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NS4G gets Ice Cream sandwich starting Feb 16th.

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Good news for NS4G owners like me! Stock and no Alpha or Beta builds. Hopefully coming to other phones soon.





Nexus S 4G Ice Cream Sandwich Update Starts Feb. 16th


After much debate of which device would be Sprint’s first smartphone to carry Android 4.0, it appears the burning question has been answered. Our pals over at AndroidPolice have gotten hold of an internal screenshot which pegs the highly anticipated Nexus S 4G Ice Cream Sandwich update for a February 16th release. Like most software updates, this will most likely hit over a matter of days. If you’re among the lucky ducks that happen to get hold of the software push during its first wave, be sure to share your experience with us and the rest of the world.


I thought of you when I read this earlier today. I pictured a big grin on your face. Now if we can just get ICS for the E4GT and I too can have a matching grin.


I hope the E4GT gets it too and soon. That's the phone my wife wants since she's still carrying her Palm Pre. I'm hoping the rumors of the GSll+ come true for Sprint and I'll get that for her instead since it should have ICS on board.


I am still hoping for ICS on the Evo Shift. I don't really think it will happen as much as I used to, but one can still hope, right?


I wouldn't put the odds at very high. Seems like devices with equal specs are getting shafted by OEMs to get ICS upgrades. However, it is possible as other devices from your OEM get upgraded to ICS, it will give MODers a better opportunity to create a custom ICS ROM for your device.


They sure figured out how to port the EVO 3D ROM to work on the Shift, so it has to be possible to port ICS over when the 3D gets it, at least I would think.

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No push for ICS today. Rumors are floating around that this rollout of ICS was for internal Sprint use. Hopefully that means their testing to see if there are any bugs to work out.

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