded! That is exactly where I'm coming from. I used to be employed by a cell phone provider that said you had to have a contract for post paid even if you BYOD but there was a way around that. You just needed to call customer service after activation and prove you started with your own phone.


I'm getting the same message from the Sprint store even though they always said the contract was the cost for the phone. Just looking for some tips if anyone has been able to do this successfully with no contract.

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Sprint really needs to offer a postpaid no contract option where you can bring your own unlocked device. Their competition is leaving them behind in this regard. But in also believed SoftBank will move Sprint to do this soon.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


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I find nothing at all troll like in his comment whatsoever, either and am frankly confounded as to why it was taken that way.  As stated, the market is headed in this direction (thankfully) and I think he was likely wondering if any of Sprint's MVNOs or prepaid brands would let you BYOD.  A legitimate and intelligent question from any perspective. 

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Well, I can offer my perspective from being on Ting for 6 months now. I currently have a Nexus 5 on Ting that took only 5 minutes to setup. Please note you MUST buy Nexus 5s from Google Play. Sprint bought Nexus 5s will NOT WORK on Ting due to Sprint blacklisting all devices from BYOD for at least a year. Bringing it from T-Mobile should be fine though.


So far we have been really happy with Ting. The customer service is great as they really do mean it when they say you won't have to wait on hold to call them. My previous bill for 2 lines at Sprint with employee discount + taxes was $157/mo. My first month at Ting cost me only $54 with taxes (actually $29 with the referral code I used). The past 5 months have been $38 each. That is pretty great considering I get voice/SMS roaming on Verizon.



1) If you don't use a lot of data you can save a simply massive amount of money. Ting charges by a bucket system (no contracts) and also has a 5% buffer before they move you into the next bucket. 2 lines with a total of 500 minutes/1000 texts/1 Gig of data = $50.

2) There are no weird administration fees etc.

3) The customer service is great and moving phones with numbers from Sprint took less than 2 hours.

4) Voice and SMS roaming on the Verizon Network!! (Virgin mobile and most Sprint MVNOs do not offer this)

5) After 45 days you are back to being a "new customer" at Sprint and are eligible for promotional price discounts for signing back up

6) You can set up limits on any device to not allow texting/minutes/data past a certain amount which is really quite useful for people with kids.



1) This is really only a good fit if you bring a line over and use less than say 500 minutes/1000 texts/3 gigs of data = $80 on Ting.

2) No data roaming means no fancy Verizon data roaming so if you are out of a Sprint area you won't get data

3) They don't offer any phone insurance so you will have to go 3rd party. We just don't have insurance as a clean ESN evo3d or EVO LTE off of ebay is about $75.. We save more than that every month.

4) Related to #3 there are no retail stores for you to go to. Got a problem? Email or telephone is the only solution you have.

5) If you aren't happy with Sprint speeds/coverage now you won't be happy with it at Ting either. Paying less does take some of the sting off of that unhappiness though.



For my last 2 bills of $38 I was charged the following in Austin, Tx. Your charges will vary state to state and county to county :

Transit Tax $0.31

Sales Tax $2.28

911 Equalization Surcharge $0.12

Universal Service Fund (Wireless)$0.83

E911 Tax (Wireless) $1.00

Fed USF Cellular $1.67

FCC Regulatory Fee (Wireless) $0.03

So no 'Administration Fee' or 'Compliance Fee' are ever on a bill at Ting. Only the absolutely required fees that your county/state dictates.


Referral link to save $25 off your first month (Full disclosure I also get $25 off my bill from this) https://za8ilf19763.ting.com

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I wanted to add/activate a 5th line to my legacy Everything Data 1500 Shared plan. This was going to be a new line/number on a  LG Remarq (non-smart PCS only slider).  I was willing to pay the additional$19.99, but Sprint keep requiring a two-year contract.  They keep referring to that the Term and Conditions which said I had to have a contract.  I did find one section that agreed to their claim, but I also keep reading terms like "If you agree to maintain service for a minimum Term".  But, I didn't want to agree to a minimum term...I wanted month-to-month for this line....well eventually when I asked a question, I just heard crickets followed by the connection being dropped. 


I went to Ting, created an account, activated/added the account, reset the phone and was up an running in probably 30 minutes.  The long part was finding the correct help document on how to reset/activate the phone as they seem to be geared to newer smart phones.


I set data usage for this phone to zero.  Created a notification when the line gets to 75 minutes.  Installed and linked up the account their Ting app on two Sprint phones so the phone usage can be watched in near real-time (about 15 minute delay).


We are only about half-way into the first month, but so far extremely happy.


I tried to give Sprint another 20 bucks a month, but they wouldn't take my money........

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I would recommend Voyager Mobile (www.voyagermobile.com) and they offer Unlimited Talk, Text and unthrottled Data for $39/month. You get all what you have with a Sprint direct contract with the exception of Data Roaming. I drive from Nevada to the Bay Area a lot and I roam in MetroPCS, Cricket and even Verizon for voice.


Works great and I get the same speeds as my contract Sprint phone.

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