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Network Vision/LTE - Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands Market


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Yeah, same, I guess that's the intended goal when you write like you're a pre-teen and you add lolol at the end of every other sentence tho... But it's getting kinda tiring, pretty detrimental to the thread IMO.



On-topic, LTE around the San Patricio area is still pretty hit-or-miss... Seems like sometimes my EVO LTE will connect immediately at some spots and not at all in other occasions.

lol!!...sigh..i talkin like i from st thomas

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Title: Upgrades, equipment failure mar Sprint service.


Sprint customers in the territory have been hit with double whammy when it comes to service interruptions in recent weeks, according to a Sprint spokeswoman.

About three weeks ago, Sprint began a "network upgrade" to bring its service level from 3G capability to 4G capability and to enhance download speeds. The upgrade is going on nationally and entails minor interruptions to service for all customers.

However, on Sunday, a key piece of transmitting equipment failed, disrupting service until the issue was resolved on Tuesday morning, according to Sprint spokeswoman Kelly Schlageter.

Schlageter said 10 of the 14 towers that supply service to Sprint customers on St. Thomas were unable to transmit a signal o to the larger network through Puerto Rico after a transmitter failed Sunday night.

Schlageter said she did not know the exact cause of the failure, but did not appear to be weather-related.

"Equipment failure happens very rarely and unfortunately is part of doing business," Schlageter said. "It was not caused by and kind of weather or other external event."

Schlageter declined to say whether such failures and interruptions in service affect the Virgin Islands market more than other Sprint markets, but recent proposals to build more cell towers in the Virgin Islands have spurred discussions about the need to expand wireless transmitting capacity.

Director of Planning for the Department of Planning and Natural Resources Stuart Smith has said during recent public hearings on the proposed building of tower in Estate Hospital Ground that unless more towers are erected, providers have to scramble to provide coverage in response to an increase in demand from more mobile device users.

"Currently, if even one towers goes offline, calls will be dropped," Stuart has said.

Schlageter said Sprint's network upgrade should allow for stronger, smoother service to the island of St. Thomas as the existing towers will be able to emit stronger signals.

"The signal will be stronger and should reach further and will hopefully close some of those coverage gaps," she said.

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I live in Bayamon and i live near a tower( antennas are on top of a building) but tonight seems the network is congested. Usually in my home i get 10-18mb but tonight i am getting 1-3mb...weird


I took some pics of the site i am getting my 4g lte



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It's seems like all of yall jumping on dude back, if it was face to face yall would've say shit to him, anyways tho, this is a forum bout sprint network roll out, we was promised LTE in February, April, May and then by June, June is almost over and we still don't have LTE, Sprint full of shit, they half stepping for the VI, things went up quick in Puerto Rico and we suppose to be one market.

doan worry with them man...but (lets type english here) it is getting over bearing with the dropped calls and service not working properly. but like i told muffman in a pm...if we had gotten lte back then..it would be a mess...so now they trynna do it right...choice is garbage...innovative slow...and the only reason they trynna hustle up now is because dish is bringing internet packages of high speeds to go along with their services...any body knows att's excuse...they were up and running in one day

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It's seems like all of yall jumping on dude back, if it was face to face yall would've say shit to him, anyways tho, this is a forum bout sprint network roll out, we was promised LTE in February, April, May and then by June, June is almost over and we still don't have LTE, Sprint full of shit, they half stepping for the VI, things went up quick in Puerto Rico and we suppose to be one market.

Lets be real about one thing, sprint didn't promise anything at all.  Secondly you can't compare the VI to any other market because everything happens at a snails pace when it comes to the VI and you know that and because of that you should have more realistic expectations no matter what anyone else says.  When it comes to tech, nothing is reliable in the VI, you name it: innovative, choice, wapa, sprint, att ......etc, hell look at how inefficient the local goverment is.  We can't even electronically file a tax return locally.  They all constantly have issues because of the lack of infrastructure here and you should know that.  So even though this is frustrating as hell you definitely can't blame sprint.  Look as  far back in this thread and I been saying from the beginning that PR will get completed in record pace while the VI will no doubt lag behind.  I have made that statement many times in the past so I for one am not surprised about what is going on right now. Further more if sprint isn't providing you or anyone else with what you need then by all means go to another carrier.  You can get lte right now in the VI if you make the switch to att. Just remember why we are all here in the first place and its because we can't get this level of information any where else on the web.  


No one is jumping on dude back but it does help to type and communicate clearly.  I AM A PROUD VIRGIN ISLANDER born and raised here and graduated from IEKHS and went to UVI, but I also know how to communicate effectively and talk like I am an educated person(because I am).  Everything I say may not be correct but at the same time I don't sound like I am 15 when I make a post(just making a general post, I am not calling anyone out just to be clear).  If you want anyone to ever take you seriously then you will have more of a professional attitude even if what you are saying is wrong.  Being from the VI our broken english can be difficult for others to understand so typing the same way as we speak does nothing but add to the frustrations of those that won't understand. Yes this is a forum but also keep in mind that this is a website is privately owned and operated by Robert with expenses being paid out of his own pockets and the pockets of our paying sponsors and he is the one that sets all the rules that we have to abide by and being part of the staff of this site I am required to make sure that those rules are followed.  So by all means lets get this thread back on topic and enough of the personal jabs at each other.  Any other deviations in this thread and warnings will be passed out and potential infraction could follow.  So please lets focus on the topic on hand.

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any body knows att's excuse...they were up and running in one day


It's a pretty safe bet that it took them more than one day to get everything up and running.  <_<


It's seems like all of yall jumping on dude back, if it was face to face yall would've say shit to him


That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. I doubt that you know anybody here in real life to be trying to speak on what someone wouldn't say.  :rolleyes:



we was promised LTE in February, April, May and then by June

Who promised you LTE in February, April & May?

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att only lost service that one night b4 they got lte...my bro's phone only went off that night and came back on in the morning..and lte was set in stone for that time was to be finished in march...then they said may..now june..and june basically done...these set backs killing us in the v i man!!

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att only lost service that one night b4 they got lte...my bro's phone only went off that night and came back on in the morning..and lte was set in stone for that time was to be finished in march...then they said may..now june..and june basically done...these set backs killing us in the v i man!!

Every single person in my family and 80% of my friends that lives in the VI uses att and they constantly remind me that the grass isn't greener on the their side every time I get frustrated and think about switching to them. They have just as many complaints as sprint customers do.

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Every single person in my family and 80% of my friends that lives in the VI uses att and they constantly remind me that the grass isn't greener on the their side every time I get frustrated and think about switching to them. They have just as many complaints as sprint customers do.

but i mean their update process..like how was theirs successful and sprint is still struggling?

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but i mean their update process..like how was theirs successful and sprint is still struggling?

Keep in mind that sprints upgrades includes an entire network overhaul from top to bottom unlike att, so it will no doubt take more time.

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This thread would go great with popcorn :). Anyways, I agree with themuffinman, St.Thomas has a lot of issues; and that's why I'm in such a hurry to go back to the states. Besides the horrible local government (I never seen so many crooked cops and senators stealing tax dollars in one area) and bad in fracture (What the hell is wrong with WAPPA(the electricity company), their unreliable and is constantly shutting down and restarting current; like a little kid playing with a light switch.), their is also a lot of issues on the citizen level(we have a higher killing rate than most states, that is sad on so many levels) like broken English (it even spreads to educated people like me, meaning that I do use some "St.Thomas words"), but I guess we can not blame them since you can't blame somebody for something they don't know. As the saying goes "if you knew better, you would do better", their broken English is just going down the generation. But let's get this thread back on topic, and stop trying to "nit pick" at people.

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I'll bet that getting big upgrade project like this one done in such a corrupt environment is very difficult, time consuming not to mention expensive.


Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2


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First I need to say thank you.  I had no idea my HTC One could be unlocked.  I just got it unlocked for my trip to Europe. Now,  I don't have to buy another phone.


Second, we keep 2 Sprint, 1 AT&T and a prepaid Innovative phone in the house.  They all suck to some extent.  Even Innovative had an outage yesterday.  One doesn't live in the VI for the great infrastructure, efficient government (btw, how is our broke government still buying new SUV's?..don't answer that) or great customer service.


Just deal with the problems and not stress out about it.  You're in the Caribbean and not Chicago.  It is what it is.


Lastly, people need to live in more areas before berating the 1 or 2 areas they have lived in.  It's a bit offensive. 


  • I get much better reception with my 3 phones here than I do with those exact same phones in parts of Louisana.
  • We had to take our trash to a dumpster while living in Alpharetta, GA ..a high end suburb of Atlanta
  • Have you ever lived in or near an inner city of a REAL town?  The crime here is nothing compared to some cities I have lived in.
  • Education - well at least they are trying to improve the public schools here instead of trying to shut them down like in some metro areas in the US. 

Now I will get off my soapbox and go back to work on my 1 meg DSL connection. :)


Thank you once again about the unlocking info!

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First I need to say thank you.  I had no idea my HTC One could be unlocked.  I just got it unlocked for my trip to Europe. Now,  I don't have to buy another phone.


Second, we keep 2 Sprint, 1 AT&T and a prepaid Innovative phone in the house.  They all suck to some extent.  Even Innovative had an outage yesterday.  One doesn't live in the VI for the great infrastructure, efficient government (btw, how is our broke government still buying new SUV's?..don't answer that) or great customer service.


Just deal with the problems and not stress out about it.  You're in the Caribbean and not Chicago.  It is what it is.


Lastly, people need to live in more areas before berating the 1 or 2 areas they have lived in.  It's a bit offensive. 


  • I get much better reception with my 3 phones here than I do with those exact same phones in parts of Louisana.
  • We had to take our trash to a dumpster while living in Alpharetta, GA ..a high end suburb of Atlanta
  • Have you ever lived in or near an inner city of a REAL town?  The crime here is nothing compared to some cities I have lived in.
  • Education - well at least they are trying to improve the public schools here instead of trying to shut them down like in some metro areas in the US. 

Now I will get off my soapbox and go back to work on my 1 meg DSL connection. :)


Thank you once again about the unlocking info!

nice dude!..glad you got yours did and u got the best phone in the world :D

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Maybe I didn't make myself clear on the last page, BACK ON TOPIC PEOPLE, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

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I would like to reiterate TMM's warning and state that further off topic posts & attacks on one and another will result in infractions and may conclude in the (temporary / permanent) closing of this thread. We're here to track Sprints progress be it good or bad and discuss it in a educated manner as this site is meant for wireless enthusiasts who wants to utilize the resources available on this site that cannot be found anywhere else.


People, all we ask is for you all to stay on topic. Nothing more, nothing less.  :bullhorn:

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There's was a small outage this morning by the way, and I've noticed that my signal has been constantly unstable even when there's not outage going on. I would drop from 4-3 bars, to 2-1 bars, then 0 bars(though I tend to still get data at 0 bars); then there's also the dropping calls and 3G to 1X switching. I wonder if certain parts of the island get less issues than the rest.

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There's was a small outage this morning by the way, and I've noticed that my signal has been constantly unstable even when there's not outage going on. I would drop from 4-3 bars, to 2-1 bars, then 0 bars(though I tend to still get data at 0 bars); then there's also the dropping calls and 3G to 1X switching. I wonder if certain parts of the island get less issues than the rest.

I been in the havensight area all morning and I did experience the outage as well but since then everything has been pretty smooth including 3g speeds.

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Every single person in my family and 80% of my friends that lives in the VI uses att and they constantly remind me that the grass isn't greener on the their side every time I get frustrated and think about switching to them. They have just as many complaints as sprint customers do.



but i mean their update process..like how was theirs successful and sprint is still struggling?
Correct me if im wrong but I think At&t already had the backhaul in place because they used HSPA+. I know it is extremely frustrating guys but you will get LTE soon, because it is a fact they are working on it and even the press knows. They probably dont want bad publicity so they will get it done as fast as possible. Many states and major cities still havent started NV. Just hold on guys you wont regret it. post-4308-13724536484502_thumb.jpg


Tower on top of the First Bank in Guaynabo near Tintillo.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Edited by egonadrian
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