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Network Vision/LTE - Columbus Market


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The tower at Norton road and Brandenberry, right by Sullivant avenue, behind the car wash, has had boxes piling up inside the fence. I drove by earlier today and there were a LOT of changes. For this site, the top platform (for lack of a better term), had sprint equipment on it. Now however, the platform below that has new antennas and whatnot on it, both platforms have long wires hanging from them. I haven't seen anyone there, but obviously there is work being done. Is it uncommon for sprint to install antennas on two different platforms or is it safe to assume that the work being done is not sprint?

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The tower at Norton road and Brandenberry, right by Sullivant avenue, behind the car wash, has had boxes piling up inside the fence. I drove by earlier today and there were a LOT of changes. For this site, the top platform (for lack of a better term), had sprint equipment on it. Now however, the platform below that has new antennas and whatnot on it, both platforms have long wires hanging from them. I haven't seen anyone there, but obviously there is work being done. Is it uncommon for sprint to install antennas on two different platforms or is it safe to assume that the work being done is not sprint?

If I remember correctly, top of the tower was Clearwire and bottom rack was Sprint. I can check it out Monday if no one else can, or if you can sneak some pictures.

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If you could check it out that would be amazing. My camera app on my gs3 doesn't like me, and I usually only go by there on the way to work. Just trying to do what I can to be helpful here. I'm not even sure what to look for exactly lol.

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If you could check it out that would be amazing. My camera app on my gs3 doesn't like me, and I usually only go by there on the way to work. Just trying to do what I can to be helpful here. I'm not even sure what to look for exactly lol.

Once you see it, you'll know. unfortunately until certain parts of construction are done, it could be anybody unless its obviously a Sprint rack being worked on. T-mobile is doing rollouts at the same time. This is where pics come in handy as we can clue you in if need be.

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Think I have my own VOIP option working. Works great on WiFi, better than the airave at the moment. Curious ignition works over 3G, if so then I shall be fat, dumb and happy. Really bad sprint service today. Sick of it.

If I wasn't on SERO, I would be using Republic Wireless in a heartbeat. VoIP WiFi calling eliminates needing an Airave or having good coverage. And Sprint works OK when I'm on most major roads to be used as a "backup".
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If I wasn't on SERO, I would be using Republic Wireless in a heartbeat. VoIP WiFi calling eliminates needing an Airave or having good coverage. And Sprint works OK when I'm on most major roads to be used as a "backup".


I used the Sprint/Google Voice integration so that all my SMS and voicemail works with Google. Then I used the SIP-Droid app to create a new PBXES.ORG account and do all the integration setup with Google Voice. At that point I am able to do SMS/MMS or WiFi and voice calls over SIP/VOIP. I don't like the extra effort to use SIP-Droid so I installed C-SIP SImple, logged into PBXES and created another extension. CSIP logs into that extension and pretty much takes over the dialer function, I just pull the status bar down, click on CSIP and make a call. Incoming calls I think are routing through it too. All my minutes are then routing through PBXES, there's 2000 minutes free per month. 


Here's the cool thing, if I want a home phone tied into my cell then I get one of those Linksys SPA2100 adapters, program it up as an extension to PBXES, plug in a phone and now outgoing calls are from my cell number and incoming calls to my cell can be answered at my home extension or cell, either one.


Word of caution, PBXES will cause a security alert on your Google account. You need to go into your Google account/security settings and authorize it. After I did that I even had to go change my Google password before it all worked. Minor hiccup. I still need to try this over 3G. If it works on 3G then I'll post it in the main thread. There's enough desire for simultaneous voice/data usage here.




Just tried it over 3G via airave. My outgoing sounded great, other side to me was less than exciting. :/ Maybe some codec changes can be done.

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Hudson and Cleveland ave. don't know if it's sprints tower but it looks like new equipment on the ground. 2 cabinets.


The site isn't Sprint unless it's a brand new site.

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If you could check it out that would be amazing. My camera app on my gs3 doesn't like me, and I usually only go by there on the way to work. Just trying to do what I can to be helpful here. I'm not even sure what to look for exactly lol.



Good catch - bottom rack is Sprint being actively worked on.  You can see the RRHs very easy there.  Top rack is Clearwire - interesting they had a cable attached to it as well.. Maybe doing something to it at the same time?

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2 serving cells in Polaris area. 305 and 405. 405 is strong -82 in mall parking lot

Check Wendy's on Polaris Pkwy.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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Good catch - bottom rack is Sprint being actively worked on.  You can see the RRHs very easy there.  Top rack is Clearwire - interesting they had a cable attached to it as well.. Maybe doing something to it at the same time?


I've seen them attach the hoist line to the rack overhead many times even though it leased by a different company than what is being worked on.  Just makes things easier to pull up since the equipment comes right up to your level and you don't need a gin pole. 

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I've seen them attach the hoist line to the rack overhead many times even though it leased by a different company than what is being worked on. Just makes things easier to pull up since the equipment comes right up to your level and you don't need a gin pole.

You beat me to it. Easier to hoist things above you then bending down pulling things up.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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I've seen them attach the hoist line to the rack overhead many times even though it leased by a different company than what is being worked on.  Just makes things easier to pull up since the equipment comes right up to your level and you don't need a gin pole. 


That makes sense... Out of curiosity, how the heck do they get that equipment up to the racks anyway?  Simple as hoisting it up?  I'm assuming those antenna panels and RRHs aren't very light!

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That makes sense... Out of curiosity, how the heck do they get that equipment up to the racks anyway?  Simple as hoisting it up?  I'm assuming those antenna panels and RRHs aren't very light!


They are about 50 lbs a piece give or take.  They pull up a line from the winch truck.  Run it through the pulley from the rack above or mount a gin pole with a pulley if they are on the top rack.  All cake from there...

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My Evo LTE is doing the 1XRTT/EV-DO Rev A thing again. I'm assuming it's my phone because it also refuses to pickup LTE. PRL is 25016. Pretty sure I'm going to ditch the Evo LTE and get a Nexus 5 for Christmas. My contract isn't up until June 2014, though. I just pay the activation fee with Sprint and I'm good to go, right?

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I can't map shit but can offer this...


Headed east on Polaris towards rt 3. Held 5 bars to Cleveland ave then dropped off to 2 by the time I hit the new ohio health complex. Back up the hill to Meijer and was at 4 bars. Turned north on rt 3 and it fell of sharply. 1/4 mile up rt 3 was down to 1. Then back to 3G.


Getting better up this side of Cbus!

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