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Dish still making trouble for Sprint


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Dish Network last week met with FCC officials to discuss potential issues with the proposed Sprint, Softbank and Clearwire deal.

According to a regulatory filing, Dish urged the FCC to insist Softbank and Sprint fully divulge their plans for utilizing the spectrum licenses they stand to inherit from Clearwire. In addition, Dish reiterated that the FCC should apply its spectrum screen to Clearwire’s 2.5GHz airwaves.

Dish also cited direct concerns with placing a single company in sole control of the spectrum.

“This would have significant effects on, among others, international carriers who use the 2.5 GHz band, because Sprint would be their only roaming partner in the U.S. for those frequencies,” Dish wrote in the filing.

Finally, Dish expressed concerns with Sprint’s request for the FCC to rule against it having to make an “anti-windfall” payment of $2.8 billion pursuant to the FCC’s 800 MHz and 1990-2025 MHz rebanding orders.

“Only $945.6 million of the amount Sprint claims towards the $2.8 billion anti-windfall payment has been subject to an independent third-party review (the TA’s review) and deemed creditable,” Dish added.






Dish is totally being bitches about this. They don't want to stir up the hornet's nest about anti-windfall, because they might end owing about $5B dollars to the Treasury.

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If it was Verizon making a stink, I would be concerned - they can get traction.


Dish is just being Dish - I wouldn't think much of it.


I could totally see Sprint teaming up with Directv just to spite Dish.


The problem with Dish is that they want to build a network on the cheap. Sprint and T-Mobile want them to come up with some money and neither needs Dish's spectrum. Dish wants to pay back with capacity.

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I could totally see Sprint teaming up with Directv just to spite Dish.


The problem with Dish is that they want to build a network on the cheap. Sprint and T-Mobile want them to come up with some money and neither needs Dish's spectrum. Dish wants to pay back with capacity.


Dish's problem is Charlie. I mean, given how I've seen Sprint's management act over time, I don't think they would want to partner with someone like Charlie. Maybe 2 years ago when Sprint was desperate for anything/anyone, but times have changed. Sprint doesn't need to force itself into a relationship.


I am guessing Charlie is just making life miserable for Sprint because he is pissed whatever terms he wanted from Sprint, Sprint said no way. Based on comments from Sprint's management, they are not amused.

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Dish's problem is Charlie. I mean, given how I've seen Sprint's management act over time, I don't think they would want to partner with someone like Charlie. Maybe 2 years ago when Sprint was desperate for anything/anyone, but times have changed. Sprint doesn't need to force itself into a relationship.


I am guessing Charlie is just making life miserable for Sprint because he is pissed whatever terms he wanted from Sprint, Sprint said no way. Based on comments from Sprint's management, they are not amused.


In the end, unless Sprint wants to do something with the EBS spectrum, they should just take the BRS spectrum and sell Clearwire to Dish. Dish probably does not want the EBS spectrum either.

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Did you notice that after these DISH meetings with the FCC, the FCC leaks came out that they expected Softbank to be able to close the deal in May. Seems like a message is being sent despite DISH objections.


Charlie is high maintenance, drama and an egomaniacal control freak who wants to underpay for everything. Sprint is very fortunate that Softbank came along and they don't have to get in bed with this winner.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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Charlie is going to be singing like a bitch in praise of whoever comes along and agrees to buy his spectrum when he is locked out of the sprint/softbank/clear castle. It will be interesting to see his positioning transition from "big carrier =anti competitive" to "selling my spectrum to this behemoth will increase competition".


Like the direct tv comment, id love to see sprint break news that they have reached an agreement with a small player to divest a little bit of clear spectrum and allow another player to ride the nv deployment


If Hesse is still able to influence Son heavily, I would bet money that Hesse has offered Ergen concessions and this sit down with the FCC is a result of Hesse driving his infamous hard bargain and Ergen expecting Hesse to bow down and cry like he is one of Ergen's employees. The corporate culture of dish is well known to be just about that

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I take it there aren't many fans of Charlie Ergen on here.


I wouldn't mind Clearwire spectrum in some cases being up for sale. That spectrum will be quite valuable at some point. Maybe not now but at some point.

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I take it there aren't many fans of Charlie Ergen on here.


I wouldn't mind Clearwire spectrum in some cases being up for sale. That spectrum will be quite valuable at some point. Maybe not now but at some point.


I think Clearwire specturm is what will give Sprint the ability to differentiate itself from competitors.



Nobody will be able to have the capacity Sprint has in urban "hot spots" or stadiums, or anything else that has a mass of people trying to gobble up tons of data. In these scenarios, Sprint will outshine.

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