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    samsung galaxy s3
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Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. @g_the_de @chrislhayes Well, there was a decent space of time between losing him and the The releasing of the album… https://t.co/C4SNJBeDDZ

  2. @iversion @casualhexes @kfergyferg3 @NoahJSnyder @mikemuon @mattyglesias Yeah, it was needless. Smearing one after… https://t.co/RLDX4HSWRk

  3. @shadihamid Should Clinton have intervened in the Congo Civil War in the 90s? Millions died as a result of that war.

  4. @TheStalwart @michaelbd False dichotomy

  5. @marion_ohio But if the insurgents could maintain the same level of support without small arms (which is entirely p… https://t.co/2bfyImX2Kh

  6. @marion_ohio @JamesSurowiecki @HeerJeet "no wants to rule over ashes." so then it isn't really about firepower is it.

  7. @Celticlassy10 @TM_Huffman @ExumAM At the high school or middle school level? Show me peer-reviewed papers on that… https://t.co/o6BWJTBk18

  8. @clouspringer @EsotericCD I get that, but that is really hard to do with these artificial things we call districts.

  9. @C_Garthwaite Impossible question for Twitter, but figured I’d give it a shot: what policy proposals would you recommend?

  10. @DenisonBe @DanielLarison You should write something

  11. @VelvetxTwist @DougKyed That's the point. It's definitely not clear.

  12. @YardsPerPass Cosign spy. As a coach, doesn't often work the way it seems like it should. The field is big.

  13. @YardsPerPass Yeah, the problem is Tyrod here. Can't let option man slow play it.

  14. @Ali_H_Soufan Genuine question: wasn't one of your original reasons for going after the proto-state b/c it would reduce global attacks?

  15. @CTIronman @michaelbd @charlescwcooke No, but there was a successful economic boycott going on administered by the… https://t.co/hUS7k6LAcc

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