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I still don't get it...


Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Then why not just get the app, join the group and ask instead of saying you just don't get it. Doesn't hurt to try. I mean you had to walk at some point in your life while growing up.
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Then why not just get the app, join the group and ask instead of saying you just don't get it. Doesn't hurt to try. I mean you had to walk at some point in your life while growing up.


I think with all the hours I have spent explaining things to all of you over the years, someone can take a moment and explain something to me.



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Your question is a little vaige with out a little more detail. Saying something like I just don't get it. Without expanding on that premise.



It is your choice if you want to try it or not, but to say you don't like it or it sucks with out even trying is a cop out. Quite a few group chat apps want access to your address book in your phone in which some people don't want there number given out to just anyone one. Even though you blocked out someone from your chat app that requires a phone number, they can still text you, call you. Block of a pin on BBM, that is the end of it. No more harassing person to hear from. Don't want to hear anything, have some downtime from group chat, just leave and then join back in later. Turn off notifications add you wish and all receive messages when you check in on BBM.

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I think with all the hours I have spent explaining things to all of you over the years, someone can take a moment and explain something to me.



It's a chat group that doesn't include any personal information if you choose not to. You can post pictures, we even have a list of rules about the group. Despite what people may tell you, it's a very well built/designed messaging app.

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I still don't get it...


Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

It's just somewhere to have random, real-time conversations, share pics, etc. without cluttering up S4GRU.com.


Plus as was mentioned, it doesn't require revealing phone numbers, email address or any other personal info, just a random BlackBerry generated pin.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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