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HORRID 3G speeds in NE Philadelphia.


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I get REALLY bad 3G speeds at the bar I go to all the time. The thing is, the towers are right in the next parking lot and I have FULL bars. I cannot WAIT until NV hits this area!




Here are a few shots taken with the phone exactly where I was standing while running the speed test. Srry for them being sideways, no time to flip them!!





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I get REALLY bad 3G speeds at the bar I go to all the time. The thing is, the towers are right in the next parking lot and I have FULL bars. I cannot WAIT until NV hits this area!




Here are a few shots taken with the phone exactly where I was standing while running the speed test. Srry for them being sideways, no time to flip them!!





I've heard things about it being because of the phone itself...especially the iPhone..don't qoute me on that


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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That is all I ever get....just did two speed tests here in Bushnell FL and got a 0.14 mps down and 0.17mbps down.

I called sprint today and was once again told that it is my iphone and there network is performing to there standards.

I am going to switch to t-Mobile as soon as their unlimited plan is active. I am completely tired of sprints crappy customer service

and there under engineered network.

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