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Yeehaw! Austin is moving up to the First Round of Sprint Network Vision/LTE Deployment with some sites already live!




Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Update

Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 10:30 AM MDT


BREAKING NEWS and a S4GRU.com EXCLUSIVE...We have some good news for y'all in the Heart of the Lone Star State! Sprint's Austin market is now confirmed to be in the First Round of Network Vision/LTE deployment.


Austin was originally slated to be in the beginning of the Second Round of deployment. However, since the original Network Vision schedules were compiled back in October 2011, Austin has apparently been moved up. Ericsson is the Network Vision OEM Contractor that oversees the Austin market. Ericsson has created a 4G LTE FIT (field testing area) within the Austin market just south of the city of Waco.


It now appears that Ericsson and its subcontractors are rolling right out of this 4G LTE FIT and right into full scale deployment. In the latest Network Vision schedules obtained, Ericsson will be deploying a total of 19 sites within the FIT area. Starting in April they will continue deployment steadily across the market.


Phased for your LTE enjoyment


The Austin market deployment is now made up of two phases. The first phase is scheduled to run into July 2012. It's at the end of Phase 1 that Sprint will come out and announce that the Austin market is live! Phase 1 includes approximately 50% of all the sites that will receive Network Vision and LTE upgrades. Phase 2 will continue immediately after the conclusion of Phase 1 until the entire markets completes around the end of October.

gallery_1_1_63222.jpgLive Network Vision sites - Austin market. There are six sites currently live in the Austin market in the Waco 4G LTE FIT.


There are already six sites live in the Waco FIT area (shown in the map above). These are reported to have full Network Vision upgrades including 4G LTE already operating. Granted, that LTE is unusable to Sprint customers at the moment, as there currently aren't any Sprint 4G LTE devices on the market. Although we have reported that will change soon with the releases of the Galaxy Nexus and LG Viper that are anticipated on April 15th.


You won't need to wait until launch to enjoy some early LTE goodness


Even though the formal launch of the Austin market is not anticipated until July 2012, Sprint is planning to allow all of its customers who do buy LTE devices the ability to use the LTE service prior to market launch, should they find themselves in an area with LTE coverage. Sprint plans to instruct its sales and customer service channels that customers may discover LTE in their market prior to launch, but it is not "optimized" for use until formal launch announcement. However they will be encouraged to use their LTE, but with the caveat that LTE services in their area are not supported until formal launch. In other words, don't call and complain to them if it goes down!


In the Austin market, there is anticipated to be 35 sites live when LTE devices are expected to go on sale. And there will be over 200 sites live when the market is formally launched in June. So there will be several months of unofficial LTE sites coming live across the market. If you live in the Austin market and are one of the early LTE device buyers, you will need to scan for a LTE signal every couple of days. Because that 4G LTE signal could just jump out at you at any moment! Unofficially, of course! ;)




Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


Source: The information for all of our Network Vision information has been freely provided by several sources close to the Network Vision program who choose to remain anonymous. No source information will be released to protect anonymity.

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thanks for the response, so no map for *planned* 4G sites (at least for austin)? only maps for completed NV sites (and their type of upgrade) TIA


This map here shows all the Network Vision/LTE sites that will occur in the Austin market: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/577-network-vision-site-map-dfw-austin-and-west-texas/ It is only visible to S4GRU Sponsors.


There is also a Austin NV Schedule Map in this forum: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/forum/38-s4gru-premier-sponsors-forum/ But it is only visible to Premier Sponsors.


For information about Sponsor Membership levels, you can follow this link: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/page/index.html/_/announcements/s4gru-member-ranks-and-groups-r20



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thanks again Robert, final question, how can I tell what type of upgrade each point is? I am looking for LTE towers in the central Austin Area, but cant make heads or tails of all those codes or what the RF switch numbers means. TIA.


There is a Dallas LTE tower map, but I cant find one (or any of the points) for Austin.

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thanks again Robert, final question, how can I tell what type of upgrade each point is? I am looking for LTE towers in the central Austin Area, but cant make heads or tails of all those codes or what the RF switch numbers means. TIA.There is a Dallas LTE tower map, but I cant find one (or any of the points) for Austin.


The maps show every single site that will get Network Vision/LTE upgrades. It will receive LTE if it is on the Austin map. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/577-network-vision-site-map-dfw-austin-and-west-texas/


The Dallas map you are referring to is a live LTE coverage map. Since there are no live sites in Austin yet to date, there is no LTE Live Coverage map for that market. There is one for Waco, though.



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Do you know when towers AU33XC203, SA14XC082, & AU54XC216 in Austin are scheduled to be upgraded?





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