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Question about a Monopole

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Over the last 2 days I have visited about 7 or 8 sites and of those I found that 4 of them were monopoles with now antennas on them. The reason I'm asking though is because all the coax and cabinets were there running in the inside of the pole but there was no actual arrays on the pole itself. Has anyone seen this? Where the hell are the sectors?

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I think I saw one with the otter cover off once in Kansas. Aren't these put in some places where the locals don't want an "ugly cell tower" in their neighborhood but grip about poor service.


What I wonder about is the normal looking ones with tons of stuff on them. What makes them strong enough to handle all the wind load. Filled with concrete maybe?

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Here is one in Santa Fe with the outer cover removed.


Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk


So basically they seem very similar to regular towers, but with the antennas for each sector much much closer together, right?

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Sure makes 'em a lot harder to spot.


(I'm still trying to figure out where my "primary" tower is. Very convoluted topography, and nothing anywhere near the addresses they squawk)


Sent from Photon Q LTE - Tapatalk



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So basically they seem very similar to regular towers, but with the antennas for each sector much much closer together, right?

Pretty much. One panel per sector, all squished very tight together. Then they put a sheath over them and you cannot see them anymore. This pole and the red and white one next to it are on a golf course driving range, and the poles support the stray ball net.


Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk

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Not much sector separation there.. Wonder what the RF downsides are. They don't separate the sectors on normal towers for the fun of it. Oh well.. If the locals want that kind of tower then they do not have the right to complain about cell service.


Sent from my EVO sometimes-LTE



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haha I think I've seen that pole.


Sent from my Galaxy Note II



Its off Airport Road between Cerrillos and the Relief Road in front of Tierra Contenta.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner

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<insert monopole circumcision joke here>



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I expected more than that from you. ;)

We should count ourselves lucky that's all we got! :lol:




Are you tempting me?!



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  • 1 month later...

Would both of these be considered monopoles, or would the second one be considered something else since the panels are not mounted directly to the pole itself? Reason I ask is that both are within about 100yds of each other, and I need to know which one to watch.







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I would consider those monopoles. The ones where you can't see the sectors fit into the stealth category.


The ones that look like trees fit into the just plain stupid category.


-- "Sensorly or it didn't happen!"



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