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Sprint to offload Commercial Airaves at your work and favorite destinations


by Robert Herron
Sprint 4G Rollout Updates
Monday, November 14, 2011 - 12:36 PM MST


Many Sprint customers are all too familiar with personal at-home femtocells called "Airaves." These plug and play devices connect to your home router and use your internet service to provide extended 1x Voice and 3G EVDO data services in your home. These are great for folks who live at the edge of service or live in subterranean homes. Or like many here in New Mexico, people that live in adobe.

But now, Sprint is working with AirWalk Communications to create a commercial Airave product, designed to be deployed in offices, schools, government buildings, stores and shopping malls, etc. All of those public places that just don't have very good Sprint reception, or need additional capacity.

The new Airave Pro Connect allows up to 32 simultaneous data users and 29 voice users on 1xRTT and 3G EVDO-A. No word yet on where and how Sprint will plan to deploy these. However, it appears that Sprint's network manager, Ericsson will be deploying and installing them.

I can think of 36,214 places they can start with tomorrow!


Source: FierceWireless, Sprint


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