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Sprint Airave

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My airave did the same thing when I first got it. I called sprint and they had not provisioned it yet. Sounds like yours is provisioned if its listed on your account. I had to unplug the power from mine a few times before all the lights finally went green.

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I had problems with mine originally, they had to take it off the account and re add, re auth, and then put it into mode for more sqft. I have never hooked up the GPS (unit is 15 ft inbound from any walls in dead center of house, and on lower floor),


I would be curious as to if your ISP can support?


Check the QoS using http://www.8x8.com/Resources/Tools/VoIPReadinessTool.aspx


And attempt to connect directly from your cable modem, give it a hour or so to initialize the first time.


that may (at least) eliminate one hurdle, to identify if hardware or input.


Reset by push in the reset button, (however long they require) and unplug power whie depressed.

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Unless you setup specific rules in your router to direct the traffic to the AirRave, you need to hook the airrave to your cable modem first, then your router to the airrave.

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I'm new here and new to sprint. I live where I don't have cell signal. I have to drive 2 miles to get service so Sprint sent me the airave. If I'm understanding correctly, it should work without a cell signal, correct? It's using my Internet to create its own mini tower? Any help is appreciated.


It is a mini cellphone tower for your home.


You do not need sprint coverage around your home, it is not a booster, it's an actual "tower".


Did you call the dedicated airave support line at 866-556-7310?


Do you have it hooked up per the instructions (directly into your cable modem)?

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I have found that 8x8 voip test to be junk, and a very unreliable test site. http://www.whichvoip.com/voip/speed_test/ppspeed.html is much better.


Also, if you can not get your airave to go all green, there may be a problem with the device. I just had to replace mine with a new one.. The first replacement they sent would not work, and they ended up sending me a 2nd one which worked fine.

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And as always with any equipment changes, especially Cable modems, when you change the device connected to it, you need to RESET the cable modem. Power cycle it if it isn't the phone modem too. If it has your landline provided through it too it has a battery backup and you will need to press the reset button on the back to reboot it. You will usually need a paper clip to do this.


But yes, the recommended method for the Airave is Cable Modem->Airave->Router This allows the Airave to apply priorities to the voice traffic from your cell phone.

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But yes, the recommended method for the Airave is Cable Modem->Airave->Router This allows the Airave to apply priorities to the voice traffic from your cell phone.


Modem <=> Airave <=> Router may cause problems if you have other devices on your LAN. For example, I have a VPN-configured router used for VoiP, plugged directly into my AT&T [sorry I have to invoke the devil's name] Uverse modem/router. If I were to plug that in through the Airave as recommended, my VPN would quit. I have seen in other threads that you can plug the Airave into any port on any router or switch on your LAN and assign the Airave a static IP address, which will prevent it from dropping if any of the other devices reset for any reason. I have done so, and have had no problems. Of course, mine is DSL, yours is cable, so things MIGHT be different, but probably not.


However, you are getting a flashing red on the "Mobile" LED from the time you hook up. Usually, if not defective and if provisioned right, the Airave will connect correctly the FIRST time you hook it up, but may drop later on if anything else on your LAN causes address changes. Your symptom suggests, as several people in this thread have said, that the Airave itself is functioning incorrectly, not the modem or the router.

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Yes, I understand that as I have my airave behind my router as I prefer to do my own QOS. Only do this if you are an advanced user.


Since this hasn't been tried it is recommended to hook it up this way to make sure the users router is not the issue.


Sent from my little Note2



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Unless you setup specific rules in your router to direct the traffic to the AirRave, you need to hook the airrave to your cable modem first, then your router to the airrave.

Never had to do anything with my router (i'm guessing you're referring to opening and forwarding ports?). Hooked the Airave up the first time, and has worked fine ever since. Might need to enable UPnP on the router. Should work fine this way, even though they recommend it to be connected directly to the modem. I would definitely connect it directly to the modem just to test it though. Some routers could be finicky.. I've used mine behind 2 different routers running DD-WRT and another couple stock Netgears with no changes needed.


edit: You might want to make sure UPnP is enabled in your router. I just checked my router and noticed that the Airave automatically creates port forwarding rules via UPnP. If that doesn't work, then you might have to setup the port forwarding manually.

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I had problems with mine originally' date=' they had to take it off the account and re add, re auth, and then put it into mode for more sqft. I have never hooked up the GPS (unit is 15 ft inbound from any walls in dead center of house, and on lower floor),


I would be curious as to if your ISP can support?


Check the QoS using http://www.8x8.com/Resources/Tools/VoIPReadinessTool.aspx


And attempt to connect directly from your cable modem, give it a hour or so to initialize the first time.


that may (at least) eliminate one hurdle, to identify if hardware or input.


Reset by push in the reset button, (however long they require) and unplug power whie depressed.


Website results are fine with windows xp but NOT VISTA or 7 OR 8


Sent from my SSGS3 using Forum Runner

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Never had to do anything with my router (i'm guessing you're referring to opening and forwarding ports?). Hooked the Airave up the first time, and has worked fine ever since. Might need to enable UPnP on the router. Should work fine this way, even though they recommend it to be connected directly to the modem. I would definitely connect it directly to the modem just to test it though. Some routers could be finicky.. I've used mine behind 2 different routers running DD-WRT and another couple stock Netgears with no changes needed.


edit: You might want to make sure UPnP is enabled in your router. I just checked my router and noticed that the Airave automatically creates port forwarding rules via UPnP. If that doesn't work, then you might have to setup the port forwarding manually.


That's why I recommended to shut off the power the cable modem, hook it straight to the cable modem as directed by the instructions that come with it. Then power up the cable modem, then power up the Airave once the cable modem lights show it acquired signal. If that doesn't work then I would try it another location at a friends house or something. It might be a bad Airave.

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That's why I recommended to shut off the power the cable modem, hook it straight to the cable modem as directed by the instructions that come with it. Then power up the cable modem, then power up the Airave once the cable modem lights show it acquired signal. If that doesn't work then I would try it another location at a friends house or something. It might be a bad Airave.


Good idea. Will do.

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in all probability the problem is entirely on their end. I've been dealing with the various iterations of Sprint's Airave for about three years now so I'm something of an expert in this field. as is the problem with all other areas of Sprint's employee base, the vast majority of Airave tech support know absolutely nothing about the devices they're paid to "support." if you're talking a with Sprint tech who are telling you that because you have no Sprint service in your area the Airave won't work, you're talking to a total moron. (And just so you know, I've spoken with people who think the Airave needs to get Sprint service OTA in order to work.) about the only thing you can do with Sprint is tolerate their seemingly limitless strata of ignorance and hope to get someone competent. more often than not if you've got everything hooked up properly (and no, you absolutely don't need to connect to the Airave ahead of the router) and you've got a solid GPS light, the problem is becaus one of their "techs" didn't do something right. the other possibility is that there's something wrong with the Airave itself but the chances of that are pretty slim - Sprint's favorite response when you say your service is lackluster is that your device is broken and should be replaced. One out of every 100 times is this actually the case, though. Instead it's down to poor service and outright incomptence from Sprint.


so yeah, either try to be patient or go to another carrier. Sprint's not really worth that much of your time, trust me.

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No DMZ is needed. No special configuration is needed in your router. Plug the Airave WAN port into a LAN port of your router.


Reset it like mentioned above.


If you are using your internet connection 100% by watching a video or bit torrent, the mobile light will go red.


This is not necessarily true. Some routers by default will block the ports required for the Airave (no idea why, it's just VoIP), others have weird compatibility issues. This is why a lot of the time it is recommended to put it in a DMZ, or not behind hte router at all. If it works with no router, and doesn't with the router, the router is the issue.


I always recommend putting a QoS on the router allowing VoIP traffic through the Airave to take up as much bandwidth as it wants, otherwise people complain about it going in/out "randomly". It is very highly dependent on your ISP connection and what else is on your network. It may even be another device trying to use the same ports, etc. causing some weird issue.

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in all probability the problem is entirely on their end. I've been dealing with the various iterations of Sprint's Airave for about three years now so I'm something of an expert in this field. as is the problem with all other areas of Sprint's employee base, the vast majority of Airave tech support know absolutely nothing about the devices they're paid to "support." if you're talking a with Sprint tech who are telling you that because you have no Sprint service in your area the Airave won't work, you're talking to a total moron. (And just so you know, I've spoken with people who think the Airave needs to get Sprint service OTA in order to work.) about the only thing you can do with Sprint is tolerate their seemingly limitless strata of ignorance and hope to get someone competent. more often than not if you've got everything hooked up properly (and no, you absolutely don't need to connect to the Airave ahead of the router) and you've got a solid GPS light, the problem is becaus one of their "techs" didn't do something right. the other possibility is that there's something wrong with the Airave itself but the chances of that are pretty slim - Sprint's favorite response when you say your service is lackluster is that your device is broken and should be replaced. One out of every 100 times is this actually the case, though. Instead it's down to poor service and outright incomptence from Sprint.


so yeah, either try to be patient or go to another carrier. Sprint's not really worth that much of your time, trust me.


Welcome to almost all tech support and customer support for US companies. The call centers are staffed at minimum wage with very little training. My roommates just got hired by a call center here taking calls for Comcrap (our ISP coincidently) and they had 2 weeks of training. Half of that was about up-selling and how to speak. The other half was learning the systems themselves. There was no training on products or anything like that. They are not in a dedicated sales dept, they work the standard Customer Service queue.


Turnover is 80+% within 6 months. It's the nature of a call center where people call in constantly yelling about things they likely broke themselves, but it's the company's fault. Keep in mind, I work in a corporate Sprint retail store as a technician, I see this all the time as well... in person. On a phone where you aren't staring at a person face-to-face people have less inhibitions about being d*****nozzles.

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