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Wifi & Bluetooth


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Sorry if this is a topic brought up before, but I have a question regarding using bluetooth and WiFi simultaneously.


On my Note 2, I've noticed that if I'm streaming music to my Jambox, the Wifi connection becomes extremely unstable. Sometimes it disconnects, but it always gives me a much lower throughput (1.8 Mb/s Vs. 25-30) when connected. Once I disable bluetooth it works perfectly fine again. I didn't notice this on my iPhone 5.


Question is this: Does bluetooth operate on 2.4GHz like my wireless router? If so, would it be obvious to deduce that using bluetooth and Wifi at the same time causes interference?


I may just need to invest in a 5Ghz "N" router if need be.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



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Bluetooth does operate on the 2.4GHz frequency. It also usually uses the same antenna in the device. My semi-educated guess would be that the fact the same antenna is used is causing this issue. It may be an inherent design fault of the antenna/chip used in the device. I haven't noticed a different in WiFi throughput on my GS3, and I have my Pebble constantly paired through BT 24/7.


I also have a 802.11n router, but it only operates at 2.4GHz.

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Interesting I wonder if the WiFi signal is weak enough to allow interference to be an issue.


Also wonder if the Exynos SOC in the Note is designed as such that this is problematic vs. the Snapdragon SOC on the GS3


Bluetooth off:



Bluetooth on and streaming:



Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

Edited by fuunkychicken
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It's just interference, I have had this issue happen to every device I have owned. I run my home network on 5ghz and don't have that issue anymore.

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