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GMO Site Issues

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Has anyone else with GMO sites in their area found that they have issues connecting to them? Specifically 3G data not connecting? If so have you found that this is something Sprint can correct, like the sites aren't configured correctly or something, or is this just the nature of GMO sites and the way they will be until they get converted to full builds?


For example, in my area there are some GMO sites outside of the current LTE footprint. When entering one of these areas my phone has the hardest time connecting to them. voice usually connects fairly quickly but it will sit there anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes or more trying to connect to 3G. usually it gives up and just sticks me on 1xRTT, but sometimes even that doesn't always connect, ie the "3G" icon never shows up and i don't have any data what so ever until it does.


and its not just my phone (LG G Flex), it happens on my wife's and my brother's iphone 5's as well. doing airplane mode doesn't really seem to help, it just starts the cycle over of trying to connect to 3G. this is also with good signals, -85dbm or better, that it still does this.


so if anyone has had issues like this and has had success getting them fixed please let me know what it took :)

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No issues in Columbus, besides it being a 3G Only GMO. They added GMOs temporarily to get our market up, that they're going back and upgrading to full builds now.

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No issues in Columbus, besides it being a 3G Only GMO. They added GMOs temporarily to get our market up, that they're going back and upgrading to full builds now.


Have you gotten word they are going back and upgrading the GMOs in your market (or others)?  So far, I see no sign of that here in my market -- but have hope since I live in the middle of a three-pack of GMOs...

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Have you gotten word they are going back and upgrading the GMOs in your market (or others)? So far, I see no sign of that here in my market -- but have hope since I live in the middle of a three-pack of GMOs...

We've seen two things in our market.

  • Sites that were determined to be GMOs prior to work starting go straight from Legacy to Full Build sites, 1900 and 800 RRHs mounted with Antenna.
  • Sites planned to be Full Builds made temporary GMOs, 1900 RRHs only, due to constraints of sometype. Powerline sites, flag poles and other stealth sites. These sites were made temporary GMOs because someone got their ass handed to them for the delay in Columbus and they knew they had to get all voice to NV with the backhaul supported 3G data.

We have not seen sites that were predetermined GMO and NV set up as GMO being converted to Full Builds yet.

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The GMOs here in Springfield are broadcasting NV 3G and LTE, don't have any complaints about them except that they don't have 800 LTE. Get 1-2Mbps down on the 3G side.


Sent from my LG G3

Those new network edges created with the no 800 are a pain. Not as bad as the 3g only GMO's but nevertheless the one by house caused me to shut down the wife getting a triband device. That 800 network edge made the triband device on 3g most the time in the area and being a single evdo carrier it was slow.
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Has anyone else with GMO sites in their area found that they have issues connecting to them? Specifically 3G data not connecting? If so have you found that this is something Sprint can correct, like the sites aren't configured correctly or something, or is this just the nature of GMO sites and the way they will be until they get converted to full builds?


For example, in my area there are some GMO sites outside of the current LTE footprint. When entering one of these areas my phone has the hardest time connecting to them. voice usually connects fairly quickly but it will sit there anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes or more trying to connect to 3G. usually it gives up and just sticks me on 1xRTT, but sometimes even that doesn't always connect, ie the "3G" icon never shows up and i don't have any data what so ever until it does.


and its not just my phone (LG G Flex), it happens on my wife's and my brother's iphone 5's as well. doing airplane mode doesn't really seem to help, it just starts the cycle over of trying to connect to 3G. this is also with good signals, -85dbm or better, that it still does this.


so if anyone has had issues like this and has had success getting them fixed please let me know what it took :)

I've had it happen. When I get kicked to the 3g GMOs my phone (nexus 5) will often not connect to data. It will show the 3g icon but not throughput any data.
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thanks all for the replies! while its good to know i'm not the only one having issues with them, it sucks that apparently nothing can be done about it :(


none of the GMOs that were supposed to be GMOs around here have been converted yet. the "surprise" GMOs that got installed that way initially due to other reasons they have started to slowly go back and convert those. the bad thing is all the surprise ones are already in the LTE footprint, so they don't really cause any issues, its the ones outside the footprint where you don't have LTE and need 3G to fallback on and you can't that are killing service around here. Also none of the GMOs are broadcasting LTE, and I know at least 1 of them had fiber run to it over a year ago now, so i'm sure the rest of them have fiber to, they are just waiting until they get converted to turn LTE on for some reason.

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  • 1 year later...

July 2016 still no gmos upgrades in delaware


No work here either. I know it's worse for areas with a ton of them, but they really disqualify Sprint as a competitor for a lot of people that live around me and are affected by a couple specific ones.


I'm not gonna argue that Sprint should halt everything to fix all the GMOs because they have to move forward on everything to survive. And I know straggler sites are inevitable. But really, GMOs are in some ways worse than a coverage gap because they can really screw up all surrounding sectors and obviously the 3G fallback to the GMO itself is usually worse than Verizon 1x roaming. So I would think that they'd be a bigger priority. Or at least enough to warrant a semi-permanent COW in areas where the network is otherwise OK. Or a project to get LTE live on all of them. (Yeah I know GMO LTE is painfully awful; I live next to one and have been dealing with it for about two and a half years now. But it's still a huge network capacity boost vs the one or two EVDO carriers the 3G GMO sites currently have and I would think limited range LTE for offloading is better than nothing, even when it's SISO. That's still over 15mbps of extra capacity compared to the 3 or 6 mbps you got from EVDO. Especially since the "we're not gonna bother with GMO LTE because we're gonna come back and make it a full build" stuff never happened and it looks like GMOs are stuck with whatever antennas are up there for the rest of time. But hey, I'm not an engineer.)

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No work here either. I know it's worse for areas with a ton of them, but they really disqualify Sprint as a competitor for a lot of people that live around me and are affected by a couple specific ones.


I'm not gonna argue that Sprint should halt everything to fix all the GMOs because they have to move forward on everything to survive. And I know straggler sites are inevitable. But really, GMOs are in some ways worse than a coverage gap because they can really screw up all surrounding sectors and obviously the 3G fallback to the GMO itself is usually worse than Verizon 1x roaming. So I would think that they'd be a bigger priority. Or at least enough to warrant a semi-permanent COW in areas where the network is otherwise OK. Or a project to get LTE live on all of them. (Yeah I know GMO LTE is painfully awful; I live next to one and have been dealing with it for about two and a half years now. But it's still a huge network capacity boost vs the one or two EVDO carriers the 3G GMO sites currently have and I would think limited range LTE for offloading is better than nothing, even when it's SISO. That's still over 15mbps of extra capacity compared to the 3 or 6 mbps you got from EVDO. Especially since the "we're not gonna bother with GMO LTE because we're gonna come back and make it a full build" stuff never happened and it looks like GMOs are stuck with whatever antennas are up there for the rest of time. But hey, I'm not an engineer.)


they attempted to turn LTE on some of the GMO towers in my area about 4 months ago. It ended up making things worse when traveling to/from the areas covered by the GMO so they ended up turning LTE off on them. I had heard they were going to come do something to them in June but nothing every happened :(

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they attempted to turn LTE on some of the GMO towers in my area about 4 months ago. It ended up making things worse when traveling to/from the areas covered by the GMO so they ended up turning LTE off on them. I had heard they were going to come do something to them in June but nothing every happened :(


Well that sucks. I guess doing so brings the problems we see on the 3gpp2 side (bad 3G handoffs to/from GMOs) over to the 3gpp side. Damn. Well the rest of my points stand.

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They should just shutdown. Wasting a lot money on sites barely useable and no 800 voice. 1x does not travel very far for ones spaced out towers. Theres site in dagsboro de that wires hanging from anteena. 2 years danging. Spri t ne er goes those sites.

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they attempted to turn LTE on some of the GMO towers in my area about 4 months ago. It ended up making things worse when traveling to/from the areas covered by the GMO so they ended up turning LTE off on them. I had heard they were going to come do something to them in June but nothing every happened :(


There are different types of GMOs... depends on the legacy equipment. Ericsson markets have a number of GMOs with LTE. I have 6 of them in my city alone. LTE functions pretty well, and other than a lack of 2nd carrier and B26, don't really cause major issues. 

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