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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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  • Phones/Devices
    Galaxy S4
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    Tucson, AZ
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  1. I'll get SMR, I know I will, I'll pretend our data rates aren't sinking. And I'll tell myself I've got signal 'cause I'm the king of wishful thinking... Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  2. No, that really wasn't it. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  3. Lte around Tucson was atrocious tonight. Reminded me of the old days, except getting no data through a fiber backhauled 4g pipe is exponentially less acceptable. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  4. Nope! Nobody has managed to nail down a fiber install time here until now. This is a test case. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  5. Most of the sites in this market are Centurylink fiber backhaul. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  6. Looks like the Honolulu permits are finally starting to roll. Details in the sponsor permit thread. Viva Network Vision! (This does not mean LTE is coming, but does mean improved 3G is coming and the equipment for LTE will be on the towers waiting for fiber hookup.)
  7. Also remember, this market has no chance of getting 800 upgrades any time soon due to ibez. AlcaLu did not even install the 800 rrus. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  8. Just 3g 800. The lte 800 map is still premier. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  9. This I'd consider a partially real possibility. I only have permits for roughly half the work on Kauai, and the rest seems to be in less populated areas. It wouldn't surprise me at all if those sites I didn't catch permits for are all non-permit GMOs. Similarly, I haven't seen a permit application roll in Honolulu in a very very long time. Perhaps they've applied for everything they plan on full-building in round 1, and the rest are slated for GMO. If they finish the GMOs they've planned, have the hardware laying around for many more sites, and have idle contractors, they could start rolling all the final equipment minus antennas out to the sites, GMO them, spool up the excess hybriflex so it's ready to go up the tower as soon as they have permits, and move on to the next. But then, this would be *additional* effort. And it's Hawaii. So probably not.
  10. Oddly I have not found this to be the case. Dates for resubmits and decisions on them churn regularly, for the very few permits the contractor is actively working on. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
  11. On a less somber-reality-check note: That's a freaking neat tool! If it were telling the truth I'd think everyone should be able to look that up on their sprint.com account. Even without the accurate upgrade forecast I'd love to know what percentage of time I spend connected to my 5 most frequently used towers.
  12. That poor pic deserves a redo, btw.. I checked into all of these. 4 of them are nowhere near having permits, ain't gonna happen. 1 is on federal land which only leaves it as a giant question mark. (So far, federal land sites have been on both sides of the spectrum in my observations. Some get done very quickly, like the iDEN conversion on Pearl... others seem to be getting left for last) If anyone wants anything more specific than that, please feel free to bring this up in a sponsor thread
  13. There's certainly stuff AlcaLu can be doing. There are a few sites with non-Honolulu permit authority that I can't track and may be easier to get permits/permission for (state/federal land, etc), and there are actually a couple permits for Honolulu that have been issued (a couple. two. since this all started last march.) The tower in question, however... having a permit issued in the time they're hoping for is practically laughable. If they throw the gear on the tower illegally I believe it'll get done on their supposed timetable.
  14. Little something I posted in the sponsor permit thread a while back, I think needs to get posted here too: Rumors in sprint stores aren't terribly reliable... I don't know how many times that's been pointed out and proven on these boards. 1) Sprint (vendors,contractors,etc) can't do upgrades without permits. 2) Sprint doesn't have permits. 3) Sprint doesn't know when they'll get permits, as this is up to the government and not them. 1+2) Sprint can't do upgrades. 1+3) Sprint doesn't know when they'll be able to do upgrades. You can start dancing when the permits start rolling. Until the permits start rolling, unless you have reliable information from the government, speculation is not advisable.
  15. Persons with access to Glance and other Sprint tools can probably get this information (an actively in-progress tower gets ticketed, afaik), however us mere mortals are stuck with visual observations.
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