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Network Vision/LTE - New York City Market


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i was just browsing through http://www.clear.com/coverage and all the towers for wimax 4g is also a sprint site. they have towers exactly where sprint has towers for at least for flushing and LIC in queens. does this mean if you have had good wimax 4g service, you will have better LTE signal since it uses lower frequency than wimax?


Not necessarily, the best way to gauge your LTE signal roughly is by comparing it to your EVDO signal

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I fail to see what is wrong with posting a speed test. First of all this was MY thread about a specific site that was hijacked and turned into the "New York City Market" thread some time ago. ~whatever~. So if I wanna post a speed test, I'll post a speed test!


Second of all, I, and I'm sure many others, would like to know what the LTE speeds are like in New York so far. You're ignorant if you think the way Sprint's network is performing in other places in the country would be the same as here. There is no other place in the country like Manhattan in terms of cell site density, number of people, etc. New York City is SPECIAL. Oh and also the center of the universe, don't forget that.


There isn't anything inherently wrong with speedtest screen shots, just the huge full res ones. Not that difficult to downscale and upload.

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i was just browsing through http://www.clear.com/coverage and all the towers for wimax 4g is also a sprint site. they have towers exactly where sprint has towers for at least for flushing and LIC in queens. does this mean if you have had good wimax 4g service, you will have better LTE signal since it uses lower frequency than wimax?


Hey that map from what I can see is accurate. I would assume that the signal strength will be the the same once its completed.. my signal has been weak as far as 4g LTE because i Know the lte towers have been pretty widespread but once done it should improve. Only one tower out of the 4 in my direct area has 4g LTE live so the signal strengh is poor in my apartment but it should get better

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Hey that map from what I can see is accurate. I would assume that the signal strength will be the the same once its completed.. my signal has been weak as far as 4g LTE because i Know the lte towers have been pretty widespread but once done it should improve. Only one tower out of the 4 in my direct area has 4g LTE live so the signal strengh is poor in my apartment but it should get better

There are less wimax towers than sprint towers but existing location of all wimax towers are all sprint tower locations as far as the maps are being concerned

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In other news PAGE 100 w00t! :tu:

It was about a good 130 pages but with all the crap and off topic posts that were removed it got reduced down alot.


Can you please just relax and stay on topic?



Wow just got back and all this!

I know.


There isn't anything inherently wrong with speedtest screen shots, just the huge full res ones. Not that difficult to downscale and upload.

I'll get back to this in a bit.


Its amazing, but after several posts by the staff to keep things on topic and even given out a few infractions it seems that the point just doesn't get across. Its getting to the point that we will have to take even more drastic measures and if it hurts a few members feelings by removing more posts or 1 day or more bans, then so be it. The nonsense has to stop. And by nonsense it includes the following...

  • No slang posts.
    This is not the neighborhood hangout where one can talk in slang. This is a forum with highly skilled members that seek and partake in discussions that need to be read, understood and expressed in a clear cut postings without trying to decipher through slang words.
  • Do not argue with staff members.
    If you don't know who they are, see here., this includes writers and Facebook mods.Discussing and debating is acceptable but when it crosses the line and becomes argumentative, it then becomes unacceptable and not community like. If you disagree with any of the decisions, posts made by said staff member, feel free to express your thoughts via the private message system or via email to the staff member or admin. Arguing and fighting staff member out in the open will not look favorably.
  • Stay on topic.
    I know this is hard but do try.
  • Reduce the back to back posts.
    There is an edit button for a reason. If you come back to the thread and see no posts after yours and feel like adding more then edit the post and add to it.
  • Screentests.
    Personally don't see anything wrong with posting them, but please take the liberty of reducing their size.

So please, lets work together to make the thread as well as the forum run smoothly and be enjoyable for all. Otherwise it will lead down the path to another closure or worse infractions.



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Okee Dokee folks....I got 4G LTE signal in my house right now in the Throggsneck section of the BX tonight. I even got to do a Sensorly map inside. I went outside ad had a -78dbm and got 16.584mb down and 8.099mb up with 40ms ping. Inside I get a weak -99dbm. Just like that it disappeared and went back to 3G.

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Thanks TS. My thoughts exactly. I appreciate you eloquating it so clearly.


Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk



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[*]No slang posts.

This is not the neighborhood hangout where one can talk in slang. This is a forum with highly skilled members that seek and partake in discussions that need to be read, understood and expressed in a clear cut postings without trying to decipher through slang words.

[*]Do not argue with staff members.

If you don't know who they are, see here


Lol why do I feel like these first to are being said directly to me . If you guy don't like my slang then sorry its just the way I type , its only for Convenience tho , and if you guys don't understand something *which most of the time im sure you do* the just ask .

Edited by IsaiahL
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Well I feel I can chime in this a lil bit and get on topic. Hey bro ts and rob is right. I'm from the westside of Chicago and we got our own slang different than anybody but I still can talk/type like I want but have the knowledge and vocab to get my words across to a wider board not just my guys on the block lol. Bottom line they only trying to help u bro haha and yeah whoever told u that info bogas. Us(Chicago) is way smaller size wise to NY and we still arent complete with nv yet and us and PR is the most far along. Give or take end of year.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2



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Well I feel I can chime in this a lil bit and get on topic. Hey bro ts and rob is right. I'm from the westside of Chicago and we got our own slang different than anybody but I still can talk/type like I want but have the knowledge and vocab to get my words across to a wider board not just my guys on the block lol. Bottom line they only trying to help u bro haha and yeah whoever told u that info bogas. Us(Chicago) is way smaller size wise to NY and we still arent complete with nv yet and us and PR is the most far along. Give or take end of year.


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus rockin 4.2.2 using Tapatalk 2


Okay .

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I feel you guys just need to be patient. I personally bought my phone to "TALK" to people and now surfing the web is a bonus feature that I will enjoy. For the plan that Sprint offers if they maintain their promise it is well worth waiting for them to get this system up and running before belly aching.


All the chatter not related to speed, and most importantly signal strength at a certain location should be kept at a minimum, There is nothing wrong with slang from time to time when making a point, but I feel that you should try to use the "ENGLISH" language in its proper context. Personally when I hear slang used it usually let's me know the educational level of the person that I am speaking with.


Might I just say before any one goes there as a "African American" male in business I can tell you that improper use of the English language will stop you from being taken serious or even being considered intelligent! Street language should be kept in the street IMHO! Mellimel you summed it up up with your statement, because that is how it should be.


Back on topic.....I am getting 4g signal when I step out side, and when I come back inside it does not maintain a 4g signal andwill switch to 3G. Throggsneck, Swinton Avenue, Sampson Avenue, and Tremont Avenue

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The bottom line is...if we cannot understand you, we cannot communicate with you.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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I think we'll see more reports of exactly that, where you have good LTE signal on the street, but it will revert once you're indoors. Keep in mind that the network isn't optimized yet, and until the entire cluster goes live, you'll see issues like that.

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This should hopefully help clear up the confusion from some members here with the launch market theroy..As stated before the launch is just an official press release. This was taken from a sponsor in Chicago with inside info from December. Chicago was launched in December.



Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:59 PM

~75% of the Chicago market towers have received NV upgrades of some kind, either 3G, 800 SMR, or LTE.

~45% of Chicago towers have had LTE upgrades.

~25% of Chicago towers have 800 SMR upgrades.


This information is from mid-December, so the numbers may be slightly higher than that now.



So in conclusion sprint will launch the market with a press release once enough sites have been enhanced but that doesn't mean that LTE will magically appear everywhere or get stronger instantly until most clusters are upgraded..


I recommend instead of posting hear say and speculation just read the other forums and RESEARCH. You can learn a lot from reading through this site..Me personally im more excited about the 800mhz switch for voice which will greatly enhance where we can get service on our phones and how strong the signals will be indoors. internet on my phone is bonus and it works well enough for me in the meantime.


I will post some pictures tonight of my newly upgrade NV panels on my roof. There are about 15 panels up there and it was completed over a week ago and still no LTE or faster 3g but that is expected.

Edited by TonyStylesNYC
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This should hopefully help clear up the confusion from some members here with the launch market theroy..As stated before the launch is just an official press release. This was taken from a sponsor in Chicago with inside info from December. Chicago was launched in December.



Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:59 PM

~75% of the Chicago market towers have received NV upgrades of some kind, either 3G, 800 SMR, or LTE.

~45% of Chicago towers have had LTE upgrades.

~25% of Chicago towers have 800 SMR upgrades.


This information is from mid-December, so the numbers may be slightly higher than that now.



So in conclusion sprint will launch the market with a press release once enough sites have been enhanced but that doesn't mean that LTE will magically appear everywhere or get stronger instantly until most clusters are upgraded..


I recommend instead of posting hear say and speculation just read the other forums and RESEARCH. You can learn a lot from reading through this site..Me personally im more excited about the 800mhz switch for voice which will greatly enhance where we can get service on our phones and how strong the signals will be indoors. internet on my phone is bonus and it works well enough for me in the meantime.


I will post some pictures tonight of my newly upgrade NV panels on my roof. There are about 15 panels up there and it was completed over a week ago and still no LTE or faster 3g but that is expected.


If the panels are directly over your head, I'm curious if your phone would even connect to them, or pick up another tower nearby.

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If the panels are directly over your head, I'm curious if your phone would even connect to them, or pick up another tower nearby.


Is there an app i can download (android) that will show which tower i am connected to? I tried one in the past but it didn't work. I assume that it will connect to another tower that is two blocks away when i'm in my apartment tho. I will do a signal strength test later as well.

Edited by TonyStylesNYC
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Is there an app i can download (android) that will show which tower i am connected to? I tried one in the past but it didn't work. I assume that it will connect to another tower that is two blocks away when i'm in my apartment tho. I will do a signal strength test later as well.

I had tried Signal Finder but have switched to OpenSignal.

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Is there an app i can download (android) that will show which tower i am connected to? I tried one in the past but it didn't work. I assume that it will connect to another tower that is two blocks away when i'm in my apartment tho. I will do a signal strength test later as well.


Take those apps with a grain of salt. They only attempt to show your 1X connected site. Some areas it works, I've never seen it work in my area. The only way is leg work and using your debug screens to figure out your site.

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I had tried Signal Finder but have switched to OpenSignal.


Yeah open signal is the one that is unresponsive on my evo lte but ill try signal finder.


Take those apps with a grain of salt. They only attempt to show your 1X connected site. Some areas it works, I've never seen it work in my area. The only way is leg work and using your debug screens to figure out your site.


Yeah agreed...Will do the legwork and see if im indeed connecting to my tower on my building..I can say my voice service works well in my apartment (all bars and even on the elevator) so i very well may be on that signal.

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How far down tremont? It's been fine around Grand Concourse up to University as far as I know.


The area he is talking about is in Throggs Neck which is no where near the Grand Concourse. Happy to hear Throggs Neck is starting to see it appear, this part of the Bronx has not seen much action at all yet.

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The area he is talking about is in Throggs Neck which is no where near the Grand Concourse. Happy to hear Throggs Neck is starting to see it appear, this part of the Bronx has not seen much action at all yet.


That's true however towards the Hutchinson Parkway signal was good to go for some time. Now going towards Maritime College the signal is picking up.

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Yeah agreed...Will do the legwork and see if im indeed connecting to my tower on my building..I can say my voice service works well in my apartment (all bars and even on the elevator) so i very well may be on that signal.


Ok that's good.

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