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Sprint stock plummeting. I don't like this at all. May be a good time to buy a bit more.

~$4.78, hovering around that value now.

The roller coaster continues. S was up $0.10 during the first part of the call yesterday, then started falling. The market is an irrational actor...



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Sprint stock plummeting. I don't like this at all. May be a good time to buy a bit more.

~$4.78, hovering around that value now.

the dow has also been down for two days.

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Buying Sprint is more of a speculative play.  I am not optimistic about the wireless telecoms business in general due to high costs and competition.  Thus, any sharp appreciation in Sprint's share price will have to come from some other special catalyst, such as spectrum sale, merger talks, insider buying, etc. rather than organic growth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone from Sprint explained how they're going to keep their costs down from the all the small cells they're going to need to deploy to seamlessly cover an area with B41? 


When will these small cells be installed?


Has there been an update on the timeline for completing all the areas that are still at 70, 80 90% LTE deployment?


When will most areas have the 2nd carrier deployed for B41? The 3rd carrier?


When is Sprint going to take a giant step in the right direction in solving their poor public perception and get every single airport serving cities over 100,000 people covered with every bit of LTE that it can?


If you want to invest in Sprint your timeline for your ROI needs to take these things into account. And then you look at the time between now and you expect the biggest improvements will be and ask yourself: Is right now, when the market is near all time highs, the right time to buy sprint?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

There was a technical outage today that halted trading and lasted several hours. Probably explains the massive losses today

TMUS dropped only a half percent and Verizon stayed about even, so the technical outage does not seem to explain Sprint dropping 8% towards a 52-week low.  :hmm:

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For those that are looking to pickup Sprint below $4 is a great time to buy.

It'll probably drop even more with the downward push from global markets bricking their pants.

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Thank you for the find.  Hopefully Sprint can find a few more billion dollars in financing at reasonable interest rates.  I really hope they do not resort to share dilution.  Alternatively, sell some of that 2.5GHz spectrum.

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Probably a combo of factors..Moffet's comments, T-mo subscriber gains/Sprint going to 4th place, uncertainty of the Next Gen funding sources, etc

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I just can't believe 1 person with a terrible track record is able to sway so many investors away from their investments. You would think people would go online and research just a little bit before dropping their shares.

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There's been a lot of short interest in general, and I think some of the recent macro events internationally are having adverse affects on companies that really shouldn't be impacted from a long-term investment stand point.

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